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Ron Jaxon

Ron Jaxon

Entertaining has always been a part of Ron's life, as well as profound hearing impairment. As a child he was the willing mime and drama rehersal partner for his older sister. His early interest in magic blossomed into a true passion during a chance visit to his first magic shop in California. Since then, his phenominal skill in magic and entertaining has earned him the local nickname of "Magic Man". He's the winner of the 1999 Curly's Magic competition at the Abbott's Magic get together in Colon Michigan. A town commonly known as "The Magic Capital of the World". His style of visually stunning magic combined with mad capped comedy has earned him the well deserved reputation of one of the areas leading magicians. A well respected magician amoung magicians Jay Marshell summed it up after Ron won the Curly's competition when he said "Yea, He's got it!" Ron has also won first place in the 2002 Michigan Magic Day Close up contest, first place in 2004 Percy Abbott's Peoples choice in both close up and stage at the Abbott's Magic get together and Second place in 2004 Curly's Close up contest.

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★★★★★ $15
Ron Jaxon
Visual Card Rise by Ron Jaxon

Visual Card Rise was inspired by Martin Lewis's effect called Cardiographics. Like many magicians Ron wanted to find a close up version of this amazing effect. After some searching Ron couldn't find anything like it that had the visual strength of the original effect. He wanted the animation to look as real and magical as the original. VCR is the final result.

A card rises out of a picture of a card drawn on the back of a playing card. Only the black marker ink moves. No part of the printed back design moves as the animation takes place!

Visual Card Rise was released for purchase with pre-made...

★★★★★ $5
Ron Jaxon
Card in Bottle Techniques by Ron Jaxon

The card in bottle has become somewhat of a trade mark trick for Ron in the last few years during his restaurant and bar work. Over the years he has come up with a variety of methods and he put them all together in this ebook. These methods will allow you to perform this great trick in just about any performing condition. Learn them all and when the time comes decide which method is best for your current performing condition. This will take a lot of the guess work out of it for those who would like to add this great trick to their close up performances.

1st edition 2006; 6 pages

Ron Jaxon
Bar TAB by Ron Jaxon

If you enjoy performing for people in bars, restaurants or at parties then Bar TAB (or Bar Tricks And Bits) might interest you. It's a small collection of tricks, sight gags and other bits of business Ron had much success with in his bar, restaurant and party work.

It doesn't matter if you're a working pro or just like to go out on the town with your friends and entertain people. The Tricks And Bits in this PDF download are real world material that I'm sure you'll actually use.

Although Ron goes into great detail in explaining these tricks and bits or business. You won't find many sleight...

★★★★ $7.50
Ron Jaxon
Bill Burner Clear by Ron Jaxon


A borrowed and signed bill is wrapped around a clear cigarette lighter and held in place with a rubber band. The magician is able to cause the bill to vanish from or appear back on the lighter at will. The vanished bill can appear anywhere the magician chooses.

What makes this effect so stunning is the fact that it's done with a clear lighter. When the bill vanishes they can see right through it so there's no way the bill can be somehow hidden under or in the lighter. The magicians hands are also completely empty.

  • Very easy to do.
  • A very visual and impossible vanish.
  • The natural...
Ron Jaxon
Wrapped by Ron Jaxon


Two cards are selected and lost in the deck. The first card magically travels under a napkin that's been on the table the entire time. This card is wrapped in the napkin and handed to a spectator for safe keeping. They can actually see the face of the card through the napkin so they know what card is in there and that the magician can't touch it. The magician then causes the card in the napkin to turn into the second selection.

Above is just one possible routine that can be done with this gimmick. It can really be used any time you wan to turn one card, or any number of cards, into...

Ron Jaxon
Perpetuity Tube by Ron Jaxon


The Perpetuity Tube is a perfect follow up for one of Ron's other ebooks called Bill Burner because it uses an objects that's logical to have with a lighter (a small cigar tube). In other words it's a perfect place for the vanished bill to magically (and visually) travel into.

But that's not all you can do with these little tubes. Just about anything that can fit in them can be made to magically and visually appear, vanish or turn into other objects in a very visual manner. Just to give you an idea of the kinds of things you can accomplish with the Perpetuity tubes:

  • A rolled up dollar bill...
★★★★ $10
Ron Jaxon
Bottle in Bottle by Ron Jaxon


Two different sized bottles are displayed. If you wish you can pour a drink into a glass from each bottle to prove they are both real. Each empty bottle is placed in a separate paper bag. The magician explains that he or she is going to cause one of the bottles to magically travel from one bag to the other.

The magician picks up one of the bags and shows that it still contains a bottle. After some comedy by play the bottle vanishes. The other bag is emptied to find only one bottle inside. The magician seems to have succeeded in vanishing one of the bottles but failed to make it...

★★★ $10
Ron Jaxon
"Almost" Impromptu Vanishing Car by Ron Jaxon

Imagine being able to make your friends car vanish into thin air. You can also make their car appear or change with these methods using no large props what so ever. In fact chances are you already have everything you need to perform this trick so it'll most likely cost you nothing.

I want to be completely honest about the limitations and strengths of this trick. So here are a few questions I feel I'd be most likely to get about this trick.

Is it practical?
Yes and no would be my answer to that question. It's unlikely that you'll perform this trick on a regular basis although it is possible....

★★★★★ $10
Ron Jaxon
Change for a Dollar by Ron Jaxon

This effect is hard to describe. It's a very unusual version of the classic mismade bill in which the bill is folded in half then you cause the crease in the bill to move to a different edge. When the bill is unfolded you have a very unusual looking bill. Fold it in quarters and move the new crease to another edge and the bill looks even more unusual. Then you return everything back to normal and return the bill to it's owner.

You really should watch the demo video below to get the full effect. The demo video runs through the entire routine very quickly to keep the video short but you can...

★★★★★ $12
Ron Jaxon
Outsmokin by Ron Jaxon

A Hilarious cigarette routine for smokers or nonsmokers. No matter what the magician does he can't get the right end of the cigarette in his mouth. Even when he tears the filter off, it magically appears back on the wrong end of the cigarette. Visually stunning and always gets laughs. Watch a demo video below.

The magician decides to take a cigarette break. Just as he's about to light the cigarette he realizes that the cigarette is in his mouth backwards. So he does the obvious and flips the cigarette end for end and puts it back into his mouth. To his surprise the filter is still...

★★★★★ $10
Ron Jaxon
Flip-M-Out by Ron Jaxon

Here is what Ron himself has to say about this ebook:

If I where asked to perform one trick to someone to show my ability as a close up magician. This routine is the one I’d show them. It’s my number one reputation making magic routine and I get more requests to perform “the coin trick” from both laymen and magicians then any other trick I perform. The reason for this is simple. It’s very powerful magic!

Here are a few reasons why:

  • The magic happens in the spectator’s hands.
  • It's done with common objects (coins)
  • Each phases seems more impossible then the one before. ...
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