The Grow Devils Principle is a unique divination tool. A participant thinks of any word or name and the performer then proceeds to divine the exact name or word. This is what the audience will perceive from their point of view. It will seemingly appear like propless mind reading to the participants.
This Grow Devils Principle is a simple, sure shot, 3 step method for divining literally any thought of word or name in any category containing around 50-100 different words or names. All the necessary work to enable you to start performing this immediately has been done and included.
There are 4 different presentations which are explained and the necessary explanatory exhibits are also included.
- Presentation One - Six Two Marvel
- Presentation Two - Vital Sex Worm
- Presentation Three - Wolves Mix Art
- Presentation Four - Extra Slim Vow
There are also 5 routines which are included along with all the relevant information needed for you to start performing immediately.
- Routine One - USA STATES - A participant thinks of any state in the USA and the performer divines it.
- Routine Two - EUROPEAN COUNTRIES - Same as above for any country in Europe.
- Routine Three - USA PRESIDENTS - A participant thinks of any one of the 45 US Presidents and the performer divines it.
- Routine Four - MOVIE STARS - Same as above for popular male Hollywood movie star.
- Routine Five - MUSIC ICONS - Again same as above for popular music icons.
- Routine Six - FEMALE HOLLYWOOD STARS - A participant is asked to think of a popular Hollywood female star and the performer divines it.
- Routine Seven - ANIMALS - A participant thinks of any animal/bird and the performer divines it.
- Routine Eight - PERSONALITY TRAITS - A participant chooses a personality trait which she feels applies to her. It can be a positive or neutral or negative personality trait. The performer divines the choice exactly.
- Routine Nine - PLAYING CARDS - A participant freely thinks of any one of the 52 playing cards and the performer is able to divine it.
- Routine Ten - SPECIAL WORDS - A participant merely thinks of any one word from many categories like zodiac signs, colors, seasons, directions, planets or weekdays and the performer is able to divine this exact chosen word.
Some alternative presentations and additional ideas are also included. There is no math involved. Once you are prepared, there is nothing to reset between performances and these can be repeated with different outcomes. There is no dual reality or instant stooging. No sleights, no stooges or no pre-show. As usual, the method is simple but the presentation is important. A fantastic presentation idea shared by
Lee Earle is included. In addition, another killer presentation using invisible/imaginary cards is also included.
For the participants these will appear like impromptu, propless and direct mind reading demonstrations. The principle lends itself to multiple applications. Some great ideas shared by Nico Heinrich are included.
"This is a great concept for those who love prop-less mentalism. This is clever thinking." - Marc Paul
"I really like your idea and your thinking. Keep up the good job, my friend." - Luca Volpe
"Another winner from 'wunderkind' Unknown Mentalist. A very useful technique(s) that I have taken for a road test. You will really like it." - Marc Salem.
"A seemingly impossible thought divination, but only because of some very clever thinking by the Unknown Mentalist." - Stephen A. Yachanin.
1st edition 2017, 47 pages.
word count: 4840 which is equivalent to 19 standard pages of text
Reviewed by Erik Corbett (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★ Date Added: Sunday 06 October, 2024The two other reviews seem to be helping to hype this work. Read the description again. It says you will be able to whittle down choices from a list of potentially 100 items. Do you think it's that easy? It takes memory work to accomplish and if you hate anagrams, you're really going to dislike this.
I like the principle. Use it myself for an effect to garner an important piece of info that will help me generate much more content in the work I do. So, for me, I find it useful. You could go all lame mentalist and pull a long list out of your pocket or utilize your phone and have your audience wondering why you need a crib sheet to mind read....or how ever you are using this material.
I gave it three stars for the fact that half the people who buy this will hate it, find it a waste of money, and not use it due to ignorance and laziness. Others that can see its potential, most likely will not use any of the routines and just start applying it to their own ideas.
It says the work is already done for you to use it right away.....and it is. So pull out that crib sheet Mr. Super mind reader.
Reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★ Date Added: Friday 03 February, 2017The UNKNOWN MENTALIST has done it again!!! I give this a 100 + rating. I have to agree with the other review. This is ABSOLUTELY GENIUS! I would have never thought of it. I thought my variations in the UNKNOWN MENTALISTS other word EBOOK was great but this knocks it out of the water. Atlas Brookings THE PRODIGAL is an encyclopedia of PA'S but this EBOOK is another SIMPLE, system on the same level as long as you use a prompter. Again, I hope people don't buy this EBOOK so I can have these secrets all to myself!!! I bought 2 other products from the UNKNOWN MENTALIST but it will probably take awhile to review them because I'm so amazed with this. Also, IMAGINE what it would be like to MEMORIZE a few of these effects and do them totally impromptu at any time with any spectator. To sum it up this is a really incredible demonstration of psychic phenomena and I believe that no matter what effect(s) you do from this EBOOK will drive the sceptics crazy!!!
Reviewed by Chris Cross (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★ Date Added: Monday 23 January, 2017This is f****** genius!! Wonder why no one thought this up earlier. The basic concept is mind boggling. Add a bit of presentation and you are home. I stunned a group yesterday with the US Presidents, thrice in a row. Great stuff.