$30(1 customer rating) ★★★★★
This product is also part of: A unique documentary containing photos accompanied by autobiographical and anecdotal texts, featuring 250 magicians from 28 nations. This first volume includes names from A-H:
- Foreword by Eberhard Riese
- Introduction
- About the Author
- A
- Adrian Guerra
- Alan Shaxon
- Aldo Colombini
- Alexander Lehmann
- Alexis
- Alex Porter
- Alfred Kellerhof
- Ali Bongo
- Almeico
- Amos Levkovitch
- Anatoli Kartashkin
- Andreas Axmann
- André Dubach
- Andy Mayno
- Arino
- Arsène Lupin
- B
- Bagattello
- Bellachini XIII
- Bert Rex
- Blake Eduarado
- Bob Little
- Bob Sheets
- Boretti
- Boris Wild
- Buccini
- C
- Camilo Vásquez
- Carlos Barragàn
- ChaPeau
- Chris & Christina
- Christian Bischof
- Christian Engblom
- Christian Knudsen
- Christoph Borer
- Clemens Ilgner
- Clemens Valentino
- Clown Billy
- Cyril Harvey
- D
- Daniel Juillerat
- Daniel Rhod
- Danny Cole
- Dänu – Zauberhafte Variétäten
- Darwin Ortiz
- David
- David Williamson
- Denis Behr
- Derek Dingle
- Der HEXER®
- Die Plebsbüttel
- Dixon
- Domenico Dante
- Dominic
- Dominique Duvivier
- Dr. Gábor G. Szabó
- Duncan Trillo
- Duo Carlos / Kaspar Magic
- Duo Mira-Cool-X
- Durowa
- E
- Eberhard Riese
- Eddy Schuyer
- Erino
- F
- Fantasios
- Felix Farrell
- FL!P
- Florian Klein
- Francesco Guidato
- Francis Tabary
- Frederik & Jenny
- Fritz Stucki
- Frizano
- G
- H
- Hank Moorehouse
- Hanno Rhomberg
- Haraldini
- Helge Thun
- Herbert Kubat
- Hermanion
- Hokus-Pok-Urs
- Hörbi
- Hu San Yang / Ayuka
The photos were taken by the author from 1980 to 2015 during performances of the magicians in Europe. The texts were contributed by the artists. Foreword by Eberhard Riese.
"A Special Book. An extraordinary book. A history of magic of a different kind." - Eberhard Riese
"These large, beautiful volumes provide an opportunity to spend time with hundreds of magicians who share - in their own words - anecdotes, philosophy, and a bit of themselves. This is really the ultimate book test - open it anywhere and you will immediately know what they were thinking." - Steve Beam
1st edition 2017, 272 pages.
word count: 30404 which is equivalent to 121 standard pages of text