$4(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★★
This is a combination of Corinda's Step 6 of his 13-Steps to Mentalism on Billets, and Ralph Read's One Man Mind Reading Secrets.
Part One Technique
- Introduction
- A Few Simple Rules For Working with Billets
- The Centre Tear - Corinda Variation
- The Centre Tear - Punx - Meir Variation
- Centre Tear - One Hand Variation
- Centre Tear - Corinda's Backward Variation
- Centre Tear - Preparation of the Billet
- Centre Tear - Reading the Billet
- Billet Switch - Bare Hand Method
- - Billet Switch (Annemann)
- - The Billet Switch Bare Hand Method (Corinda)
- Billet Switch by Lapping
- Billet Switch - Magnetic Clip Method
- Billet Switch - Corinda's Billet Pull
- Billet Switch - The Matchbox Swith (Will Dexter)
- The Star Trap Billet Switch (Eric Mason)
- Eclipse Billet Switch (John Henley)
- Summary of Billet Switching
- Marking of Billets
- Billet Stands
- The Use of a Crystal Ball
- References on Technique With Billets in Other Steps
Part Two Tricks and Routines
- The Crystal Locket (Stanley Jaks)
- Three Little Questions (Corinda)
- It's a Record! (Corinda)
- Presenting the Living and Dead Test (Corinda)
- Great Minds Think Alike (Punx)
- The Flames of Zor (Chemical Reaction)
- A Card and Billet Routine (Corinda - Fogel)
- Inexplicable (Al Koran)
One Man Mind Reading Secrets (Ralph W. Read)
- Introduction
- The One-Ahead Principle
- - Original One-Ahead Method
- - Second Method Stealing Folded Billet
- - Third Method Subtle Glimpse
- - Fourth Method Thumb Tip
- - Fifth Method Thumb Tip #2
- - Sixth Method Cards in Envelope
- - Seventh Method Faked Pile of Magazines
- - Eights Method Novel Idea for Ascertaining the First Question
- - Ninth Method
- -- The Double Cutter
- -- Old Fashioned Mediums Switch
- -- The Double Envelope Switch
- -- The Calostro Three Finger Shell
- -- The Slit Envelope
1st edition 1976, 46 pages; 1st digital edition 2015, PDF 54 pages.
word count: 25603 which is equivalent to 102 standard pages of text
Reviewed by jordan Byrd (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★ Date Added: Saturday 25 January, 2025Great info on billets, some unique methods not seen in more common publications.