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Magigram Volume 19 (Sep 1986 - Aug 1987)
by Supreme-Magic-Company

#2 Magazines & Journals author

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Magigram Volume 19 (Sep 1986 - Aug 1987) by Supreme-Magic-Company
This product is also part of:

The Magigram, Volume 19, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

Including an Index to Volume 19, 910 pages

  • cover pages and 31 page index to Volume 19

  1. Volume 19, Number 1, September, 1986, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  5. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  6. The Electrified Keys - Magic Roka
  7. The Apple and the Scarf
  8. The Gospel Column
    • A Short Autobiography - Henry Smith
    • Is The Bible Reliable? - Henry Smith
  9. Perpetually Yours - Ravelle & Andree
  10. Illusions - Dr. Heinz Niedermeyer
    • The Dolls House
  11. A Four Ace Trick - Jay Francis
  12. Solid Through Solid - Scrivante
  13. Choice 3, Chance 2! - Rory Coker
  14. For the Dinner Table - P.K. Ilango
  15. Gambler vs Magician - quotation
  16. The Bond Plaque and Case - Tom Sellers and Dennis Patten
  17. My Favourite Paddle Trick - Everett Lyda
  18. Invisible Dice - Shaz Tonami
  19. E-Zee Silk Dye - As a Kiddies Effect
  20. Ideas for Puppeteers
    • Marionette "Ghost-Show"
    • Spirit-Seance
    • Puppet in Book
  21. Laughs with Cut & Restored Ropes - Ian Adair
  22. The Cut & Restored Rope - A New Idea! - Wolfgang Riebe
  23. My Version of Snowstorm in China - Grahan Ainsle
  24. The Houdini File - Frank Koval
    • Number Five - Houdini to Harry Price
  25. Double Knot Release
  26. Practice Makes Perfect - article - Harold Long
  27. A Policeman's Story - Lee Stainer
  28. 20th Century Splendo - Brian Marr
  29. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  30. Name Card - Jay Francis
  31. Arthur Carter Column
    • Objective Prediction
  32. The Kissing Rabbit from Nowhere - Malcolm Yaffe
  33. Wife Fooler - testimonials
  34. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  35. A Prediction - testimonial
  36. Elephants' Polo Mints - Ian Adair
  37. Professor Sketches at Work - cartoon - Harry Leat
  38. A Miracle Transposition - Jay Francis
  39. How to do it 'Write' - article - Joe Hustler
  40. A Little Palmistry Among Friends - Arun Bonerjee
  41. Those Elusive Rabbits - testimonial
  42. Mirror Penetration - Henk Vermeyden
  43. Aenigma's Mallet - Aenigma
  44. advertisements

  1. Volume 19, Number 2, October, 1986, 73 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  5. Dracula - Horst M. Paffen
  6. Staggering Simplicity - Lee Alex
  7. Dicey Clairvoyance - Utz Napierala
  8. Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  9. My Way with 'Predict-A-Numero' - Arun Bonerjee
  10. Snooper Snooped - Henrique
  11. Magic Painting Palette - Henrique
  12. Ambitious Card Surprise - Jay Francis
  13. Flash Disappearance of a Silk - Paul Antoine
  14. Mental Magnetic - Topsi
  15. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • A Magical Melange
  16. Dexter on Dexterity - quotation
  17. The Houdini File - Frank Koval
    • Number Six - Houdini to Harry Price
  18. Arthur Carter Column
    • The Twenty-Seven Force
  19. Jumbo Flight - Rory Coker
  20. Appreciation from Our U.S.A. Customers - testimonials
  21. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  22. A Major Contribution - testimonial
  23. The Gospel Column
    • Faithfulness - Henry Smith
  24. Presentation-Paramount! - testimonials
  25. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  26. Big Words from Ricky - testimonial
  27. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  28. The Sun & The Cloud - Alain Gesbert
  29. Colour Separation (for the lightweight trick) - Manfred Bacia
  30. Prakash's Perpetual Coin Production - Dr. L. Prakash
  31. What the Doctor Ordered! - testimonial
  32. advertisements

  1. Volume 19, Number 3, November, 1986, 73 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. The Magician Reveals a Secret (Or Does He?) - L.C. Beattie
  5. The Coin Star - Alarik
  6. The Really Magic Cups and Balls - Brian Marr
  7. Divinastro - Mat Roelofs
  8. Retour Aux Sources - Zeppa
  9. Truth is Stranger than Fiction - article - Henrique
  10. Divination of a Card - Georges Poullean (Diavd)
  11. Tips on Liquid Tricks - Ian Adair
  12. Service! - testimonials
  13. Paravent - Illusion Improved - Volker Dittmar-Marvol
  14. Flash Flush! - Ron Mann
  15. Sincere Appreciation - testimonials
  16. Brown(ies) Magic - Brian Marr
  17. Two Minds with Two Thoughts - Ralph White
  18. The Gospel Column
    • The Equality of Man - Barbie Cowburn Levante
  19. Could be a Miracle - Jay Francis
  20. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  21. Tarbell on Course - quotation
  22. No Twist Twister - Herb Rungay (USA)
  23. Straight from the Magicians' Mouths - testimonials
  24. Five Keys - Ken de Courcy
  25. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  26. My Way with The Dunce's Cap and Obedient Rainbow Cards - Lee Alex
  27. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  28. cartoon
  29. A Letter from Alfred Gabriel - re: Giovanni
  30. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • When I Say 'New', I Mean New!
  31. What an Effect?!? by Marthwaite Lodcross - humor - Rory Coker
  32. Love Test - Arun Bonerjee
  33. Triple Hit! - Ron Mann
  34. Tom Seller's Mental Magic
    1. Pseudo Memory Test
    2. A Card Prediction
    3. An Idea for the Marked Slate
  35. A Good Card Gag - Gerald Kosky
  36. Did You Ever! - humor
  37. Blank Card Mystery - Corvelo
  38. publicity artwork from Aston of Norway
  39. advertisements

  1. Volume 19, Number 4, December, 1986, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
  5. Odds & Gags - Val [Andrews]
  6. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  7. The Way I Do It - Joe Hustler
  8. Experience Has Proved - quotation
  9. A Fishy Tale - Arthur Setterington
  10. Variation for 'Drink in the News' - Deb Geo
  11. 'Lead In' Patter for Supreme 'Transpo-Knives' - Val Andrews
  12. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  13. The Houdini File - Frank Koval
    • Number Seven - Houdini to Harry Price
  14. The Gospel Column
    • The Frame of Life - Gordon Short
  15. Double Divination - Gaetan Bloom
  16. The Royal Flush Riffle - Herman Van Den Berg
  17. Here Comes Father Christmas - Harry Reeve
  18. A Christmas Prayer - Harry Reeve
  19. Santa's Christmas Tree - Ray Cooper
  20. Fuzzy Santa - John Savill
  21. The Disappearing and Reappearing Father Christmas - Martin Passmore
  22. Clever Card and Book Test - Ian Adair
  23. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  24. An Apple - Ravelle and Andree
  25. This One's a Scream! - Joe Hustler
  26. Through the Thumb - Rink
  27. Ring and Endless Chain - Rink
  28. Arthur Carter Column
    • Impromptu Objective Prediction
  29. My Way with The Missing Spot - Lee Alex
  30. An Introduction for 'Impromptu' Tricks - Val Andrews
  31. Economical Spot - Ken de Courcy
  32. This Little Piggy Went - Dave Rawson
  33. Fabian's On and Off - Aldo Colombini
  34. Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  35. The Cutting Card - P.K. Ilango
  36. An Exercise in Imagination - Ken de Courcy
  37. advertisements

  1. Volume 19, Number 5, January, 1987, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. 'S' Card Gimmick - Sinclair
  5. Mail Box - re: repair of epoxy sealed gaff coins
  6. The Chameleon Jack - Jay Francis
  7. Seal of Approval - Ian Adair
  8. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  9. The Liquid Drumhead Tube - Ken de Courcy
  10. Squared Circle Parasol Production - Marc Antheor
  11. Their Magic My Handling - Birthsign - Arun Bonerjee
  12. Colorcation - John Howie
  13. Chameleon Cocktail - Don Credo
  14. Rainbow Pips - Bernard Shaw
  15. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  16. 'Link-Up' from Close-Up to Floor Show - Val Andrews
  17. Rope and Chinese Coin - Ravelle & Andree
  18. Quick Change Compere - Val [Andrwews]
  19. More Book Reviews - Prof. Eddie Dawes
    • Feats of Memory - Don Carroll
    • Playing Shopping Centers - Jim Mahoney
    • Baker's Capers - The Magic of Roy Baker
    • Cards in Action - Shaun Yee
  20. The Magic Gardener - Johnny Geddes
  21. Real Drawer Box Rabbit Production - Ian Adair
  22. The Gospel Column
    • The Widow's Curse - Duncan Withall
  23. Chapi's Rope Trick - Jean de Merry
  24. Something to Shout About - testimonial
  25. My Conjuring with Copper & Silver Coins - P.K. Ilango
  26. Si-Van-Ga-Li - John Teo
  27. On Body Suspension - Dr. Heinz Niedermeyer
  28. Mental Droppings - W. Rory Coker
  29. Lucky Day - testimonial
  30. Silken Thoughts - article - Henrique
  31. Roll-Up - Ian Adair
  32. Missing Kin - Floyd Shotts
  33. Think of a Miracle - Arthur Setterington
  34. Die-Duction! - John Teo
  35. Vanishing a Lit Cigarette - John Cornelius
  36. Singular from Plural - Luis M. Gavilondo (Cuba)
  37. Three Methods of Magic Painting - Lee Alex (Lee Steiner)
  38. Ten Gags Using The Multiplying Billiard Balls - Ian Adair
  39. Balloon Breakthrough - Gerhard Rottler
  40. Best in the World - testimonial
  41. advertisements

  1. Volume 19, Number 6, February, 1987, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements - A Tribute to Karrell
  3. photo of the Foxy One
  4. advertisements
  5. photos of Karrell Fox
  6. advertisements
  7. photo of Karrell Fox as W.C. Fields
  8. advertisements
  9. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  10. It's All a Gamble They Say - Will Ayling
  11. Chateau Lego - Jerry Khan
  12. Coin-O-Mat - Arun Bonerjee
  13. Bits and Pieces - article - Henrique
  14. Joker Reveals - Jay Francis
  15. The 1,001st. Seven Key Trick - Ralf Götze
  16. Ideas Using the All Clear Forcing Bag - Ian Adair
  17. Magic and Showmanship - quotation
  18. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Pages from the Notebook
  19. Ghostly Encounter with the Dagger Through Miracle Production Box - Anthony Wilson
  20. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • A Word About Paper Tears
  21. The Kellini File
    1. Dice Production
    2. Improved Version
    3. A Novel Way to Use Your Disappearing Cane
    4. Cards on Silk
    5. Mysterious Blocks
    6. Confusing Spot Cards
    7. Six Magazine Repeat
    8. Blendo Plates
    9. Card in Glass
    10. Some Ice Cream Productions
    11. Spiritism
  22. cartoon
  23. The Gospel Column
    • Routines for Odd Ropes - Peter Hodge
  24. More Money - testimonial
  25. Rootin' Tootin' Wand - Ian Adair
  26. The Suspended Table - Dr. Heinz Niedermeyer
  27. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  28. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  29. A Large Gentleman's Handkerchief - A.S. Wright
  30. Cardology No. 2 - Sinclair
  31. Ring-A-Ding - Ravelle & Andree
  32. Egg Bag Routine for Children - Ian Adair
  33. Check-Out - Ken de Courcy
  34. Hardbound Book Test - Ian Adair
  35. Syd's Simplified Speller
  36. advertisements
  37. photos of Karrell Fox
  38. advertisements
  39. photo - The Five Faces of Karrell Fox
  40. advertisements

  1. Volume 19, Number 7, March, 1987, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  5. More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
    • Stanislavski Again
  6. Cut Throat Column - John Holland - reprinted from 'The Magic Circular'
    • A Review of The Ganson Book
  7. Accu-Voo-Doo! - A Routine for De-Val's Voodoo Dolls - Rory Coker
  8. No Mess, Glueless Adaptable Close-Up Board - Michael Factor
  9. Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  10. Hit It - Sinclair
  11. "Insurance" or "On My Life" - Val Andrews
  12. The Mouse Paddle - Eddie Taytelbaum
  13. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • Modelling [sic] Balloon Tips
    • A Tip on Tumblers
  14. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • More Tricks for Travelling Tricksters
      • Black and White
      • Mathematical Genius
      • The Master Match
  15. On Yer Bike - article - A.S. Wright
  16. Arthur Carter Column
    • Smoker's Delight
  17. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  18. Quality Without Question - testimonial
  19. Flower Production - Milton
  20. The Invisibility Screen - Ken de Courcy
  21. The Joker Jack - The Amazing Trelba
  22. Routines in Rhyme - Bill West
    • Chop Cup (1)
    • Chop Cup (2)
  23. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  24. Instant Fish Vanish - Jack Bridwell
  25. Puppets - Godfrey Levy
  26. Circus Clown Paper Tear - Ian Adair
  27. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  28. What Tom Zoss Wrote - re: Scalbert's Selected Secrets by Geoffrey Scalbert
  29. Crystal Penetration - Ken de Courcy
  30. Double Clock Deception - John Yeager
  31. All Words are Pegs to Hang Ideas on - Henry Ward Beecher
  32. Backsight - Len Belcher
  33. Cards and Numbers - Rolf Andra
  34. Case Solved - Michael Rubenstein
  35. Thrilled to Bits - testimonial
  36. Dove to a Tub of Flowers - Levecton
  37. Une Oeuf is Enough! - Patrice Bérnard
  38. A Wizard-Way - Val Andrews
  39. Patter for "Unique Rope Routine" - Barrie Perkins
  40. advertisements

  1. Volume 19, Number 8, April, 1987, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
    • Burn, Witch, Burn
  4. Very Marked ESP - Rory Coker
  5. Ring Vanish a Different Way - Jochen Zmeck
  6. The Total Is! - Gerald Kosky
  7. Cello-Pick - Magini
  8. Lines for Supreme High-Ball-Cup - Val Andrews
  9. Jumbo Chinese Coin Phantasy - Ravelle and Andrée
  10. Another Cut and Restored Rope - Claude Kapp
  11. Christ Aces - Manfred Bacia
  12. Quotes from ... Maskelyne - The Master
  13. The Consumer Moth - Bob Christensen
  14. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  15. Kellini File
    1. Blendo Cane
    2. Blendo Cane - Again!
    3. Blendo Wand
    4. Zig-Zag Dice
    5. Fun with a Nail
    6. More Fun with Two Nails
  16. Predealiction I - Phil Goldstein
  17. Predealiction I - Phil Goldstein
  18. The Ghost in the Bottle - Helmut Born & Werry
  19. The Calculator and The Lie Computer - Herb Rungay & Ali Bongo
    • The Calculator - Herb Rungay
    • The Herb Rungay Model
    • The Lie Computer - Ali Bongo
  20. Calling All Rabbits! - Ken de Courcy
  21. Routines in Rhyme - Bill West
    • Three for Fantasio's Aces
  22. Sucker Exposure Matchstick Suspension - Ian Adair
  23. A Hit Down Under - testimonial
  24. Incredibly Clever Colour Changing Knife - Ian Adair
  25. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Pennicardo
  26. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  27. A Dye Tube Tip - testimonial
  28. A Tribute to Nelson Downs - P.K. Ilango
  29. Tricks with Eggs - Jack Bridwell
    • Colour Changing Egg
    • Egg-It
    • Eggs from Ribbon
    • Bottled Egg
    • Crazy Egg Vanish
    • Flat Egg
    • Silk to Egg
  30. advertisements

  1. Volume 19, Number 9, May, 1987, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • The Power of Svengali
  5. A Name in a Flash - Ian Adair
  6. Flash Silk on Rod/Silk to Cane Routine - Ray Cooper
  7. The Magic Post Box - Sam Dalal
  8. How to Create a Spelling Set-Up - Ernie Jones
  9. Feeling Fingers - Mat Roelofs
  10. Burnt and Restored Banknote - Steve Gotson
  11. A Ball Vanishes from a Glass - Ronaldo
  12. Believe Me or Not - Arun Bonerjee
  13. Henrique Calling - article
  14. Our Crowning Glory - Harold Long
  15. Perfect Close-Up Case - Ian Adair
  16. Ladies Vs Card Tricks - article - Joe Hustler
  17. Presentation Points - Close-Up Magic - Val Andrews
  18. Chicken and Egg Paddle - John Leiba
  19. Supreme Selecta-Sphere - as Presented by Alan Ward
  20. The Kellini File
    1. A Novel Die Penetration
    2. Easy Card Stab
    3. The Red and Yellow Balls
    4. The Genii of the Lamp Effect
    5. Alladin's Magic Lamp
    6. Flower Production Rings
    7. More ESP Experiments
  21. 10 Gags for News-Papers - Ian Adair
  22. All Hot & Bothered - Harold Long
  23. See??? - J.B. Findlay
  24. Coins on Fingers - Frederica
  25. Tissue Vanish - Robert Hamilton
  26. A Top Change - Robert Hamilton
  27. Huechoose - Len Belcher
  28. Turkish Delight - Len Belcher
  29. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  30. Die-Duction - Johnny Teo
  31. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  32. Vanishing A Card - Ken de Courcy
  33. Ten Gags Using the Chinese Sticks - Ian Adair
  34. Born Under - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
  35. The Saga of Silly Sammy - Graham Boylen
  36. The Gospel Column
    • routine by Derek Heron
  37. Multichoice - Ken de Courcy
  38. advertisements

  1. Volume 19, Number 10, June, 1987, 72 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  5. Malcolm Yaffe Finds The Rabbit
  6. Think About It - Dave Holden
  7. Their Magic - My Handling "Psychic Die" - A Routine for "Die-A-Bolic" Die Trick - Arun Bonerjee
  8. Boxed Watch - A Routine with Supreme's Nesting Watches - Ravelle & Andree
  9. The Double Cut - and- The Case of the Querulous Queen - H.E. Bennett
  10. Funatics - vent routine
  11. A Practical Routine for Cabaret - John Yeager
  12. Supernatural Showcase - Richard Mather
    1. A Brief History of Myself
    2. Foreword
    3. Creating the Atmosphere
    4. Gone But Not Forgotten
    5. The Ghost Machine
    6. The Dream
    7. Visions of Things to Come
    8. Poltergeist?
    9. The Crystals
    10. The Shroud
    11. Gift from the Gods
    12. Jack's Knife
    13. The Curse
  13. The Kellini File
    1. The Balloon Box
    2. Light of the Third Dimension
    3. Goldfish Production
    4. Fantastic Cigarette Vanish
    5. The Adventures of a Walking Stick Knob
    6. Flags of All Nations
  14. cartoon - Max Sutch
  15. The Cheque that Bounced! - Wolfgang Riebe
  16. All Bottled Up - Ian Adair
  17. Some Thoughts on Just Chance - Brian Eden
  18. The Magic Umbrella Machine - Ian Adair
  19. The Substitution Card Trunk - Ken de Courcy
  20. The Naughty Antics of the Knot-Knots - Nigel Harbour
  21. The Rabbit Magician - Jean de Merry
  22. The Gospel Column
    • Chinese Washing Variation - John Baxter-Brown
  23. 51 Laughs, Gags and Ideas with the Chattering Teeth - Ian Adair
  24. Remembering Fred Kaps - Aleix Badet
  25. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  26. Presentation Points for Comperes - Val Andrews
  27. advertisements
  28. advertisement page is missing

  1. Volume 19, Number 11, July, 1987, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Further Variation on a Theme - Brainwave presentation - Kenneth Lang
  5. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • routine by Fred Campbell
  6. Lets Think About - Lee Alex
  7. Another Blooming Card Trick - Arthur Setterington
  8. Psychokinesis - Wolfgang Riebe
  9. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  10. The Magic Toy Box - Arthur Setterington
  11. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  12. Socks and Gloves - Ken de Courcy
  13. Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  14. Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard - Ian Adair
  15. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  16. Absolutely Delighted - testimonial
  17. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Flourishing Card Magic
  18. More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
    • The Samoiloff Effect
  19. No Gimmick Tosharoon - Jay Francis
  20. Snipped - John Teo
  21. The Magic Hand - Ken de Courcy
  22. Rope Just Change - Fabian (Aldo Colombini)
  23. Rhyming Closer - Mick Godden
  24. Henrique Again - article - Henrique
  25. My Personal 4 Ace Routine - Erik Arfeuille
  26. Joker Jack - Again - errata for March Magigram
  27. Flash Silk - Wolfgang Riebe
  28. Bits of Patter and Business for Kids Shows - Neville Wiltshire
  29. Two "Sellers" - Tom Sellers
    1. Chosen Rope Restoration
    2. The Upside Down Glasses
  30. It Figures! - testimonial
  31. Advice from Abraham [Cowley]
  32. A Gambler's Bet - Antonio Ferragut
  33. Cards on the Beach - Jo Jacobs
  34. Cartoon Time
  35. Minds in Harmony - Sinclair
  36. The Close-Up TV Magician
  37. Words on Work - quotation
  38. advertisements

  1. Volume 19, Number 12, August, 1987, 67 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Some Magical Views on Telephone Answering Machines - Ian Adair
  5. Arthur Carter Column
    • A Three Chip Problem
  6. Well Dunn! - testimonial
  7. Stay Alive - Ernie Jones
  8. The Kellini File
    1. The Floating Witch
    2. The Ring Cabinet
    3. Silks on Wand Box
    4. Six Card Repeat in Reverse
    5. The Arrows of Cupid
    6. Nu-Style Alternating Spots
  9. Colouring In By Magic - A Trick for the Very Young - Geoff Lawrence
  10. Take the Tube!!! - Norman Lee
  11. Mental Magic - Tricks for the Mentalist - Jack Bridwell
    1. Ribbon Chance
    2. Mind Snap
    3. Thought of Colour
    4. Card in my Mind
    5. Mind Buster
    6. Mental Banana
    7. Mental Ball
  12. My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
    • Introduction
    • Chapter 1 - In the Beginning There was a Penny
  13. The Invisible Moving Card - James Stubbs
  14. An Idea for Vin Carey's Easy Paper Tear - Fred Campbell
  15. Coin in the Middle Shaker - A Routine for Edwin's Coin in the Middle and Bill Tube Shaker - Roy Baker
  16. Ahhhh! It's a Real One! - Professor Shell
  17. Superb Supreme! - testimonials
  18. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  19. Tricky Bits - A.S. Wright
  20. It's Me - Solyl Kundu
  21. The Human Computer (On Sleight of Stomach!) - A Novel Routine - Prof Shell (Graham Boylan)
  22. A Lady's Touch - Mat Roelofs
  23. Clowning Around - testimonial
  24. Crazy Thoughts from Benny my Maniac Rabbit - Harry Reeve
  25. No Name Mental Effect - Robert V. Meredith
  26. Lucky Card - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
  27. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  28. Individually Yours - advice - Ken de Courcy
  29. Two by Two - Arthur Setterinton
  30. Crazy Cubes - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
  31. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  32. More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
    • The Gastric Ulcer Syndrome
  33. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  34. Those Super-Duper Magic Days - testimonials
  35. Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  36. page is missing from Kennaugh's Kolumn
  37. Spotted - Henry Smith - page is missing
  38. A Bit on Bouquet Dye - Brian Eden - page is missing
  39. No Memory Work Monte - Tom Sellers - page is missing
  40. advertisements - two pages missing
  41. advertisements

word count: 411778 which is equivalent to 1647 standard pages of text