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Introduction to Coin Magic
by Shigeo Futagawa


(1 review, 9 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Introduction to Coin Magic by Shigeo Futagawa

I have studied personally for almost two years with Shigeo Futagawa in Yokohama, Japan. He is without a doubt one of the top coin workers living today. A humble man who would have all the right in the world to be not quite so humble. Introduction to Coin Magic is a wonderful book. It is not just for the beginning coin student but for anybody who would like to brush up on some basic moves and learn several new outstanding routines.

Another interesting feature of this book is the several short bios of famous magicians inserted throughout the book. You will find people like Slydini, Han Ping Chien, Ross Bertram, John Scarne, Dai Vernon, Tenkai, ...

From the back cover:

Coin magic offers a great many opportunities to the young magician as there is a minimum expense for the articles used and very often the coins can be borrowed for the various tricks. The ability to handle the coins and manipulate them for magical effects is a skill which until recently was acquired only by instruction from a professional coin magician. Today, instruction from leading coin magicians like Dai Vernon and Slydini will cost upwards of $60.00 an hour. This book contains most careful and detailed instructions for the basic moves and techniques of coin magic. In addition, several effects are included for each of the basic sleights as well as exercises designed to help the beginner gain ability and self confidence. Ten basic sleights and twenty two tricks, some published for the first time, are described in 199 pages of text with 505 drawings by one of Japan's finest young magicians.

  1. Inside Dust Jacket
  2. Shigeo Futagawa
  3. Dedication To Shigeo Takagi
  4. Forward
  5. 1. The Close Up Mat
  6. 2. Tricks Without Sleights
  7. Handkerchief And Coin
  8. Coin Thru Bottom Of Glass
  9. Ring And Coin Freed From Handkerchief
  10. 3. The Finger Palm
  11. Coin Into Pants Pocket
  12. Vanishing Coin
  13. 4. The Coin Vanish
  14. Coins Across
  15. Coin And Fountain Pen Routine
  16. 5. The Tunnel Vanish
  17. Dollar Changed Into Four Quarters
  18. Coins Across (Version No. 2)
  19. 6. The Thumb Palm
  20. Coin Vanish
  21. Coin Passes Through Handkerchief
  22. Han Ping Chien
  23. 7. Han Ping Chien Coin Move
  24. Coins Pass From One Hand To Another
  25. Coin Passing From Hand To Hand
  26. Dai Vernon
  27. 8. The Classic Palm
  28. The Click Pass
  29. Coins Across (Version No. 3)
  30. John Scarne
  31. 9. The Coin Change
  32. John Scarne's Copper And Silver
  33. T. Nelson Downs
  34. 10. The T. Nelson Downs Palm
  35. Handkerchief And Coin (Version No. 2)
  36. Production Of Four Coins
  37. Slydini
  38. 11. The French Drop
  39. Silver And Copper
  40. Tenkai
  41. 12. Coin And Playing Card
  42. How To Hide Coin Behind Playing Card
  43. Coins Produced From Playing Cards
  44. Coins Passing Through Handkerchief
  45. Gerald Kosky
  46. Ross Bertram
  47. Ormond McGill
  48. Jerry Andrus
  49. Pete Biro
  50. Daniel Cros
1st edition, 1978, Arnold Furst, 199 pages; PDF 194 pages.
word count: 17611 which is equivalent to 70 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Chet Cox (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 05 August, 2016

This may be a classic example of "That's too simple to fool anyone" - but it does. It will fool your own self as you watch yourself practice.

The best part of the lessons is probably the lesson you learn almost unconsciously: you learn to enjoy practicing, and you see real improvement as you consistently practice.

It's not knuckle-busting - but it IS darned good magic.