★★★★★ $15
The Hierophant 1 and 2
Jon Racherbaumer
Issue 1:
- Proem
- Marlo Handles the Open Prediction (10 Variations, 15 Methods)
- Addition to Marlo's "Matching Miracle"
- Heldman's out of this World Clean-Up
- Estimations: Faro Fantasy, Finagling, and Paul Swinford
- The Satiricon
- Cardmanship
- Footnote to Ferris
- Mirabile Dictu
- Excerpt from a Dialogue Overheard at a Convention
- Postscript
Issue 2:
- New Fangled Glimpse Anthology
- If Glimpse
- Fi Glimpse
- Spring Glimpse
- Neo-Piquant Glimpse
- Marlo's Beveled Deck Glimpse
- Turn Around Center Glimpse
- Marlo Stalks the Ultimate Sandwich
- Marlo's "Collectors"
- Alternatives for the "Collectors"