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Final Countdown
by Raphaël Czaja


(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Final Countdown by Raphaël Czaja

A card is selected and outjogged from a deck which is then put on the table. Now, you bring out a packet of five prediction cards that you show to have all red backs and fronts (all different), saying one of them must be the selection.

You explain that the cards will help you, not to find the right one, but to eliminate the four wrong ones!

After some magical gesture:

  • One card gets a cross drawn onto its face.
  • The back of a second card turns blue.
  • A third card reverses itself.
  • A message appears on the back of a fourth card saying: "NOT THIS ONE!".
You're left with one card, let's say the King of Diamonds. The selection is revealed for the first time; it is the King of Diamonds!

Bonus: Now comes with an alternative handling by Cameron Francis.

"You have got a really good trick here. The gradual elimination - with each having a different surprise to it - is first rate." - Peter Duffie

"Very cool effect! I really like this trick a lot!" - Cameron Francis

"Raphael, it is very good. I like it very much." - Aldo Colombini

"Many thanks for your trick, which is great! I like it when everything is examinable at the end." - Stephen Tucker

1st edition 2010; 11 pages.
word count: 2392 which is equivalent to 9 standard pages of text

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Magic & Mentalism / Cards

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video