$15(1 customer rating) ★★★★★
Many dream of becoming a full-time magician. This dream can become reality if you are willing to plan, and put in the extra effort to make it happen. You need a business plan that can compare to the needs of your existing home budget. This is not a get rich overnight activity. It requires step by step sequences that help replace your current home budget needs with the net profits you can generate through your magic. This text will provide you with a solid foundation. It covers the plan, marketing and helps you make that full-time decision based on research.
- Full time magicians day
- The 80/20 rule
- Expense planning
- Income planning
- Marketing
- Insurance
- Basic business plan
- Put the plan in motion
- Goal setting and tracking
- Associations
- Publications
- Wrapping it up
1st edition 2017, 39 pages.
word count: 14677 which is equivalent to 58 standard pages of text