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Video clips (download) in Magic & Mentalism: page 20


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★★★★★ $12.87
Dave Forrest
DeLorian: signed card under cellophane by Dave Forrest

DeLorian is a show stopping ‘Signed Card to Impossible Location’ effect that can be performed at any time during your act with any freely selected card! And, it’s just as easy to do as it is absolutely stunning!

"I must say, pulling that card out of the cellophane looks fu**in' great!" - Cameron Francis

"A fun trick with a novel presentation and an intriguing method. You've proved that a good trick is all in the details!" - Andi Gladwin

The DeLorian gimmick allows you to apparently remove a folded card from under the cellophane of the card case in a natural and completely deceptive way....

★★★★★ $12.87
Dave Forrest
Tunnel Vision by Dave Forrest

The Tunnel Vision gimmicks will allow you to push a face up playing card through the deck - as it emerges from the other side it is seen to change into a completely different card.

"This looks great. The final phase - with gimmick - is the real killer. The construction of the gimmick is devious!" - Peter Duffie

"Dave, it looks uber-cool, nice one!!" - Liam Montier

The main Tunnel Vision routine is a professional performance piece where four Jokers change one by one into Aces as they are pushed through the deck. This engaging routine builds to an impossible climax whereby the spectators actually witness...

Daniel Madison
Changes by Daniel Madison

Daniel teaches four card changes - so called color changes:

  • The Fan Change
  • The Wheel Change
  • The Swing Change
  • Delusion
For each one you will receive a PDF and a video clip.

The Fan Change
This is what Daniel considers to be a signature color-change and it is one of his favorites. A card is turned face up on top of the deck. The deck is fanned and before the fan closes the face up card has changed to another card.

The fan change is impromptu, it can be performed with any deck of cards and isn't hard to achieve. To stub a misconception...the top card is not being taken away from...

Daniel Madison
Lethal by Daniel Madison

Here you will learn some of the most 'lethal' and must stunning card flourishes ever invented. XCM (eXtreme Card Manipulation) at its best.

The debut DVD from underground magician Daniel Madison, originally released in 2006 on Halloween to a highly anticipating audience is now also available as video download. Packed with 26 flourishes, Lethal teaches Daniel's concepts for playing card manipulation and cardistry.

Flourishes taught:

  • Symphony
  • Cylinder
  • Dead Revolution
  • Sleeper
  • Bicycle
  • Symphony Run One
  • Symphony Run Two
  • Cylinder Run One
  • Cylinder Run Two
  • Delinquent
  • Diabolique
  • Dropsyble ...
Jack Carpenter
An Impulsive Premonition by Jack Carpenter

Spectator merely thinks of any card out of 52 and that card is the only one with a different back than the rest of the deck. But what if the spectator would have named another card? To demonstrate the performer takes another card and visually moves the off color back from the first selection to the new one. A very visual and stunning transformation.

runtime 9 min 32s.

★★★ $2
David Roth
The Coin Roll (Steeplechase) by David Roth

This is a beautiful flourish where one or more coins roll across the back of the fingers. Both Nate Leipzig and Allan Shaw claim to have invented this move. Al Goshman did a wonderful version where a coin rolls up and down his hand. Extreme variations go as far as rolling eight coins, four on each hand.

runtime 6 minutes 38s

★★★★ $4
Christopher Caldwell
Blockbuster Prediction by Christopher Caldwell

The mentalist places a rental video tape (or DVD) as prediction on the table. A spectator chooses a good movie from a movie guide that lists nearly 20,000 movies. It turns out that the prediction is spot on.

runtime 11min 15s

Peter Duffie
Utterly Wild by Peter Duffie

The ultimate ungaffed wild card - use any deck.

The original version of this routine was called Born to be Wild (from Inspirations). Peter has enjoyed performing the original over the years, for lay people AND magicians, but the fact that he couldn't show the last card always bothered him. You were left with a face-to-face double that had to be dropped onto the deck and a triple lift executed to finish. Going back to the deck for a finish is never good! But this has now changed ...

This new version changes that. You are now left with a single court card for a clean and powerful finish. There is also...

Drunken Cork & Heart in Love by Peki

You get two floating object performances by Peki. One is the fun "Drunken Bottle Cork" and the other a poetic "Heart in Love" routine.

Please remember that you will only get the performances and no explanations. But if you know Peki's thread and method these two routines serve as further examples of what is possible with such a wonderful close-up floatation method. Please refer to Dance of the Butterfly, The Dancing Handkerchief or The Fairytale of the Silver Pearl for details on the thread and the method used by Peki.

runtime: 2min 31s

Dance Of The Butterfly by Peki

A paper butterfly flutters above your hands, flies around and even lands on a rose.

You will learn the secrets of Peki's invisible thread that makes it much more invisible than other threads even in close up instances where viewers are only a few inches away from the action.

Professionally dubbed into English from German.

runtime: 10min 19s

★★★★★ $10
The Dancing Handkerchief by Peki

A close-up version of the famed Dancing Handkerchief routine used by many stage magicians. A miniature handkerchief jumps out of a small container, dances, bounces around and walks across a magic wand before going back into it's jewel box. The entire routine happens in your hands while standing.

You will learn the secrets of Peki's invisible thread that makes it much more invisible than other threads even in close up instances where viewers are only a few inches away from the action.

Professionally dubbed into English from German.

runtime: 13min 33s

★★★★★ $10
The Fairytale Of The Silver Pearl by Peki

A particularly beautiful routine features a small silver ball or pearl that is removed from a seashell and takes a life of its own. It floats in the air, between your fingers, rides up a small magic wand, travels along the circumference of a large ball bearing and rolls along the back of your hand as it finally floats to you so it can be put back into the shell.

You will learn the secrets of Peki's invisible thread that makes it much more invisible than other threads even in close up instances where viewers are only a few inches away from the action.

Professionally dubbed into English...

★★★★★ $4
Peter Duffie
About Moves by Peter Duffie

Here Peter Duffie talks about moves in general and how some moves can be improved. He demonstrates his main point on the side steal.

runtime: 2min 1s

Peter Duffie
Deck Switch by Peter Duffie

A deck switch with two different cover actions, one an overhand shuffle, the other a cut. (Also part of Move Mastery 2.)

runtime: 10min 7s

Peter Duffie
Double Flight by Peter Duffie

This is a method to get two cards into two pockets with only one palm. (Also part of Move Mastery 2.)

runtime: 8min 56s

Peter Duffie
Two Bottom Palms by Peter Duffie

Two methods to palm cards from the bottom of the deck into classic palm. The second method also turns the cards face up in the palm. (Also part of Move Mastery 2.)

runtime: 8min 17s

Peter Duffie
Toss Switch by Peter Duffie

As you toss a card into the deck it changes. (Also part of Move Mastery 2.)

runtime: 6min 12s

Peter Duffie
Under Switch by Peter Duffie

This move is a bit like an upside down top switch. It exchanges the bottom card for the card in your hand. (Also part of Move Mastery 2.)

runtime: 6min 2s

Peter Duffie
Scoop Switch by Peter Duffie

This move works with a single card or a packet of cards and is fairly easy to do. (Also part of Move Mastery 2.)

runtime: 3min 47s

Peter Duffie
Two False Cuts by Peter Duffie

Two cuts which look like the real deal but in fact you are not cutting the cards at all. (Also part of Move Mastery 2.)

runtime: 14min 14s

★★★★ $4
Peter Duffie
Paus by Peter Duffie

Paus stands for Palm Addition Utility Sleight. First published in Applications. (Also part of Move Mastery 2.)

runtime: 7min 31s

Peter Duffie
One To Five by Peter Duffie

Another way to ditch/lap cards while you show them one by one. (Also part of Move Mastery 2.)

runtime: 8min 33s

Peter Duffie
Spin Cut Lap by Peter Duffie

Duffie published this move first in Card Compulsions, but it is one of these moves that are better taught in a video, even though it is a really easy move. (Also part of Move Mastery 2.)

runtime: 3min 52s

Peter Duffie
Riffle Lap by Peter Duffie

While you give the deck a riffle you shoot the bottom card unseen into your lap. (Also part of Move Mastery 2.)

runtime: 3min 2s

Displaying 559 to 582 (of 1038 products)
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