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Club 71 - The Magician
Club 71: 2003
Geoff Maltby
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This product is also part of:
Club 71: 1970 - 2007 (all issues)
Issue 139
Geoff's News and Reviews
Magical Diary, Who, What, Where and When
Barrie Richardson's Final Ecstasy
Michael Factor tells how to tell your trade marks from your other ones
Paul Hallas
with the simplest of collectors
Letters. Have your say by post or e-mail
AliCardAbra's Lubbly Bubbly Wand
Arun Bonerjee addresses Symbolism
Soumya Deb steals a dove
Alan Ward vanishes the lady the easy way
Werner Miller's Mysteries with cyclical courts
Competition Send your original material and maybe win a prize
Peter Duffie is miraculously impossible
Rex Stott reviews the 2002 Magi Cruise to the Caribbean
Steve Burton says
Unclassified ads. Bring, buy or swop
Ian Adair with colouriffic - not for the children
Peter Kane unexpectedly aces
Malolm Yaffe punchlines the method
Henrique attends Julien and Vici's wedding and goes to a love fest in Berlin!
Eddie Dawes looks at the magic journals
T.V. And Walt doesn't believe it
Jim Breedon's pen is impossible to stop, courtesy Fred Lowe
John Rhodes surveys all of the magic in the non magical press
Issue 140
News and Reviews with Geoff
Jim Breedon's magic pen back again with a timely gold hunter
Competition results. Are you a winner?
Ian Adair asks where have all the flowers gone?
Arun Bonerjee detects extrasensory lies
Peter Duffie changes over quicker
JJ works for nothing - almost!
Collectors Comer and Eddie Dawes considers the late Dr Morris Young
Unclassified ads. Sell, buy or swop, for free
Malcolm Yaffe is the shape of things to hum
Alan Ward, Ah yes he remembers it well.
Ali Cardabra is forever bouncing bubbles
Barrie Richardson proves that everyone's a winner
Brand new competition, get your entry in now
Henrique covers eggs, Woolies and goldfish
Ananta Deb Banerjee plays in the sand
What's happening in and around the magic clubs
Dr. Michael Factor explains the true position in law regarding bookers videoing your show
Magical Society Reports
Walt Lees surveys the televisual horizon
The brothers Chadhury neck and neck tie
John Rhodes rounds up all the magical news in the lay press
Issue 141
News and views with Geoff Maltby
Ian Adair with a liquid Plume
Bob Ostin with a new series based upon his sensational QE2 lectures
Arun Bonerjee digitizes colours
Stephen Tucker starts a new series modestly entitled Miracles
Henrique with more tales of woe
Peter Duffie suggests that Here We Go
Kennedy Smith with the tenth symbol
TV Magic, Walt reviews the recent spate of magic on the magic box
Werner Miller visits an escort agency in Austria
Alan Ward Howls all the way to be frank
Magical Diary, who, what, where and when
Eddie Dawes reviews the magical press
Ali Cardabra continues his series with more bouncing bubbles
JJ tries to establish whether it was a thread or a magnet
Jim Breedon fills a vacuum
Competition details. How to enter
Basic Card Technique This month we consider Stevens's other shuffle
Malcolm Yaffe is not convinced that fair is fair enough
Unclassified ads Sell buy or exchange
John Rhodes with all the magical news in the British lay press
Issue 142
News and Reviews with Geoff
Arun Bonerjee with a Star Date, or should that be a Planet Suite?
Paul Hallas
offers his KIS Coin routine
David J Brown interviews Jeff McBride
Watch Peter Kane's Expanding card display
Air in the Hats. A new series by Mel Moore
Stephen Tucker's Miracles focus on the Berglas Effect
Eddie Dawes collects info on the Milkman's Wallet, a library without books and the Collector's day
Ian Adair's first class stamp collection
Ali Cardabra produces an instant puppet
Jim Breedon's Magic Pen writes of boxes of rings and things
Phil Goldstein's Symboligarchy
Werner Miller with yet more cupidity
Unclassified ads. Buy, Sell or announce for free
Soumya Deb has a bit of spare cash for us
Competition, your chance for riches and fame
Basic Card technique continues with The Ascanio Spread
Alan Ward with a mental puzzle
Peter Duffie combines his luck
Henrique on the subject of good looks in old age
Walt is watching the box again
Malcolm Yaffe gets a headache
John Rhodes rounds up all of the magic to be found in the lay press
Issue 143
Geoff reviews the news
Bob Ostin goes on holiday and gets his eyes tested in a subliminal way
Mel Moore gets all aerated about 'is 'at
Eddie Dawes tells us what we missed in the other magical press
Jim Breedon shows how Fred Lowes chain goes
Tuck in to more marvellous Tucker miracles
Pete Kane with a ropy card trick
Can Ian Adair dare chance a star prize
Ali Cardabra can cut a balloon - and then restore the rest
Peter Duffie faces up to the cards
Brickbats, bouquets and suggestions
Lee Thompson is interviewed by Alex Kocan
Barrie Richardson demonstrates Prof. Willmarth's eye-popper
Magical event diary and society news
Henrique has a problem when a lady immigration officer gets a bit personal
Alan Ward has a problem when five over the eight
Competition details of your chance for fame and untold wealth!
Malcolm Yaffe switches in, and out, then shakes it all about
Werner Miller shows how Michael Mouse decks the cards
John Rhodes presses on with local magic in the lay local press
Issue 144
Magic News with Geoff
Ian Adair with politically incorrect doings with sheep
Barrie Richardson creates a great impression with his book
Jim Breedon ultimately assembles his aces
Stephen Tucker continues his home spun philosophies on miracles and abominations
Malcolm Yaffe potters about and attempts to save a snitch in the nick of time
Alan Ward turns it round and upside down and turns the meaning inside out
Walt watches the box
Peter Duffie triples his humdinger
Pete Kane does a mono three shell game
Unclassified ads: Buy, sell, exchange and announce
Magical event diary
Your letters, brickbats, bouquets and suggestions in a heavy postbag this month
Phil Goldstein with a little Planetration
Alex Kocan interviews Alex Crow
News from around the magical societies
Bob Ostin is 'Gone'
Mel Moore airs his hats
Basic Card technique offers the Ascanio count according to Fred
Henrique airs his views for all to see
John Rhodes with masses of magic from the lay Press around the country
Issue 145
All the news about the place with Geoff
Club and Society dinners, dos and doings
Magic in the Adair way with a prediction for the grownups rather than the children
Barrie Richardson lives in a double billet or is that a billet-doux
Bob Ostin is fit and well despite a bandinage about his personage
Shock Horror! Ali Cardabra exposes his balls on silk
Al Smith returns to our pages both on the offensive and with a vengence
Werner Miller makes out with the Ace of Clubs
Hello Sailors! What did you miss on this year's magic cruise?
Letters from readers Brickbats, Bouquets and Variations on ideas previously published
Eddie Dawes' scholarly collecting column blows the dust off of things Teutonic and then ogles Germanic female straight jacket escapees on rollerscates
Competition Your chance for fame and fortune
Peter Duffie with a card trick
Unclassified Ads: Buy Sell Swop or Exchange
Gypsy Card Miracle from Arun Bonerjee in India
Malcolm Yaffe contends that the tricks are not important
Stephen Tucker's Miracles - where he considers the clever use of a penny and a bit of knicker elastic
John Rhodes winds up with a look at the magic news in the non magical press
Issue 146
News and Reviews with Geoff Maltby
Jim Breedon on fees and cards in bottles
Society Diary Is your magic club in the news?
Malcolm Yaffe exposes himself with a cutaway
Ian Adair proves that everyone is a winner this month
Ali Cardabra changes the colour of his wand
Ali Bongo in conversation with Alex Kocan
Letters page What's your view?
Peter Kane is up and under
Eddie Dawes looks at the other magical press
Peter Duffie with a pictorial ratification
Vic Bridle on his personal volition
Mel Moore contres up a dinosaur, possibly to be disguised as a dragon
Werner Miller sets up his tripod
Al Smith asks just who is offended
News of the current competition. Fame and fortune could be coming your way!
Stephen Tucker's miracle this month is a toss-up between the greengrocer's and the sweet shop
Alan Ward has a vision of Jesus Christ
Chris Wardle's
number is up when he divines the devil
Henrique on all things magical, musical and mechanically marvellous
This month Michael Factor teaches how to turn lead into Gold - but FOR REAL!
John Rhodes with the magic in the lay press
Unclassified adverts - buy, sell, swop or trade
Issue 147
News about the magic scene with Geoff Maltby
Walt Lees reviews the Tommy Cooper Tribute show
Diary of upcoming magical events around the country
Magical Society reports
Ian Adair mentaly crystallises his paddle, but magically
Ali Cardabra vanishes his salt pot latexley
Alex Kocan digs the Mud nicely
Eddie Dawes looks at a book worm serpentinely
Barrie Ricardson riffles the sexiest woman in the room
Henrique describes children truthfully
Letters. Your chance to get it of your chest, or were ever it may be
Competition - fame and riches beyond your wildest imaginings
Bob Ostin mysteriously dies greenly
Al Smith writes on the offensive, but not really offensively
Chris Wardle
walks around with his book test
Cluedunnit? asks Martin Pierce
Our very own ace magician Peter Kane with poor wild blues and poor wild card
Buy, Sell or Swop, or just bang the drum, easily
Jim Breedon has a drink for us all Cheers Jim!
Malcolm Yaffe becomes repetitive
Stephen Tucker with a guest miracle
The Ascanio Spread according to the gospel of Brother John Hammon
John Rhodes with all the lay magical news
Issue 148
News with Geoff
Henrique Is in trouble with H M Customs and Excise, again!
Michael Factor defines miracles past and present
Letters your chance to have your say
Malcolm Yaffe stages a fright keeping his zone friendly and comfortable
Unclassified ads Buy sell or swop at no charge
Arun Bonerjee sees a rat and predicts it
Basic Card Technique Part 50 - Walt Lees counts his buckles
Peter Kane with a clever force by just rolling over
Martin Peirce counts other people's money
Euan Bingham visits the Travellers
Ian Adair pips with eye popping bunnies
Ian Ward presents a mathematical Black Star
Werner Miller works wonders and not a pair of diamonds in sight
Peter Duffie is not Impromptu
Soumya Deb with an alternative knife suspension
Jim Breedon, Will Ayling and the incredible power of the sixth stone
Competition details. Do you have a miracle to share with our readers?
Magic event diary. Is you club on the map?
Eddie Dawes rounds up the other magical press
Stephen Tucker asserts miracles
John Rhodes majors on the labours of Blaine
Al Smith rounds off this issue with another offensive peep through his rear view window
Issue 149
Geoff's News and Reviews
Our very own Henrique works hard and yet unfortunately is fee free
Malcolm Yaffe still doing the same five bloody tricks
Letters page Sound off on the important (and unimportant) matters of the magical day
Jim Breedon with competitions and a crock of gold
Magical Diary. Is your magic Club on the map?
Ian Adair with a different card box
Ali Cardabra with last century's balloons
Stephen Tucker's Miracles miraculously turn anagramatical
Jerry Christensen in thoughtful reflection
Werner Miller forces down under
Prize competition details for all readers
Alan Ward fires off a sidewinder missile
Barrie Richardson with body language and eggs
Phil Goldstein dies easy
Peter Kane holds his drink
Peter Duffie scotches the four gatherers
Basic card sleights - the push off count
Eddie Dawes chronicles the collectors' seminar at British Ring Southport
Lorraine Francis starts off in magic
John Rhodes with all the magic in the lay press
Al Smith closes this issue, tells it how he sees it and castigates the exposers
Issue 150
News and Reviews conducted by Geoff Maltby
Henrique's Dewdrops with a sort of writers' union
Magic Society events diary. Is your club here?
Walt reviews the latest telly offerings and exposures
Alan Ward mirrors infinity
Malcolm Yaffe is over egging the Christmas pudding
Werner Millers' Mysteries with Austrian outgrowth and piercing
Les and Martin Peirce combine forces together with the four aces
David Hemingway with his own routine for Patrick Page's Cord-a-Cup
Ali Cardabra suffers from Deflation
Peter Duffie finds it can be lucky for sum
Competition. Fame and fortune await you
Barrie Richardson ascends the Devil's Peek
ChiKanery and Peter Kane uses four decks in a Casino memory feat
Stephen Tucker serves up a brace of bracelets
Ian Adair with Present Laughter
Ken Parsons examines a nightmare brought about by Stephen Tucker
Basic Card Technique continues with the
Paul Hallas
method for the Elmsley Count
Eric and Muriel Sharp help a local lad make good
Mandy Davis reports on the annual Junior day
Eddie Dawes with a round up of the magical press
John Rhodes rounds up the lay press
Al Smith' rounds up this issue and this year with a thoughtful allusion to magic and Delia Smith!
word count: 313831 which is equivalent to 1255 standard pages of text
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