Tony Corinda
(England: 16th May 1930 – Norfolk, England: 1st July, 2010)
Stage and pen name of Thomas William Simpson. Corinda was a variation on the name Conradi. Joined The Magic Circle in 1954. An ex-laboratory assistant turned pro mentalist and dealer. The Magic Shop in Tottenham Court Road was originally run by Dick Chavel, and later taken over by Corinda. Corinda also had the magic concession in Hamleys Toy Shop in Regent Street. This was located in the basement of the store and was run for a period by Ali Bongo, who also demonstrated magic at the Tottenham Court Road location. Wrote the classic series, 13 Steps to Mentalism (1958-60, 424pp; repr in 1 vol, 1960, 424pp), plus Mini-Slate Magic (1958, 20pp, probably partly ghosted by Jon Tremaine), Teletrickery (1961, 13pp), and The Complete Guide to Billet-Switching (1976, ed by Ralph Read).
Coauthors: Ralph W. Read, Bert Allerton, Ulysses Frederick Grant, Arthur Hastings, Edward Marlo, Joseph White