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To Bombay and Beyond
by Unnamed Magician

#1 Magic & Mentalism author
#1 Cards author
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To Bombay and Beyond by Unnamed Magician

Selected card at selected number.

This is a very clean "selected card at selected number" effect. The spectator selects a card, shuffles to lose the card, selects a number, and the card is miraculously found at the number. A performance video can be seen below.


The magician introduces a deck, spreads it face up to display that all the cards are different and in no particular order, and then hands it to the spectator. He invites them to cut off about a third of the deck and to look at the bottom card of the cut-off portion as their selection. The magician then asks them to thoroughly shuffle the portion in order to lose their card. The spectator can even look through the portion in order to make sure their card is truly lost within it.

Next, the magician instructs the spectator to place the remainder of the deck on top of their portion, thereby burying it and reassembling the deck. Once the deck is reassembled, the magician says, "I don't know what your card is or where it is in the deck. But I do know it's somewhere in the bottom third of the deck - though I don't know exactly where as you shuffled your portion. But let's shuffle the entire deck as well so that your card could end up anywhere in the deck." The magician takes the deck and gives it a quick shuffle (without looking at the faces). He then hands the deck back to the spectator.

The magician says, "You shuffled your portion to lose your card. I also just shuffled the entire deck. Your card could literally be anywhere in the deck now." At this point, he tells the spectator to select an indicator card which they will use to arrive at a card. For this, the magician asks them to cut into the deck. They do that, and the card they cut to, its value is to be used as an indicator for dealing. But before the deal, the magician asks the spectator to look through the cut-off cards so they can see that they could have cut to a different indicator card. The spectator then deals (face up) the number of cards corresponding to the indicated value from the point where the cut was made. Just before the last card is dealt face up, the magician says, "Through your free choices, you have ultimately arrived at this card. Wouldn't it be a miracle if this card turns out to be the same as the card you selected earlier? Please, for the first time, name your selection." The spectator names their selection and then turns over the card ... and it is seen to be the selection! By some miracle, they arrived at their own selection (despite the fact that they previously shuffled to lose it).

Some important conditions of note:

  • After initially selecting a card, the spectator thoroughly shuffles their portion in order to lose their card. They can even check the portion to make sure their card is truly lost within it.
  • When the spectator cuts into the deck to select an indicator card, there isn't a crimp or a short / long card to force the point of cut. So the cut is free (albeit within a certain range).
  • Almost self-working - so very easy to perform.

Note: In the PDF, in addition to learning the effect described above, you will learn another similar effect as well (which is also a "selected card at selected number" effect). So two effects are taught.

1st edition 2024, PDF 10 pages.
word count: 3533 which is equivalent to 14 standard pages of text

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