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The Gen Volume 9 (1953)
by Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson

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The Gen Volume 9 (1953) by Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
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On the covers are

  • Gerald Kosky
  • Harry Clarke
  • Robert Orben
  • Fred Kaps
  • David Berglas
  • Ronald Haines
  • David Nixon
  • Jimmy Lake
  • Les Aston
  • Bobo
  • Michael Bailey
  • Hen Fetsch
380 pages
  1. Volume 9, Number 1, May, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Gerald Kosky
  2. Review - comments from Harry Stanley
  3. More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Charlie Edward's "Dissolving Knots" - Part 1
  4. Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
    • An Easy False Shuffle
    • A Card Penetrates a Handkerchief
  5. More Mystic Signs - Hedley Wilcox
  6. Cards in Reverse - Bill Simon (New York)
  7. Front Page Personality - Gerald Kosky
  8. If You Must be Psychic - Robert Parrish (Chicago)
  9. So You Want to Cut a Rope - Ravelle and Abdree
  10. Koran Discloses "The Fate of a Fiver" to Lewis Ganson
  11. Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
    • 12. Closing Climax

  1. Volume 9, Number 2, June, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Harry Clarke
  2. Review - comments from Harry Stanley
  3. Lucky Bag - Gerry Findler
  4. More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Charlie Edward's "Dissolving Knots" - Part 2
  5. To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
    • No. 7 - Kings and Aces
  6. Paper Balls to Hat Routine - Corvello (Holland)
  7. Those Mystic Signs Again - Gerry Findler
  8. Front Page Personality - Harry Clarke
  9. Floral Fantasy - Ravelle and Andree
  10. Koran Discloses "A Pound for Your Card" to Lewis Ganson
  11. Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
    • 13. Laughs in the Right Places

  1. Volume 9, Number 3, July, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Robert Orben
  2. Review - comments from Harry Stanley
  3. More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Producing Cards After Removing Gloves
  4. Improved Jumping Match - Corvello (Holland)
  5. To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
    • Number 8 - Faux Pas!
  6. "It's Fun to be Fooled" or "Grandfather's Chestnut Corner" - series by Ken Brooke
  7. Front Page Personality - Robert Orben
  8. Finding the Lady is Easy - E. Malcolm Davison
  9. Secret Session - series by Len Belcher
    • Number One
      • Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
  10. Seek-A-Rettes - Gerry Findler
  11. Unique Coronation Day of Magic - report by Harry Stanley
  12. Ken Brooke Demonstrates "The Ken Brooke Linking Ring Count - Part 1" to Lewis Ganson
  13. Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
    • A Curiosity with Figures
  14. Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
    • No. 14 - The Language Problem

  1. Volume 9, Number 4, August, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Fred Kaps
  2. Review - comments from Harry Stanley
  3. More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
    • The Ken Brooke Method of Producing Single Cards
  4. Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
    • Salt and Water
  5. Magic Pictures - Corvello (Holland)
  6. To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
    • No. 9 - The Joker's on You!
  7. Secret Session - series by Len Belcher
    • No. 2 - Bow-Wow
  8. Bog O' Locks - "Hen" Fetsch
  9. Reviews of "Varied Deceptions" by Milbourne Christopher
    • by Peter Warlock in "The Pentagram"
    • by George Armstrong in "The Magic Wand"
  10. Front Page Personality - Fred Kaps
  11. Leslie May Writes [variation on Tom Sellers' "Curiosity with Figures"]
  12. Ken Brooke Demonstrates "The Ken Brooke Linking Ring Count - Part 2" to Lewis Ganson
  13. Rabbit Pie - Gerry Findler
  14. Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
    • No. 15 - Over the Telephone
      • Confederate on the Line
      • A Stranger on the Line

  1. Volume 9, Number 5, September, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: David Berglas
  2. Review - comments from Harry Stanley
  3. Crazy Cigarette - Gerry Findler
  4. A Magician Explains - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Gerald Kosky's "How Many?"
  5. To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
    • No. 10 - Take Any Card at All
  6. Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
    • No. 16 - Tell Me More
  7. Front Page Personality - David Berglas
  8. The Magic Parcel - Eric (Nit-Wit) Williams
  9. David Berglas' "Suit-able Sorcery" - Lewis Ganson
    • 1. It's Up His Sleeve!
      • Methods of Sleeving
      • The Berglas Gravity Method for Sleeving a Small Object Invisibly
      • Actions
  10. A Balloon Tip - Harry Stanley
  11. Dr. Jaks Entertains - article
  12. Secret Session - series by Len Belcher
    • No. 3 - Prediction Box
  13. Phoenix - Corvello (Holland)
  14. Les Ashton's Magical Alphabet - series
    • No. 1 - Afghan Bands and Adhesives

  1. Volume 9, Number 6, October, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Ronald Haines
  2. Review - comments from Harry Stanley
  3. Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
    • No. 17. - Of Course, He Uses Stooges ...
  4. Ribbo-Ring - Ravelle and Andree
  5. Out of the Book - Rupert Gilbert
    • Crazy Card Location
    • Shell Half-Crown
    • Useful Silent Code
  6. Secret Session - series by Len Belcher
    • No. 4 - Leave it to Me
  7. Les Ashton's Magical Alphabet - series
    • No. 2 - Booze and Others B's
  8. Front Page Personality - Ronald Haines
  9. To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
    • No. 11 - Nude on a Couch
  10. Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
    • The Four Wee Beans
  11. How to Eat Lighted Cigarettes - Dr. Rolland Fraser (Australia)
  12. Mentalism in Numbers - Corvello (Holland)
  13. David Berglas' "Suit-able Sorcery" - series by Lewis Ganson
    • 1. It's Up His Sleeve! [continued]
      • Retrieving the Pocket Knife
      • Intelligent Use of Sleeving
      • The Master Move for "The Homing Ball"
      • The Torn and Restored Tissue Paper
  14. More Tips on Tricks - Arnold de Seiver
  15. Telephone Brainwave - Hans Trixer (Southern Rhodesia)
  16. Did You Ever Stop to Think - article by Harry Stanley
  17. Unique Day of Magic - report by Harry Stanley

  1. Volume 9, Number 7, November, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: David Nixon
  2. First with the News - comments from Harry Stanley
  3. A Magician Explains - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Alexander Elmsley's "Two Ball Roll" and "Turn About Card"
  4. Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
    • No. 18 - The Mentalist's Bookshelf
  5. Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
    • A Sleight Based on the French Drop
    • A Novelty Speller Effect
  6. Secret Session - series by Len Belcher
    • No. 5 - Baker's Dozen
  7. David Berglas' "Suit-able Sorcery" - series by Lewis Ganson
    • The Cups and Balls
    • Production and Vanish of a Silk Handkerchief
    • The Vanishing Stick
    • Producing a Pen, Pencil or Cigar
  8. Homing Ball - Another Odd Ode - Norman Conquest
  9. Les Ashton's Magical Alphabet - series
    • No. 3 - Colour Change and Sundry C's
  10. Idea for an Opening - Arnold de Seiver
  11. The Direct Prediction - John Rice
  12. Stab-A-Twin - Patrick Page
  13. Front Page Personality - David Nixon
  14. Unique Day of Magic - report by Joe Marchant

  1. Volume 9, Number 8, December, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Jimmy Lake
  2. First with the News - comments from Harry Stanley
  3. Lighted Match Production from Bare Hands - Bruce Posgate
  4. Clippo Routine - Wm. Scotty Lang
  5. The Magic Shaker - Richard Haldane
  6. Routine for the Crazy Compass or Dizzy Dial - Jimmy Lake
  7. Knots - Can - Vanish - Bill Meyers
  8. The Never Missing Link - Stewart James
  9. A Subtle Tube Deception - Edwin Lyell
  10. David Berglas' "Suit-able Sorcery" - series by Lewis Ganson
    • The Autograph Hunter's Nightmare
    • Switching One Object fro Another
    • Sleeving a Long Object
  11. Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
    • No. 19 - Impressive Impromptu
  12. Front Page Personality - Jimmy Lake
  13. A Magician Explains - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Gerald Kosky's "Card Change"
  14. Les Ashton's Magical Alphabet - series
    • No. 4 - Decorations and Dodges
  15. The First "Unique" Magic Eisteddfod - announcement

  1. Volume 9, Number 9, January, 1954, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Les Aston
  2. Review - comments from Harry Stanley
  3. A Magician Explains - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Malcolm Davison's "Mental Meanderings"
  4. Eggs for Sale - Ravelle and Andree
  5. Alyn Jones writes about Arnold de Seiver's "Idea for an Opening"
  6. Cash in Hand - A Coin Box Routine - Will Dexter
  7. Front Page Personality - Les Aston
  8. Ken de Courcy's Practicalities - series
    • Locator Rings
    • Ribbon-Rise
  9. Colour Divination - Tom Sellers
  10. David Berglas' "Suit-able Sorcery" - series by Lewis Ganson
    • The de Manche Change used in Conjunction with Sleeving
    • The Vanish of the Stack of Pence
    • Sleeving Coins for "The Coins in Glass"
    • Production of a Cigar
  11. Swop-It Stand - Rupert Gilbert
  12. Genial Gerry's Gadget Stand - Gerry Findler
  13. Secret Session - series by Len Belcher
    • No. 6 - Invisible Bunny
  14. Unique Day of Magic - report by Joe Marchant
  15. Total Prediction - Gerald Kosky

  1. Volume 9, Number 10, February, 1954, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Bobo
  2. Review - comments from Harry Stanley
  3. A Magician Explains - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Malcolm Davison's "Mental Meanderings" - Part Two
  4. Bongo's Bargain Basement - series by Ali Bongo
    • Practically Anything to a Bunch of Flowers
    • Ties Up!
    • Calling a Spade ...
  5. Ken de Courcy's Practicalities - series
    • Hypno-Hank
    • Cards Through Handkerchief
  6. Les Ashton's Magical Alphabet - series
    • No. 5 - Easy Liquid Effects
  7. M.D.M. - Improvement - Corvello (Holland)
  8. Effects with Bouncing Putty - Michael Howes
    • The Blue Jade Buddah
    • A Newspaper Test
    • Bouncing Putty (Children
    • Bouncing Putty (Club or Concert)
  9. Ken Scholes' "Dizzy Nudist Pack Routine" - Lewis Ganson
  10. Front Page Personality - Bobo, The Magician
  11. The Absconding Joker - Arnold de Seiver
  12. Don't Scrap Those Chinese Wands - Will Dexter
  13. An Apparatus Card Transposition - Tom Sellers
  14. Payment Due - Using Clock Hand for Children's Shows - Alyn Jones
  15. Gerry Findler Gads About With Gadgets

  1. Volume 9, Number 11, March, 1954, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Michael Bailey
  2. Review - comments from Harry Stanley
  3. A Magician Explains - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Mickey Fin Routine
  4. Genial Gerry's "Stretching A Card" - Gerry Findler
  5. Cellophantasy - Len Belcher
  6. A Trio of Tricks from Tom Sellers
    • A Candle and Case Routine
    • A Simplified Calendar Trick
    • The Changeover Silks
  7. Front Page Personality - Michael Bailey
  8. Smoking Rope - Alyn Jones
  9. Joe Marchant Records a Few Impressions of the Eisteddfod
  10. Ken de Courcy's Practicalities - series
    • Hummer's Three Card Monte
    • Making It Dramatic
    • Card Transit
    • Mammoth Memory
    • Clipped
    • Clock Card
  11. The Unique Eisteddfod - report by Wilfred Tyler

  1. Volume 9, Number 12, April, 1954, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: "Hen" Fetsch
  2. Review - comments from Harry Stanley
  3. Les Ashton's Magical Alphabet - series
    • No. 6 - Forgetful Freddie and Safety First
  4. Sponge Down - Len Belcher
  5. A Pair from Tom Sellers
    • A Simplified Calendar Trick - Cont.
    • The Jumping Ring
  6. Ken de Courcy's Practicalities - series
    • Tobacco-Tree
    • Evaporated Milk
  7. Front Page Personality - "Hen" Fetsch
  8. "Eiseddfod" Prize-Winning Patter
    • Kentare - Alex Elmsley
    • A Brief Romance - T. B. Donovan
  9. Unique Days of Magic - report by Joe Marchant
  10. In The Club Room - article by Harry Stanley
  11. A Magician Explains - series by Lewis Ganson
    • Charles Harrison's "Marvellous Marbles"
  12. The Mystic Eights - R. J. Fisher

word count: 176881 which is equivalent to 707 standard pages of text