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Magicseen No. 16 (September 2007)
by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw


(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Magicseen No. 16 (September 2007) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
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Vol. 3, No. 4, September 2007; 68 pages.

The feature article covers Juliana Chen's triumphant rise to magic stardom and concludes with a revealing interview about performing, life off stage, and her plans for the future.

  1. Welcome
  2. Letters
  3. News
  4. Martin Duffy's review of Kennedy's show "Peer6"
  5. Juliana Chen
  6. A collection of heckler lines and anecdotes
  7. Where's Ali Bongo? (Hint: He's everywhere)
  8. A familiar sounding tale of a new magician's frustrated soon-to-be ex-wife
  9. Comedy Special
  10. Pro's Pointers: Comedy advice from performers like John Archer, Noel Britten, Noel Qualter, Pete Firman, and Wayne Dobson
  11. One Liners - Part 1: A compilation of 200 comedy one-liners
  12. Things that get under Graham P. Jolley's skin
  13. An interview with "Cold Feet" actor and amateur magician John Thomson
  14. One Liners - Part 2
  15. Reviews
    • Matthew Leatherbarrow's "Customer Copy"
    • Peter Harrison's "Connected"
    • David Regal's "Sudden Deck II" and "Off With His Head"
    • Russ Stevens's "You Can Do Magic Too!"
    • Jonathan Royle's "Secrets of Stage Hypnotism"
    • Michael Murray's "Between the Lines"
    • Alan Rorrison's "Fingers of Fury Vol. 1 & 2"
    • Seth Kramer's "A Modern Tradeshow Handbook"
    • Wolfgang Riebe's "Commercial Card Magic"
    • Stefan Olschewski's "Pierrot"
    • Martin Duffy's "The Lota Pot"
    • Christopher Williams's "Thought of Cards Across Project"
  16. An interview with Radio 1's resident magician and "psychological performer" Chris Cox
  17. Henning Koehlert's article on the current state of magic in Germany
  18. Masterclass
    • Henning Koehlert's "Invisible Coins" - Someone who is interested in your business card, chooses one of three different imaginary coins and flips it; then she takes one of your business cards. On the back, there is a correct prediction: the chosen coin and the correct side.
    • Mike Porstmann's "Switch Game" – A comedy envelope routine where a spectator's £20 note switches places with another spectator's selected card.
  19. Dealer's Booth: A profile of magic dealer Stephen Tucker.
  20. Back Issues

word count: 32793 which is equivalent to 131 standard pages of text