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The Mati Envelope
by Felix Schellenberg


(2 reviews, 10 customer ratings) ★★★★

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The Mati Envelope by Felix Schellenberg

"This is an extremely clever envelope. Indeed, it is a peek envelope, but so very different from what most are used for. As the blurb states, there are no switches and everything is in plain sight the whole time. This extraordinarily useful peek envelope is highly recommended for all working mentalists." - Jheff

"This book is great, beautifully laid out and a real joy to read. An excellent treatment of an excellent principle!! - Dave Forrest (UK)

"Very clever concept..." - Pablo Amira (Chile)

"In a word: brilliant!" - Jan Forster (Germany)

"Elegant and compelling!" - Dr. Todd Landman (UK)

"I'm impressed - a fine device and very deceptive. I certainly recommend this." - Tony Razzano (USA)

The Mati Envelope is a brandnew envelope peek system which allows (not only) for an extremely clean and devious peek of any information written on an untouched slip of paper, sealed shut into a completely opaque envelope! Everything is done slowly and in plain sight - yet you still obtain a full stealth peek...

But there's even more to the The Mati Envelope...

It is one of those rare envelopes that can be used when a peek alone is not enough, e.g. when you need to hand out everything immediately and even have the audience themselves tear their envelope open afterwards.

Imagine the possibilities The Mati Envelope offers in the classic Three Envelope Test, for Pre-Show work, Q&A, Drawing Dupes or Pseudo Psychometry...

  • Completely invisible and devious peek!
  • Make your own at home!
  • Clever out-of-the-box thinking!
  • Clear and concise step-by-step instructions with many photos!
  • Extremely versatile principle!
Key Features
  • Performer never touches the paper
  • Spectator herself seals the envelope shut
  • Envelope remains in the spectator's hand
  • In the end, the spectator opens the envelope herself, taking out her card
  • Billet and Envelope are always in plain sight
  • No switches
  • No 'pads' or 'boards'
  • No 'writing surface' whatsoever
  • No sneaky moves
  • No sleights
  • 100% invisible peek
  • Can be performed (almost) surrounded
  • 95% fully visible peek area
  • Completely clean ending
  • Spectator can keep paper and envelope as souvenirs
  • Adaptable tool for many routines

"Really great!!! ...all the nuances make the Mati something very special indeed. The Mati Envelope really is a keeper!" - Stefan Olschewski (Germany)

"Wow...! Well constructed, practical - I wish I had thought of it!" - Peter Turner (UK)

" easy and very clever device to create amazing routines!" - Luca Volpe (Italy)

"Really clever! A great tool! Versatile and devilish - Kudos!!" - Thomas Heine (Germany)

"Bravo, bravo, bravo - it is brilliant, and I will use it!" - Elio Alexander De Grandi (Italy)

" interesting tool to have in your arsenal. It does exactly what the ad says. I'm sure many performers will find this a welcome addition to routines they already do." - Greg Arce (USA)

1st edition 2012, 50 pages.
word count: 3575 which is equivalent to 14 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Monday 05 September, 2022

Ingenious method. The last greatest concept involved carbonless paper and clear plastic clipboard that was used in the 1980's. But since then most impression or peeks used very special and expensive gimmicks or fishy behavior. Docc Hilford's Dance of Shiva book cost $45. Devin Knight's Devin-ation was $20. Both great. But this is easier and priced right. September this year I bought coin envelopes for about $40 for 500 at OfficeMax. It was for playing card effects but I have a ton to work with. It will take 15 minutes to make. Get 4 and you can make 2 at the same time which saves time. If one didn't work out the 2nd will. Both mine worked and I can't make anything. Recommended especially for part-time professionals. For amateurs in a home setting just stick with your usual methods. As stated, you may have glue sticks and rubber cement, but add the envelopes and you just spent $50 including instruction price. This is not a money maker for amateur magicians.

Reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 15 June, 2016

Throughout mentalism history, there have been a lot of different gimmicked envelopes--slit, window, Shaxon, impression, etc.--all designed to secretly learn what the spectator has written. Obviously, this comes in handy in not only direct mind reading routines, but also design duplications, Q&A's, and more elaborate routines such as Cassidy's 4th Dimensional Telepathy and Name and Place. Imagine if you will, an envelope that allows you to learn the information while the envelope, which is normal looking (in the interest of full disclosure, "looking" is the operative word here, friends), remains in the spectator's hand. With his writing inside. Sealed. And you can get your peek of the information in the next room. And unless the spectator knows exactly what to look for, he's going to be able to look at the envelope and see nothing. How is that possible, you ask. Well, I'm dying to tell you about the Mati Envelope, but Jiminy Cricket says let your conscience be your guide so I can't. And even if I did, this review would get edited. So this secret--and oh my, it's a good one--comes at a price, a really reasonable one, I think.

So what can I say about this thing? Well, it combines an underground technique from about 40 years ago that has recently resurfaced with a classic bit of envelope handling. That handling, unless you have cloven hooves for hands, is pretty easy. So if you can use a stack of Shaxon flapless envelopes, you can do this. [Note: Part of the working uses the same principle as the commercially manufactured effect, Steam 2.0. But while that method is brilliant, I think that the Steam effect has a flaw that spoils its effectiveness, at least in the standard handling. If you go on Penguin Magic's website and watch the trailer, that part of the trick is edited out--which should tell you something. With the Mati Envelope, this flaw is completely eliminated.]

How hard is it to make? It's not complicated at all, but you'll need to get some supplies at your office supply store and most likely order one essential item from Amazon. Don't fret. It's not something weird that's going to scream "gimmick." It's an ordinary object on the outside with a different composition than usual on the inside. It will pass completely undetected as ordinary. The comprehensive ebook gives good instructions, and it doesn't take long, but truth be told, I had to stop and reorient my thinking to get back on the right track. But once I did that, I quickly made up a stack of about a dozen envelopes.

When all is done, you will have a utility envelope that is far beyond anything that you've seen. Looking over comments on the various magic websites, I'm struck by how little commentary there is about the Mati Envelope. This thing is revolutionary actually, and I would have thought that more people would be raving about it. But they aren't (maybe it's the fear of the unknown or the DIY aspect)--which is good for those of us who get it and use it. I see a lot of things, many of which are excellent and useful, but this is at the highest echelon of the gimmicked envelope field. Now some are going to say that they use a slit/window/Shaxon/impression envelope, and it works just fine. My response is "great," whatever works for you. Maybe you don't need an envelope that--unless someone scrutinizes it super closely before it is finally torn open--allows you to end totally clean, something that you can't do with the others. But this innovation is so devious and seductive, it would be hard to turn away from it once you read about it. It's that good.