Effect as seen by the participant. From among hundreds of words, a participant chooses a single word silently in her mind. It is a totally free choice and there is no force of any kind. After a simple and quick process of visualization by the participant, the performer is able to divine the exact word accurately without pumping. Nothing is spoken or written down by the participant.
This routine can be repeated instantly for the same participant or can be performed for multiple participants simultaneously. The principle behind the basic method is a very novel one and can find many other applications.
There are no sleights, no pre show and no stooges. No math, no memory and no anagrams. It is fairly self working, so to say. All the hard work is already done for you and the printable props are included. After reading this manuscript, you will need a few minutes of practice before you can jump into live performances. Many alternative methods and presentation ideas are also included.
The novel principle behind this method can be adapted to most other languages with a little effort.
1st edition 2017, 39 pages.
word count: 3485 which is equivalent to 13 standard pages of text