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Cards Insight
by Peter Duffie


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Cards Insight by Peter Duffie

Twenty-two card tricks by one of the most creative card man alive. This ebook in particular shows Peter's fondness of Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser and his ace problem.

1st edition, 2000.

PSYCHIC MATH: This is a card discovery that appears impossible for two reasons: first, it doesn't seem possible for you to know where the card is in the pack, and second, the card is found using the values of two random cards that were selected before the trick began. The only requirement is a full pack of fifty-two cards.

THE ANTI-GRAVITY SHUFFLE: A sort of mathematically induced multiple sandwich!

ANTI-GRAVITY + THOT: This is a simplified version using only two Jacks. In this, the jacks catch a value equal to a number being thought of by a spectator.

FIRST EXPERIMENT: A spectator merely thinks of any card in a packet. He then answers a series of questions about his card - colour - suit - etc. In the end his card is sitting on top of the pile.

MARRIED IN HASTE: A spectator places the four Queens on top of the four Kings. The Kings and Queens now marry up!

A DARK WIDOW: A variation on the Brown aka Fulves 'Black Widow' trick.

MATE TRIX: After two cards are chosen, all the matching mates turn up unexpectedly.

HOFZINSER IN REGRESSION: This is a bizarre version of the Hofzinser Four Ace problem.

MAGIC KINGDOM: A simple Faro trick where a King locates two selected cards.

SYNCHRONIC STATUS: This is the first of a few tricks using a principle discovered by Marty Kane called the Status Quo Principle (SQP). If you give a seven card packet an unlimited number of DOWN/Under Deals, the 2nd and 5th cards remain at their positions. This can be applied to various quantities.

SHERLOCK'S EVIDENCE: This also uses the seven card SQP along with a simple numerical stack.

THE MAGICARD #1, #2: From a packet of red cards, a spectator selects the only black card. No SQP here!

PREFIXATION: This is a presentational variation applied to Ken de Courcy's "Four Ace Prefix" (Griffin, April 1999). Basically, it's a four Ace discovery without a set-up.

CALLING CINCINNATI: This uses an expansion of Marty Kane's SQP. It was Iain Girdwood that noticed that with a 11 card packet, the 3rd, 5th and 8th cards retained their positions during an unlimited number of UNDER/Down Deals. See Marty Kane's "Magic Underground" in Cyber Sessions (Jason Alford, 1999) for a good trick using this. Only recently, I made a further discovery! I noticed that not only did the 3rd, 5th & 8th cards remain static, but the 2nd and 11th cards merely transpose after each U/D Deal. So all 5 positions 2-3-5-8 & 11 remain under complete control, despite the number of U/D Deals. Here is a simple effect using this idea.

MUMBLE JUMBLE: This trick is a variation on a recent Karl Fulves effect called "Mumbles" which is published in his book Mutus Nomen. This variation utilises a Stay Stack (Rusduck).

COLOUR PACK: An impossible double location of two cards using a very simple method.

THE ROYAL WEDDING: Another approach to the Hofzinser Royal Marriages plot. This method is based on the Rusduck Stay Stack, but is not to be confused with a previous version I had using this concept.

ERDNASE MEETS HOFZINSER: This is another handling for the well-worn (by me) Hofzinser Ace Problem. The use here of the Erdnase Colour Change has its roots in Roy Walton's "Mission Accomplished" (Complete Walton, Devil's Playthings chapter).

OUT OF MIND, OUT OF SIGHT: Another trick using the SQP, the 7 card version. Part of the revelation sequence uses the Dave Campbell "Card Named Fred" gag.

PARANORMAL REALM: This effect is a location and a prediction. The principle is very old but I think it is somewhat disguised here. There is no preparation.

THE 21st CARD TRICK: This is much cleaner handling for a previous trick of mine called "Hen Party" (Inspirations, Breese Books). It's a multiple sandwich based on the Walton "Collectors," though the effect isn't quite that. There is nothing difficult here, but step 2 does require careful handling.
word count: 8408 which is equivalent to 33 standard pages of text