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Zenith Spirit Manifestation
by W. G. Magnuson & Devin Knight


(1 review, 3 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Zenith Spirit Manifestation by W. G. Magnuson & Devin Knight

This was designed to fool both skeptics and magicians. This is one of the most stunning mediumistic stunts ever devised. It was developed and used by the old school mediums. It was so unbelievable; it fooled reporters, skeptics and magicians. A medium who could be searched and placed into a darkened room could cause a spirit to materialize in full view, without the aid of any secret assistants. This could be done in anyone's home.

The amazing thing was that this was accomplished without luminous cardboard props, luminous cheesecloths, luminous paint or other props sold by Nelson Enterprises. The smart mediums could not risk getting caught using such hokey props.

Once the spirit appeared; it looked like a real supernatural entity, people in the room could reach out and touch the ghost and there was nothing there. That's right, they could try to grab it and there was nothing to hold on to. Yet, this was accomplished without the use of hidden projectors. Positively no flashlight was used in any manner.

The secret was known only to a select few and closely guarded. It was used by Magnuson when he had a spiritualist church in Illinois to convince the true believers or dupes as he called them. This effect will scare the yell out people. Suitable for séances, spook shows, haunted houses and Halloween shows. This will convince the believers you have contacted the dead. No chance for anyone to grab a prop and expose you as a fake as there is positively nothing to grab, their hand passes through the ghost. No Electronics are used.

This information is sold for educational and historical purposes only. It requires the use of dangerous chemicals. It is not recommended that you replicate this stunt. Neither the author nor the distributor is responsible for the misuse of this information. Use at your own risk.

1st edition 2018, 5 pages.
word count: 1079 which is equivalent to 4 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Don Jarrard (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 21 August, 2022

It is only $3 for a reason. Nobody will do this stunt. It's like sneaking drugs into a jail. There are better chemical tricks.

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Magic & Mentalism / Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles

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