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by Ron Jaxon


(1 review, 4 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Flip-M-Out by Ron Jaxon

Here is what Ron himself has to say about this ebook:

If I where asked to perform one trick to someone to show my ability as a close up magician. This routine is the one I’d show them. It’s my number one reputation making magic routine and I get more requests to perform “the coin trick” from both laymen and magicians then any other trick I perform. The reason for this is simple. It’s very powerful magic!

Here are a few reasons why:

  • The magic happens in the spectator’s hands.
  • It's done with common objects (coins)
  • Each phases seems more impossible then the one before.
  • You can work the table. Meaning a different person can assist in each phase.
  • Nothing to ditch or add. Only 4 coins are used.
  • The routine can end at any point and they’ll still be amazed (a great thing for table hoppers who get interrupted when the food arrives).
  • There is just no logical explanation!
Here's a description of the routine. If you've never seen me, or anyone perform this routine yet, I must point out that when I say something like "They have four coins in their hand". They really do see 4 in their hand. I'm convinced that this is the cleanest and most impossible traveling coins routine out there. Don't take my word for it though. After you learn this routine, go out and perform it and see for yourself.

Phase 1
4 half dollars are placed in a spectators open hand. The performer takes a step back and points out the fact that he can't reach the coins in their hand. They really have 4 coins. The spectator is asked to cup their hands around the coins and shake them so everyone can hear them. Even though the magician never comes near the spectator, he causes one of the coins to travel from the spectator’s hands to his. The spectator opens their hand and they now only have 3 coins

Phase 2
The magician explains that when the first coin traveled, there was nothing between their hands to prevent the coin from traveling. So this time there will be something between them to make it more impossible. The spectator is asked to hold their 3 coins in their open hand above the table. Their hand remains open the entire time and the magician never comes near them. The magician places his open hand containing one coin under the table. The spectator is asked to allow the coins to fall off their open hand onto the table top and one coin will fall right through the table. They do this and when the coins leave their hand they have 3, when they hit the table there are only 2 coins. The performer brings his hand out to show that he has caught the coin that fell through the tabletop.

Phase 3
The performer explains that he's going to make it even more impossible then the first two coins. This time everything will be left out in the open. All coins will remain in their site at all times. 2 coins are left out in the open on the table and once they are placed there the magician never comes near them again. The other 2 coins are held in the magicians open hand. One of the coins vanishes from his hand and makes a surprise appearance on the table next to the other two. There are now 3 coins on the table and one in the magician’s hand.

Phase 4
The magician explains that he'll make the last coin travel backwards. He holds one coin in his hand and a spectator holds the other 3. The magician causes his coin to vanish and the spectator is now holding all 4 coins. The last coin has traveled from the magician’s hand to the spectators.

Anyone who owns a flipper coin will be able to understand how this can be accomplished but this E-book not only shows you step by step how to perform this routine. It also includes all the subtleties and presentation that ensures your success.

Remember, you're placing a gimmick in your spectators hands. Everything that can go wrong with this routine has and I've spent the last 15 years performing this routine and working out all the subtle techniques to prevent things from going wrong. Without this knowledge it's likely you'll run into the same problems I've had. So this E-book can save you a lot of that embarrassment. The end result is a routine that's truly a reputation maker! Ebook contains Detailed instructions. Many images and bonus ideas.
word count: 5021 which is equivalent to 20 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Patrick Warsalla (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 02 February, 2024

This is a great piece of close-up magic. It is not difficult even for a card guy like me! (I have a few coin tricks but definitely still a "beginner" in the move department. I have known Ron for about 4 yrs now, both thru a Zoom magic room and from Abbott's Magic Get Together in Colon, Michigan. Still in touch with him and luckily if need any help with a move or don't understand something, he is always willing to help. He also is a master of invisible thread and all around nice guy.