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The Bammo I Don't Know Wallet Dossier
by Bob Farmer

#1 Mentalism & Spiritism author
#2 Magic & Conjuring author
#3 Cards author
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The Bammo I Don't Know Wallet Dossier by Bob Farmer

The Bammo I Don't Know Wallet Dossier is the manuscript that comes with Tony Miller's IDK Wallet. At over 215 pages, the Dossier is the largest collection of wallet effects published to date. The wallet is expensive ($165) so when contemplating the purchase a reasonable person might want to know what exactly the wallet can do.

As an advanced version of the Himber, the Bendix Bombshell, the Sho-Gun and the Z-Fold wallets, it can do what any of those wallets can do and, conversely, those wallets can be used to accomplish some of the effects of the IDK Wallet. Accordingly, the Dossier is of interest to those who may have one of those wallets as well as those considering a purchase. Here are just some of the effects possible:

  • One, two or three signed cards (your choice) can appear within the wallet's sealed compartment without any palming or sleight of hand.
  • A signed card from a blue-backed deck appears in the wallet - but now with a red back.
  • Predict one or two selected cards (your choice) before they are selected.
  • Give the audience a chance to win your credit card under the fairest conditions possible but they fail (all under your control).
  • After the spectator shuffles his own deck - but before he selects a card with the deck in his own hands - you have predicted that card. A brand new idea, so extraordinary, dark powers may be involved.
  • Using poker chips, predict how much a spectator will bet and the card he will bet on.
  • Use Mephistophelian new methods for the Koran Deck and the Koran 1-0-1 Deck and take both to new levels of deception and enchantment.
  • Use a Ouija board to reveal a card or cards merely thought of.
  • With the assistance of a Voodoo Queen's photo, defy the laws of the universe and the forces controlling the roll of dice and predict a selected card.

1st edition 2023, updated 2024, PDF 229.
word count: 54084 which is equivalent to 216 standard pages of text