Ron Jaxon
Entertaining has always been a part of Ron's life, as well as profound hearing impairment. As a child he was the willing mime and drama rehersal partner for his older sister. His early interest in magic blossomed into a true passion during a chance visit to his first magic shop in California. Since then, his phenominal skill in magic and entertaining has earned him the local nickname of "Magic Man". He's the winner of the 1999 Curly's Magic competition at the Abbott's Magic get together in Colon Michigan. A town commonly known as "The Magic Capital of the World". His style of visually stunning magic combined with mad capped comedy has earned him the well deserved reputation of one of the areas leading magicians. A well respected magician amoung magicians Jay Marshell summed it up after Ron won the Curly's competition when he said "Yea, He's got it!" Ron has also won first place in the 2002 Michigan Magic Day Close up contest, first place in 2004 Percy Abbott's Peoples choice in both close up and stage at the Abbott's Magic get together and Second place in 2004 Curly's Close up contest.