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ESP Card Magic Vol. 5: Various Authors Part 1
by Aldo Colombini

#1 in Italian (italiano) author
#1 DVD (download+stream) author
#2 Magic & Mentalism author
#2 Cards author

(1 customer rating) ★★★★

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ESP Card Magic Vol. 5: Various Authors Part 1 by Aldo Colombini
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This is the fifth in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 5 features routines by a range of famous authors.


  • SYMBOLICLUE (Werner Miller): A spectator picks a card. The other cards are dealt in four packets and assembled randomly. When you turn over the cards in pairs only four cards match (say four Squares), the fifth symbol is the selected one (Square).
  • WHITEWASH (Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson): Four cards with numbers shuffled by a spectator are used to find four symbols (say all Square), that match your prediction. At the end all the other cards are blank. This is a great routine
  • INTERIOR DESIGNS (Roy Walton): Two spectators remove a symbol at random from two packets repeatedly shuffled. You reveal these two symbols
  • ESP-TRANSPO (Cameron Francis): You show five ESP symbols and one blank-faced card which is left on the table. A symbol is selected and appears on the card leaving a blank card in the packet.
  • PERFECT MATCH (Magic Ronnay): Two packets of ESP cards are perfectly paired up by a spectator after the cards have been shuffled.
  • DOUBLE CROSS (Aldo Colombini): A funny effect where you show two packets of ESP symbols. One card is selected from one pile and from the other packet letters appear to reveal the chosen symbols.
  • PSYCHLOID (Max Maven): From a shuffled deck and using a regular die, a spectator finds five matching symbols (or a set of five different symbols).
  • FUTURE SHOCK (Terry Morgan): Two decks are used. A spectator shuffles a deck and at the end, when the cards from both decks are all turned up in pairs, they all match. Amazing routine.
  • NOUGHTS & CROSSES (Roy Johnson): A great “Follow the Leader” routine using ESP cards.
  • NEW WAVE OIL & WATER (Val Le-Val): A unique version of the “Oil and Water” theme using ESP cards!

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / DVD (download+stream)

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / ESP