$5(1 customer rating) ★★★★★
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Vol. 6, No. 4, September 2010; 68 pages.
Cover: Rafael, Belgium's king of cool. The feature article showcases the many acts (from Comedy Dove to Vampire) of Belgian stage magician Rafael.
- Welcome
- Letters
- News
- George Luck's interview of Finnish cardician Miika Pelkonen
- Impossible Bottles (deck of cards in bottle) discussion with master craftsman Phil Evans
- Grumpy Old Magician whinges
- A guided tour of the Magic Circle library
- Brian Caswell talks about magic trick descriptions
- An introduction to Dove Magic: Advice from experts Lance Burton, Tony Clark, Scott Penrose, and Brian Sefton
- Rafael
- An interview with TNA wrestler and amateur magician Desmond Wolfe
- Mark Leveridge's review of "The Essential Magic Conference": A Live Internet event featuring performances, lectures, talks, and discussions by 33 top professionals
- A review of Peter Clifford's magic show "Peter's Friends"
- In The Phonebox: A short discussion with magic creator and magician Jamie Daws
- An interview with magician and mindreader Chris Dugdale. Chris has worked for Lance Burton and performed for everyone from Angelina Jolie to H.M. the Queen.
- The magicseen MEGA-QUIZ! - A contest comprised of 30 questions about the first 30 issues of magicseen
- Masterclass
- Mark Leveridge's "Favourite Characters" - Use four children's story characters to give any four tricks a coherent theme
- Ben Prime's "Bias" - An easy card move that can be used as a control, a force, a production, a memory demonstration or of deadcutting
- An interview with escapologist, knife thrower, fire eater, glass walking Cynthia Morrison, AKA The Great Cindini
- Stuart Millward talks about the ups and downs of running a 'bricks & mortar' magic shop
- 12 things you wouldn't want to hear a magic dealer say
- Dealer's Booth: A profile of magic dealer Dave Forrest. His website Full52.com deals mainly with card effects and offers a selective list of exclusive effects, downloads, and videos. There are also free video effects and Dave is interested in marketing other magician's worthwhile effects.
- Reviews
- Magigadgets utility device "Electro-Magic Squeeker"
- Gabe Fajuri's book "Mysterio's Encyclopedia of Magic and Conjuring"
- Gregory Ferdinand's packet trick with DVD "Trick or Treat in the Land of OZ"
- Merlinswakefield's puzzle/trick "Miser's Rings Magic Puzzle"
- Mat L'Anoire's PDF eBook "Nevermind, The Mentalism of Mat L'Anoire"
- Chad Long's close-up effect "Flash"
- Bob Solari's card trick with gimmick "Royal Opener"
- Gary Jones & Mark Bendell's mentalism effect with special cards "Thought Wave"
At A Glance
- Scott Strange's DVD "Odd Balls"
- Jeremy Pei's DVD "Powerful Rope Magic"
- Wayne Houchin's DVD "Control"
- Christopher Ballinger's utility gimmick "The Shark"
- Johan Stahl's DVD "Sleeveless Sleeving"
- Luis Otero's DVD "Cartificios"
- Paul Romhany's DVD "Lunch Date"
- Andrew Mayne's DVD "Inversion"
- Next Issue
word count: 32953 which is equivalent to 131 standard pages of text