Including covers, contents page and suchlike, A Way With Cards is a 65 page ebook overflowing with 28 individual card items and lots of waffle to cheer them on.
A well-shuffled mix of thoughts, ideas, opinions and similar to titillate the palate. Regular street-worn cardboardian craziness and nothing too convoluted or finger breaking. Plenty to shake the windows of the card resistant few, and a soothing blend for Cardonians.
- Introdecktion
- Predictional
- The Twenty-Second Modulation
- The Diskard Deceit
- The Diskard Protocol
- The Diskard Device
- The Diskard Reversal
- Forced Valour
- Run Deep
- Bluffing The Cut
- Dice-Section
- No Dice
- Trixideckaphobial
- Heavy Traffic
- Natural Selection
- Sauce And Source
- Not Quite Frankie My Dears
- Lying Guise
- Strike A Match
- Lighter Match
- Play Your Cards Right
- Staying Stacked
- Coincidaces
- Coincidaces (II)
- Coincidaces (III)
- Perduptodate
- Prophesy Move
- High Fibre
- High Vibes
- Last Whisper
1st edition 2013, 65 pages.
word count: 18124 which is equivalent to 72 standard pages of text