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Further Flight 2.0
by Jon Racherbaumer

#3 Cards author
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Further Flight 2.0 by Jon Racherbaumer

Edward Marlo's "Further Flight" from 1972 was a response to Lynn Searles "Pre-Cannibal Cards". These are some routines around that topic.

  • Prologue
  • Pre-Cannibal Cards / Lin Searles: A selection is placed between two red Kings, disappears, and then reappears between two black Kings in the center of the deck.
  • Flight For Three / Edward Marlo: Three selected cards are placed between four Aces and then suddenly disappear. These selections reappear between four face-up Queens in the middle of the deck.
  • Further Flight / Edward Marlo: Four men (Kings), married to four women (Queens), live in different parts of the city. The wives become nags, causing the husbands to disappear, leaving their mixed-up wives alone. The husbands are then found to have flown to a remote island where they are found lying on their backs, basking in the tropical sun.
  • Passing Up the Half Pass

1st edition 2003, PDF 24 pages.
word count: 7476 which is equivalent to 29 standard pages of text