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The Gen Volume 9 (1953)
Harry Stanley
Lewis Ganson
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The Gen
On the covers are
Gerald Kosky
Harry Clarke
Robert Orben
Fred Kaps
David Berglas
Ronald Haines
David Nixon
Jimmy Lake
Les Aston
Michael Bailey
Hen Fetsch
380 pages
Volume 9, Number 1, May, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Gerald Kosky
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
Charlie Edward's "Dissolving Knots" - Part 1
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
An Easy False Shuffle
A Card Penetrates a Handkerchief
More Mystic Signs - Hedley Wilcox
Cards in Reverse - Bill Simon (New York)
Front Page Personality - Gerald Kosky
If You Must be Psychic - Robert Parrish (Chicago)
So You Want to Cut a Rope - Ravelle and Abdree
Koran Discloses "The Fate of a Fiver" to Lewis Ganson
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
12. Closing Climax
Volume 9, Number 2, June, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Harry Clarke
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
Lucky Bag - Gerry Findler
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
Charlie Edward's "Dissolving Knots" - Part 2
To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
No. 7 - Kings and Aces
Paper Balls to Hat Routine - Corvello (Holland)
Those Mystic Signs Again - Gerry Findler
Front Page Personality - Harry Clarke
Floral Fantasy - Ravelle and Andree
Koran Discloses "A Pound for Your Card" to Lewis Ganson
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
13. Laughs in the Right Places
Volume 9, Number 3, July, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Robert Orben
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
Producing Cards After Removing Gloves
Improved Jumping Match - Corvello (Holland)
To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
Number 8 - Faux Pas!
"It's Fun to be Fooled" or "Grandfather's Chestnut Corner" - series by Ken Brooke
Front Page Personality - Robert Orben
Finding the Lady is Easy - E. Malcolm Davison
Secret Session - series by Len Belcher
Number One
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
Seek-A-Rettes - Gerry Findler
Unique Coronation Day of Magic - report by Harry Stanley
Ken Brooke Demonstrates "The Ken Brooke Linking Ring Count - Part 1" to Lewis Ganson
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
A Curiosity with Figures
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
No. 14 - The Language Problem
Volume 9, Number 4, August, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Fred Kaps
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
More Routined Manipulation - series by Lewis Ganson
The Ken Brooke Method of Producing Single Cards
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
Salt and Water
Magic Pictures - Corvello (Holland)
To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
No. 9 - The Joker's on You!
Secret Session - series by Len Belcher
No. 2 - Bow-Wow
Bog O' Locks - "Hen" Fetsch
Reviews of "Varied Deceptions" by Milbourne Christopher
by Peter Warlock in "The Pentagram"
by George Armstrong in "The Magic Wand"
Front Page Personality - Fred Kaps
Leslie May Writes [variation on Tom Sellers' "Curiosity with Figures"]
Ken Brooke Demonstrates "The Ken Brooke Linking Ring Count - Part 2" to Lewis Ganson
Rabbit Pie - Gerry Findler
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
No. 15 - Over the Telephone
Confederate on the Line
A Stranger on the Line
Volume 9, Number 5, September, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: David Berglas
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
Crazy Cigarette - Gerry Findler
A Magician Explains - series by Lewis Ganson
Gerald Kosky's "How Many?"
To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
No. 10 - Take Any Card at All
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
No. 16 - Tell Me More
Front Page Personality - David Berglas
The Magic Parcel - Eric (Nit-Wit) Williams
David Berglas' "Suit-able Sorcery" - Lewis Ganson
1. It's Up His Sleeve!
Methods of Sleeving
The Berglas Gravity Method for Sleeving a Small Object Invisibly
A Balloon Tip - Harry Stanley
Dr. Jaks Entertains - article
Secret Session - series by Len Belcher
No. 3 - Prediction Box
Phoenix - Corvello (Holland)
Les Ashton's Magical Alphabet - series
No. 1 - Afghan Bands and Adhesives
Volume 9, Number 6, October, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Ronald Haines
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
No. 17. - Of Course, He Uses Stooges ...
Ribbo-Ring - Ravelle and Andree
Out of the Book - Rupert Gilbert
Crazy Card Location
Shell Half-Crown
Useful Silent Code
Secret Session - series by Len Belcher
No. 4 - Leave it to Me
Les Ashton's Magical Alphabet - series
No. 2 - Booze and Others B's
Front Page Personality - Ronald Haines
To Make 'Em Smile - A New Series by Ken de Courcy
No. 11 - Nude on a Couch
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
The Four Wee Beans
How to Eat Lighted Cigarettes - Dr. Rolland Fraser (Australia)
Mentalism in Numbers - Corvello (Holland)
David Berglas' "Suit-able Sorcery" - series by Lewis Ganson
1. It's Up His Sleeve! [continued]
Retrieving the Pocket Knife
Intelligent Use of Sleeving
The Master Move for "The Homing Ball"
The Torn and Restored Tissue Paper
More Tips on Tricks - Arnold de Seiver
Telephone Brainwave - Hans Trixer (Southern Rhodesia)
Did You Ever Stop to Think - article by Harry Stanley
Unique Day of Magic - report by Harry Stanley
Volume 9, Number 7, November, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: David Nixon
First with the News - comments from Harry Stanley
A Magician Explains - series by Lewis Ganson
Alexander Elmsley's "Two Ball Roll" and "Turn About Card"
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
No. 18 - The Mentalist's Bookshelf
Tom Seller's Tit-Bits - series
A Sleight Based on the French Drop
A Novelty Speller Effect
Secret Session - series by Len Belcher
No. 5 - Baker's Dozen
David Berglas' "Suit-able Sorcery" - series by Lewis Ganson
The Cups and Balls
Production and Vanish of a Silk Handkerchief
The Vanishing Stick
Producing a Pen, Pencil or Cigar
Homing Ball - Another Odd Ode - Norman Conquest
Les Ashton's Magical Alphabet - series
No. 3 - Colour Change and Sundry C's
Idea for an Opening - Arnold de Seiver
The Direct Prediction - John Rice
Stab-A-Twin - Patrick Page
Front Page Personality - David Nixon
Unique Day of Magic - report by Joe Marchant
Volume 9, Number 8, December, 1953, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Jimmy Lake
First with the News - comments from Harry Stanley
Lighted Match Production from Bare Hands - Bruce Posgate
Clippo Routine - Wm. Scotty Lang
The Magic Shaker - Richard Haldane
Routine for the Crazy Compass or Dizzy Dial - Jimmy Lake
Knots - Can - Vanish - Bill Meyers
The Never Missing Link - Stewart James
A Subtle Tube Deception - Edwin Lyell
David Berglas' "Suit-able Sorcery" - series by Lewis Ganson
The Autograph Hunter's Nightmare
Switching One Object fro Another
Sleeving a Long Object
Mental Survey - series by Will Dexter
No. 19 - Impressive Impromptu
Front Page Personality - Jimmy Lake
A Magician Explains - series by Lewis Ganson
Gerald Kosky's "Card Change"
Les Ashton's Magical Alphabet - series
No. 4 - Decorations and Dodges
The First "Unique" Magic Eisteddfod - announcement
Volume 9, Number 9, January, 1954, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Les Aston
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
A Magician Explains - series by Lewis Ganson
Malcolm Davison's "Mental Meanderings"
Eggs for Sale - Ravelle and Andree
Alyn Jones writes about Arnold de Seiver's "Idea for an Opening"
Cash in Hand - A Coin Box Routine - Will Dexter
Front Page Personality - Les Aston
Ken de Courcy's Practicalities - series
Locator Rings
Colour Divination - Tom Sellers
David Berglas' "Suit-able Sorcery" - series by Lewis Ganson
The de Manche Change used in Conjunction with Sleeving
The Vanish of the Stack of Pence
Sleeving Coins for "The Coins in Glass"
Production of a Cigar
Swop-It Stand - Rupert Gilbert
Genial Gerry's Gadget Stand - Gerry Findler
Secret Session - series by Len Belcher
No. 6 - Invisible Bunny
Unique Day of Magic - report by Joe Marchant
Total Prediction - Gerald Kosky
Volume 9, Number 10, February, 1954, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Bobo
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
A Magician Explains - series by Lewis Ganson
Malcolm Davison's "Mental Meanderings" - Part Two
Bongo's Bargain Basement - series by Ali Bongo
Practically Anything to a Bunch of Flowers
Ties Up!
Calling a Spade ...
Ken de Courcy's Practicalities - series
Cards Through Handkerchief
Les Ashton's Magical Alphabet - series
No. 5 - Easy Liquid Effects
M.D.M. - Improvement - Corvello (Holland)
Effects with Bouncing Putty - Michael Howes
The Blue Jade Buddah
A Newspaper Test
Bouncing Putty (Children
Bouncing Putty (Club or Concert)
Ken Scholes' "Dizzy Nudist Pack Routine" - Lewis Ganson
Front Page Personality - Bobo, The Magician
The Absconding Joker - Arnold de Seiver
Don't Scrap Those Chinese Wands - Will Dexter
An Apparatus Card Transposition - Tom Sellers
Payment Due - Using Clock Hand for Children's Shows - Alyn Jones
Gerry Findler Gads About With Gadgets
Volume 9, Number 11, March, 1954, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: Michael Bailey
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
A Magician Explains - series by Lewis Ganson
Mickey Fin Routine
Genial Gerry's "Stretching A Card" - Gerry Findler
Cellophantasy - Len Belcher
A Trio of Tricks from Tom Sellers
A Candle and Case Routine
A Simplified Calendar Trick
The Changeover Silks
Front Page Personality - Michael Bailey
Smoking Rope - Alyn Jones
Joe Marchant Records a Few Impressions of the Eisteddfod
Ken de Courcy's Practicalities - series
Hummer's Three Card Monte
Making It Dramatic
Card Transit
Mammoth Memory
Clock Card
The Unique Eisteddfod - report by Wilfred Tyler
Volume 9, Number 12, April, 1954, 32 numbered pages - cover picture: "Hen" Fetsch
Review - comments from Harry Stanley
Les Ashton's Magical Alphabet - series
No. 6 - Forgetful Freddie and Safety First
Sponge Down - Len Belcher
A Pair from Tom Sellers
A Simplified Calendar Trick - Cont.
The Jumping Ring
Ken de Courcy's Practicalities - series
Evaporated Milk
Front Page Personality - "Hen" Fetsch
"Eiseddfod" Prize-Winning Patter
Kentare - Alex Elmsley
A Brief Romance - T. B. Donovan
Unique Days of Magic - report by Joe Marchant
In The Club Room - article by Harry Stanley
A Magician Explains - series by Lewis Ganson
Charles Harrison's "Marvellous Marbles"
The Mystic Eights - R. J. Fisher
word count: 176881 which is equivalent to 707 standard pages of text
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Frequently bought together with:
The Gen Volume 13 (1957)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 10 (1954)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 8 (1952)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 14 (1958)
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The Gen Volume 7 (1951)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 11 (1955)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 5 (1949)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 4 (1948)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 3 (1947)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
The Gen Volume 20 (1964)
Harry Stanley & Lewis Ganson
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