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Web Ring Subtlety: F.U.N. Ring Series
by Ken Muller

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Web Ring Subtlety: F.U.N. Ring Series by Ken Muller

An innovative approach for Linking Rings to enhance popular sleights and moves, and increase astonishment and attention while masking actual ring relationships. No gimmicks or unnatural moves. Moves, sleights and stratagems adapted from the Primal Rings eBook, and utilized in many Linking Rings and Ring on Rope routines found in the F.U.N. Ring Series.

Dozens of techniques and sleight series that can be used by all Linking Rings routines and sets. The focus is the patterns formed by the shiny metal rings that allow for a combination of psychological ploys to embellish, enhance or add flair to your favorite routine. They increase the perceived impossibility with pre and post acquitments to support a memory of "must be magic." In essence, observer perceptions of events can be influenced by the patterns formed by the rings, with repeated patterns leading to cognitive easy and perceptual blindness.

This is different from the patterns of performance where practiced hand/body actions and repeat flow of events influence audience expectations. Here, the physical patterns of several rings (chain, lotus, clover, spread, etc.) blend with the flow patterns of performance to move to a higher level of astonishment and awe and wonder.

Lots of sequential graphic photos and cross-referenced support material. Many of the F.U.N Ring Series eBooks routines utilize some of these techniques. This is a master guide from which the reader can find the best technique to fit their personal style and experience. But, be prepared to have your creative bump prodded too. The examples use 4" or 5" Rings, but most techniques can be used with larger ring sets. Your hand size may make a difference too. A few require more than average finger dexterity.

Example: most performers use a "False Count" (Odin) to conceal the existence of the double in a display of four separate rings. The "fact of separate" can be enhanced by the way you hold the rings in your hand congruently in all conditions. By making the pattern of "two rings in hand" a practiced identity, there is no hint of suspicion when you hold a double or two separate rings. Which pattern is best? Several options are explored and described in detail as "WebOdin."

The name? This comes from giving partial inspirational credit to "Weber's Emergency Routine" in Tarbell - to Herman L. Weber, author of Lincoln Rings.

1st edition 2022, PDF 50 pages.
word count: 23400 which is equivalent to 93 standard pages of text