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The Magical Jumbo Chinese Coin
by Ken de Courcy & Ian Adair

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The Magical Jumbo Chinese Coin by Ken de Courcy & Ian Adair

Excerpt from the Foreword:

Certain pieces of apparatus, not many, have a sort of built-in glamour. Maybe charisma is a better word. I'm talking about props you enjoy seeing and handling. Supreme's Jumbo Chinese Coin comes into this category. To coin a phrase ... "It looks good ... it feels good ... and, by golly, it works good!" For the close-up performer it will add an expensive appearance to your routines as well as a completely unexpected climax to any trick with coins. For the cabaret magician, it can be easily seen and appreciated and, since it is unfaked, examined if necessary.

In this booklet you'll find, I hope, at least one way of using it that suits your style. Don't just read the routines ... try them out and add a touch of the exotic East to your act.

  • Foreword
  • The Dew On The Lotus
  • Word Prediction
  • Coin Assembly Climax
  • Chinese Coin Assembly
  • Jumbo Coin Assembly
  • Melt-Thru Rope (1)
  • Melt-Thru Rope (2)
  • 'Blok-Kord'
  • Cantering Coins Climax
  • Chinese Production
  • Jumbo Chinese Coin

1st edition 1983, 19 pages; PDF 22 pages.
word count: 4279 which is equivalent to 17 standard pages of text