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Vol. 6, No. 3, July 2010; 68 pages.
Cover: Kockov
This months feature article comprises two interviews: the first with Russian mentalist and magician Kockov, and the second with Jasper Blakeley, the man behind this larger-than-life character.
- Welcome
- Letters
- News
- Arthur & Leslie Stead's guide to using music in your act
- Simon Lovell - Magician, ex-Magician, Magician!
- Interview with Joaquin Ayala - from Mexican teenager to Las Vegas superstar
- El Loco: a magician's rebirth
- Profile: Cool young magician Stephen Williams
- The Essential Magic Conference - Background & Preview
- Kockov - A Russian Original
- Jasper Blakeley, the man behind the Monrokvian character
- Magic in Hungary
- An interview with Sandy Marshall, author and son of Jay Marshall
- "Siegfried & Roy: Unique in All the World" - The story behind the book
- Masterclass
- "Coin Bottle, Bottle Coin" by Andy Clockwise - Knocking an American half dollar through a bottle shrinks the coin to half-size; knocking it out again causes it to grow three times its original size.
- "The Price Is Right" by Ian Adair - a "Just Chance" effect using bar codes
- "Watchers" by Lewis Jones - A word test, based on the 500+ page Dean Koontz novel, "Watchers". The effect uses up to 60 freely-selected page numbers, from which one page is selected. The performer then divines information about a chosen passage on that page.
- "Who's Under the Blanket?" by Andy Clockwise - This is a children's party game that incorporates music and guessing which child is secretly covered by a blanket. Lots of fun for 5 to 25 minutes.
- BCA by Bernard Sim - A four-coins across routine with no extra coins; no table required.
- The World of Fake Coins - Part 5
- Reviews
- Andy Clockwise's "Cheque Mate"
- Gaetan Bloom's "Bloomeries"
- Ponta The Smith's "Sick"
- Bob Solari's "Swami Secure"
- Mark Lee's "Drift"
- Patrick Redford's "Prevaricator DVD"
- Will Tsai's "Tsunami Project"
- Bob Solari's "Fan See Card Rise"
- Matthew Garrett's "Monty the Spiv"
- Robert Osterlind's "Challenge Magic DVD"
- Bob Swadling & Nicholas Einhorn's "Pro-Flite"
- Jeff Stone's "Stone Frixion Fire DVD"
- Bob Solari's "Right and Wrong"
- Noel Diamond, Mike Caveney, Ricky Jay and Jim Steinmeyer's "Magic 1400s-1950s"
- Alexander 'Sandy' Marshall's "Beating a Dead Horse"
- "Between Three Minds" DVD
- Bob Solari's "Incredible"
- Pieras Fitikides' "Twitter"
- Mark Southworth's "Tin Opener"
- Chris Kenworthey's "Mastermind"
- Andrew Regnauld's "Feckin Spiders" (eBook)
- Mathieu Bich's "Reversible"
- Bob Solari's "The Omega Gimmick"
- Nick Langham's "Royal Command"
- Advertisers / Upcoming in Next Issue / Back Issues
word count: 36562 which is equivalent to 146 standard pages of text