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French's Manipulative Magic with Additions
by Charles C. Eastman


(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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French's Manipulative Magic with Additions by Charles C. Eastman

Manipulative or sleight of hand magic is undoubtedly the purest form of the conjuror's art. Now you can add more than 20 beautiful and entertaining effects to your routine. Edwin A. French was a true artist, as shown by the moves that are well described by Chas. C. Eastman. Add to this the line art by none other than Nelson Hahne, and you have a combination that is hard to beat.

In addition to French's artistry, this edition also includes additional effects by Murray Sumner, John Morin, Nelson Hahne, Joseph Walker, Bert Douglas and Sid Lorraine.

While it's hard to be partial, as we like all the material, the Penetration effect is especially commercial. In essence, it is a no-frills version of the Penetration Frame dealer trick that uses only a small envelope. It can be adapted to other properties besides playing cards, too.

Partial contents:

  • Routine: A Tricky Thimble
  • French's Clip Pass
  • Don't Drop It
  • Presto Chango
  • Slippery Sphere
  • The Flip Pass
  • A Surprise Vanish and Color Change
  • Another Card Flourish
  • French's Card Stabbing Routine
  • Paper and Pasteboards
  • French's Transpo Balls
  • A Novel Card Fan Vanish
  • You'll Like It
  • Well! Can You Beat That!
  • A "Sleight" Reversal of Form
  • Some "Sleights" (card color change, cigarette vanish)
  • The Fleeting Queen (Sumner)
  • Proving That the Hand Is Quicker Than the Eye (Morin)
  • Another Card Reversal (Hahne)
  • Penetration (Walker)
  • The Phantom Cigarette (Douglas-Lorraine)
  • Foiled Again
"I heartily recommend this." - Baffles Brush
1st edition 1930, PDF 67 pages.
word count: 19080 which is equivalent to 76 standard pages of text
