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A Card In Seven
by Ken de Courcy

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A Card In Seven by Ken de Courcy

Ken de Courcy's no gimmick version of Scalbert's "The Mystery of the Seventh Card".

The perfect telephone test to present under challenge conditions. No Feke's. No Gimmicks. Yet the medium at the other end of the phone unerringly names the thought of card.

Scalbert's "Mystery of the Seventh Card", sold many years ago, was a commercial principle applied to the transmission of a card to an assistant playing the role of a medium, waiting on the end of a telephone. The distinct novelty at the time was the fact that all communication with the medium was done by a spectator. The secret was an ingenious system of punched cards that made the medium's job almost automatic. Here the effect is identical but no punched cards are needed, just ordinary cards. The assistant can be on a distant telephone or merely in an adjacent room, but still the transmitter does not talk to her.

A Bonus Effect!


Party-mindreading is usually popular; in fact, many laymen know simple versions such as 'Black Magic' in which the 'Transmitter' signals the chosen object by touching something black immediately before touching the selected thing. This is a little more involved and a lot more baffling.


The medium leaves the room and, if necessary, can be at the other end of the house guarded by a member of the audience. The transmitter asks for a number of personal things, a ring, pen, chequebook, etc., borrows half a dozen and lays them out on the table. The audience decides on one of these, then they are laid in a line on the table in any order decided upon by the spectators. The transmitter leaves the room yet when the Medium returns she unfailingly picks out the selected object. Bear in mind that there is absolutely no contact between transmitter and medium, and she doesn't even know what objects will be on the table before she sees them.
word count: 2499 which is equivalent to 9 standard pages of text