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by David Gemmell


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Mag-Acidus by David Gemmell

A sinister workhorse billet combination of Al Mann's Mag-Eye move and Millard Longman's Acidus Novus.

From the introduction:

They say there is nothing new under the sun, this is no exception. Without any hype, this is just a very good combination of techniques that I almost fell over one day when reviewing some billet and centre tear moves. Unlike many mentalists, I am not blessed with the skin type that allows for the type of peek or tear that requires a squeezing action like the brilliant Osterlind centre tear.

I was drawn to peeks such as the Scatter-thought tear, the Barfly billet, Busch's billet (tear) and my favourite, the Mag-Eye move. I first read of this in a small booklet called Phanta Graphs by Al Mann.

(This along with many other centre tears were reprinted in Al's Classic tome The Purloined Thought.)

The other classic billet move that I (and many others) were drawn to was Millard Longman's Acidus Novus (see Acidus Plus). Despite the fact that many other billet peeks have come to the fore (some published, others still underground) in recent years, this one move alone stands head and shoulders above the rest.

So, what did I stumble upon?, well almost by accident I found that if I had a billet made up for the Acidus peek and ...

1st edition 2009; 10 pages.
word count: 1660 which is equivalent to 6 standard pages of text