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Up-To-Date Magical Ideas
by Wm. Ravetta & Otto Waldmann


(3 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Up-To-Date Magical Ideas by Wm. Ravetta & Otto Waldmann

Here's an ebook of clever and original ideas and routines for standard parlor and club effects.

Originally published as a limited edition booklet by the manufacturer of the Mysto Magic Set, the authors have contributed several excellent performance ideas that will delight your audience.

In addition, the authors have supplied instructions for creating updated fekes and gimmics to perform popular tricks, such as producing a rabbit from an empty hat or performing the Aerial Treasury effect. An excellent ebook of audience-tested magic.

Here's an example. Imagine if a magician walks up to you and asks if he can borrow your handkerchief. He shows it back and front, folds it in half, then pins up the sides with a few straight pins to form a loose bag. The magician then cocks his head and asks if you heard it, too. "Heard what?" you ask. "Why, the chicken, of course," replies the performer, who proceeds to pour an egg from the folds of your hanky! The handkerchief is unpinned and returned to you. He may even let you keep the egg, unless he plans to use it in another effect.

That's just one of the many entertaining and mystifying effects explained in the ebook. It's simple to construct yourself, if you follow the authors' clear instructions.


  • Preface
  • Improved Coffee and Milk Trick
  • Idea for Slate and Rising Cards
  • Fan Servante
  • Handy Black Art Well
  • Egg Bag with a Borrowed Handkerchief
  • Method for Hat Load
  • Simple Vest Servante
  • Combination for Handkerchief Pedestal
  • Mephisto's Message
  • Neat Idea for Confetti Trick
  • Togo Ishi Paper Napkin Trick
  • Rabbit Servante
  • An Act Idea
  • Coin Servante for Aerial Treasury
  • Paper Ribbons from Hat a la Pagoda
  • About the Authors
"Fifteen practical ideas for performing certain tricks and making necessary magical accessories. Any one of the ideas is worth the cover price." - Dr. A. M. Wilson, Sphinx review

1st edition 1922, PDF 22 pages.
word count: 7895 which is equivalent to 31 standard pages of text
