Fundraisers have always been popular. There will always be organizations that need to raise funds. And, there will always be needs out there that fundraisers will be launched for. The success of these events depends on community support, and ticket sales.
When organizations host fundraisers they always reach for the free, and least expensive ways to promote their event. Many of these organizations are very good at their activities and operations. But the reality is that they do not focus their daily operations on event promotions. As a result, they often need help.
This text is a coaching tool to help these organizations. It reminds us of free marketing that is readily available to all of us. Beyond that it identifies many additional activities that help bring in funds and sell tickets. It is written in a voice the magician can share, with the hosting organization.
Three key elements are covered: plan, timeline and accountability. This text positions the magician as both an entertainer and promotional consultant. All information is targeted to higher funds raised, more tickets sold, and a highly successful fundraiser. A must have for any magician who wants to help fundraising organizations bring in more support.
- Know Your Place
- Plan the Event
- Staff Up
- Marketing Plan
- Advanced Marketing
- Day of the Event
- Close the Event
- Wrapping it Up
1st edition 2017, 38 pages.
word count: 12974 which is equivalent to 51 standard pages of text