Name: Cardeceits
Author: Peter Duffie
Type: Card Magic
Format: eBook
No. of Effects: 17
Difficulty: 3-4/5
Peter Duffie's card magic is ingenious, entertaining and inspirational. Described as "one of the world's most creative cardmen" his books and effects appeal to card fanatics of all abilities and tastes. Invariably, we all bring our own preferences, likes and dislikes to any work of this kind. That being said, there's nothing in Cardeceits that I particularly dislike.
Caveat Emptor: A good number of effects in Cardeceits will require diligent practice. They are not for beginners. And in some cases Cardeceits assumes that you are already familiar with certain sleights/controls, including, for example, the Tilt (2 effects), Elmsley Count (1 effect), Jordan Count (1 effect), Second Deal (1 effect), Vernon Add-on (2 effects), Riffle Pass (1 effect), Turnover Pass (1 effect), Half Pass (1 effect), Diagonal Palm Shift (1 effect), Slip Cut (1 effect). If you've been looking for an incentive to work on some of these moves, these effects are sure to provide it. Other necessary moves, such as ATFUS (1 effect) and the Benzais Deal Steal (1 effect), are briefly described.
My observations are as follows:
A Pain in the Ace:
Requires minimal setup. A quick, snappy effect to open any routine, particularly if you continue with the Aces for other four Ace tricks.
The ROLEX Gang:
"Rolex" in the title is a nod to Roy Walton and Alex Elmsley. It's a bit of a toughie, but you'll be rewarded with a wonderful effect if you are prepared to put in the practice. Read the description and you'll see why this is worth every effort.
Garden Path II:
No significant setup required. And as the name suggests, you'll be leading the audience up the veritable garden path with this one! They'll think you're way off target with your predictions until you reveal, to their astonishment, that everything was under control all along! Nice idea.
Inside Out:
No significant setup required. No description is provided in the advertising, so here's what happens: A priceless cargo (say the Ace of Spades) is sandwiched between and guarded by two Jacks. These three cards are under a spectator's hand. A robbery commences, the deck is dropped leaving three cards in the performer's hand. It's the two Jacks along with the Ace of Spades! The spectator lifts his hand to find three replicas of the cargo - the other three Aces.
New Hue View:
The Charles Jordan Riffle Shuffle Principle will make you smile. This is one of my personal favourite effects from Cardeceits - it also happens to be one of the easier items.
Between Queens:
Can be performed impromptu. But another toughie. Interesting use of the Kelly Bottom Placement.
Bad Influence:
Virtually impromptu. A wonderful effect that works and handles as strongly as described. Peter Duffie himself writes: "Despite (or because of) the simple means used to achieve this effect, it is quite effective." I couldn't agree more..
More Convivial:
Was once offfered as a free taster on Peter Duffie's web site. It might still be available there.
Card of Darkness:
Can be done impromptu. A simple method, coupled with dramatic presentation, gives a worthwhile experiment in the Occult. If your palming isn't up to scratch, you should be able to work out an alternative method to get the desired effect.
Deal Steal Collectors:
You probably won't come across the Benzais Deal Steal too often in your travels. An effective "collectors" routine. Prepare to put in the practice.
Counting the Maze Way:
An ingenious method. If your dealing is up to scratch, you'll be performing this one for sure.
Can be performed impromptu, with no overly difficult moves. I'll add something to the description: An Ace, Two and Three are held by the spectator. The performer holds two Kings. The Ace is taken and placed beneath the two Kings but it jumps back to the top. This is repeated for the Two and Three. You are left holding two Kings which you place on top of the spectator's cards. He deals the cards down to find that all three - Three, Two and Ace - have risen through the Kings yet again! Very enjoyable.
An Imposition:
A math-based effect that's easy to do. Uses basic principles to not only - and apparently quite randomly - arrive at the value and suit of a selected card, but also its exact position in the deck.
Crime Suspect:
No difficult moves. It takes time to get to the selected card but it allows plenty of opportunity to inject your own patter as you turn cards face up.
Three Down - One to Go:
Certain to get good reactions. Again, not overly difficult. It's taught slightly differently to the description. At the end you hold three cards face down in your hand, one of which is the selection as confirmed by the spectator. You toss two of them face up to one side - the spectator doesn't see his card among these so he naturally assumes you still have the selection in your hand (nothing too magical about that!). Until, that is, you proceed to reveal the chosen card with a surprise kicker ending!
Suit Yourself Too:
Two spectators freely reverse four cards each in a sixteen card face-up packet. That leaves the performer with eight cards of his own, still face-up. The cards are shuffled. The eight face down selected cards are removed, and tabled face down. The remaining eight - the performer's - are also tabled, face down. The top cards of each pile are turned over simultaneously to show matching suits - both packets are in suit identical order! Another lovely effect. Also easy to do.
The only effect that calls for gaffed cards. Two handlings are offered, one for experts only!
There's sure to be something here for everyone.