Christian Scherer
Christian Scherer is a Psychologist by profession and has been a part time professional magician for more than 30 years. 1979 he joined the Magic Promotion Club in Bern which he presided from 1980 to 2000 when he resigned from this charge and was elected honorary president. He is also a member of IBM, the Magic Circle of Germany and a honorary member of the Swiss Magic Ring for which he wrote an introductory text serving as a basic reference for the candidates when preparing for the entrance examination.
Christian Scherer has successfully competed in magic contests in the category card magic. After winning first place in Germany in 1980 he was a three times Swiss Champion in card magic (1990, 1993 and 1996). From 1995 to 1999 he was the editor of HOKUS-POKUS, the magazine of the Swiss Magic Ring. He has published some major books on cardmagic and a couple of booklets and lecture notes on card and general magic in German. He also translated Erndase's The Expert at the Card Table into German.
Coauthors: S. W. Erdnase