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How to Book Your Attraction
by Robert A. Nelson

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How to Book Your Attraction by Robert A. Nelson

Even with a fine show, extraordinary talent and natural ability, you can still fail to be a financial success, simply because you don't know how to book your attraction.

This ebook will show you, as a clever mentalist, where and how you can book your show and work every day of the year. There's plenty of work for the psychic entertainer who wants to work, if he or she makes use of the information and knowledge contained in this ebook. Learn the ins and outs of working in theatres, night clubs, hotels, resorts, fairs and exhibitions. Discover the subtleties of working in radio and TV, including sponsorship, programming, where and how booked. Unearth the secret art of special event bookings, including newspaper tie-ups and sponsorship, extra sources of revenue, and private reader promotions.

Make money with store demonstrations, including the pitch, terms of the engagement, how to build a crowd, turning the tip, who to contact and how to overcome obstacles.

You'll be treated to the inside secrets of booking by mail, artist representatives, booking agents, advance bookers, and where and how to secure their services.

And there's more. Cruise ships, school assemblies, performance contracts, Ladies Matinee performances, midnight ghost shows, negotiating the book concession, and much more is covered in this ebook. If you've ever thought about taking your act to a higher level or want to take your show on the road, you need this ebook.

1st edition 1950, PDF 70 pages.
word count: 20540 which is equivalent to 82 standard pages of text
