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The Professional Smoking Thumb Gimmick (Instructions)
by Patrick Page

#1 Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels author

(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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The Professional Smoking Thumb Gimmick (Instructions) by Patrick Page

[Note: These are only the instructions that came with the gimmick. You will not receive any gimmick.]

The Smoking Thumb effect is one of the most magical feats possible. Made famous by Laurel and Hardy, Ade Duval, and the incomparable Fred Kaps it has become one of the most sought-after secrets of the stage performer.

Imagine reaching into the air, forming your hand into a pipe, your thumb protruding upward like a stem, and being able to create clouds of smoke at will, just as if you were smoking your thumb. Pat Page's excellent instructions will help you to do just that.

The effect is always under your control and may be used at any point in the act. No chemicals are involved and it is not technically difficult to do but it does require a proper presentation. With some hard work on your part, this could be a feature item in your act.

1st edition 2002, PDF 4 pages
word count: 1676 which is equivalent to 6 standard pages of text
