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The Funniest Three Card Monte in the World
by Ferry Gerats


(2 reviews, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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The Funniest Three Card Monte in the World by Ferry Gerats

Three card monte. Almost no skill. The given presentation guarantees lots of laughs.

Why the funniest?

Well, here is what happens: The routine starts with a funny joke about a three-card-monte player. The joke conjures up a crazy image in the minds of the audience that elicits huge laughter. The next laugh comes from the fact that the spectator who is invited to play the betting-game is asked to keep track of the odd card while it is clear that the odd card has grown in size and protrudes from the other cards. With the 1st round of the betting-game there comes a laugh when it is clear to everyone that the participant in the game is being conned with a play of words.

At the end of the 2nd and final round there is again laughter. Depending on the bet the participant makes, the laugh comes either from the surprise that the odd card is no longer where it should be or the laugh is obtained once more by a sneaky play of words.

For the finale the audience is being treated to con-artistry at its best. One hears, how only a real con-artist can construe the facts of what happened into a false conclusion that sounds reasonable and moreover "proves" that the participant owes him three times the money of the original bet. The obvious transparent false reasoning results in solid laughter.

If you already are doing a monte routine, you can increase the entertainment of your routine considerably by adding the joke about the three-card-monte-player and the concluding oneliner with the false arithmetic to your presentation.

Contrary to the usual three card monte routine where you have to be skilful, this routine requires almost no sleight of hand. Well there is one double lift, which has a built-in get-ready and there is one move, which you can do the first time you try it.

The routine is resetting and ends with handing out your business card in an organic way.

In fairness to Mr. Paul Daniels, it should be noted that the title of this routine needs a modifier, as in one of his TV-shows, Mr. Daniels did a three card monte, with a very funny story about Two Tassel Tessie. To avert the eyes of the onlookers from the cards in play she made her tassels twirl. Get the picture? So the title should be: "The funniest three card monte routine in the world that is for sale." However, being a true conman, the author prefers the title the way it is.

"This is what keeps magic alive! Ferry took an age old con-game and turned it into a highly entertaining piece of magic. Be the first to amaze, fool and entertain your friends with it!" - Eddie Taytelbaum (Three Card Monte Routine - Collector)

"A brilliant routine and it's a practical worker AND a cheeky way to get one's business card to the right client. You have a winner here Ferry!" - Vlad from the Magic Café.

1st edition 2015, 7 pages.
word count: 2482 which is equivalent to 9 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Larry Brodahl (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 15 August, 2016

What a cute, clever trick. The handling is easy-peasy, the jokes and set ups are clever, and it resets so quickly. Even the concepts and presentational ideas are transferable to other routines.

I like it!

Definitely a good purchase.

Reviewed by Dave Arch (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 11 November, 2015

Obviously this routine has been honed through years of performance to its essential essence - making it a keeper as far as I am concerned. I hope he publishes more from his working repertoire. I like his direct and entertaining style.