$3(3 customer ratings) ★★★★★
This product is also part of: The Magigram, Volume 19, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
Including an Index to Volume 19, 910 pages
- cover pages and 31 page index to Volume 19
- Volume 19, Number 1, September, 1986, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- The Electrified Keys - Magic Roka
- The Apple and the Scarf
- The Gospel Column
- A Short Autobiography - Henry Smith
- Is The Bible Reliable? - Henry Smith
- Perpetually Yours - Ravelle & Andree
- Illusions - Dr. Heinz Niedermeyer
- A Four Ace Trick - Jay Francis
- Solid Through Solid - Scrivante
- Choice 3, Chance 2! - Rory Coker
- For the Dinner Table - P.K. Ilango
- Gambler vs Magician - quotation
- The Bond Plaque and Case - Tom Sellers and Dennis Patten
- My Favourite Paddle Trick - Everett Lyda
- Invisible Dice - Shaz Tonami
- E-Zee Silk Dye - As a Kiddies Effect
- Ideas for Puppeteers
- Marionette "Ghost-Show"
- Spirit-Seance
- Puppet in Book
- Laughs with Cut & Restored Ropes - Ian Adair
- The Cut & Restored Rope - A New Idea! - Wolfgang Riebe
- My Version of Snowstorm in China - Grahan Ainsle
- The Houdini File - Frank Koval
- Number Five - Houdini to Harry Price
- Double Knot Release
- Practice Makes Perfect - article - Harold Long
- A Policeman's Story - Lee Stainer
- 20th Century Splendo - Brian Marr
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- Name Card - Jay Francis
- Arthur Carter Column
- The Kissing Rabbit from Nowhere - Malcolm Yaffe
- Wife Fooler - testimonials
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- A Prediction - testimonial
- Elephants' Polo Mints - Ian Adair
- Professor Sketches at Work - cartoon - Harry Leat
- A Miracle Transposition - Jay Francis
- How to do it 'Write' - article - Joe Hustler
- A Little Palmistry Among Friends - Arun Bonerjee
- Those Elusive Rabbits - testimonial
- Mirror Penetration - Henk Vermeyden
- Aenigma's Mallet - Aenigma
- advertisements
- Volume 19, Number 2, October, 1986, 73 pages, including front cover
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- Dracula - Horst M. Paffen
- Staggering Simplicity - Lee Alex
- Dicey Clairvoyance - Utz Napierala
- Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- My Way with 'Predict-A-Numero' - Arun Bonerjee
- Snooper Snooped - Henrique
- Magic Painting Palette - Henrique
- Ambitious Card Surprise - Jay Francis
- Flash Disappearance of a Silk - Paul Antoine
- Mental Magnetic - Topsi
- With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
- Dexter on Dexterity - quotation
- The Houdini File - Frank Koval
- Number Six - Houdini to Harry Price
- Arthur Carter Column
- Jumbo Flight - Rory Coker
- Appreciation from Our U.S.A. Customers - testimonials
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- A Major Contribution - testimonial
- The Gospel Column
- Faithfulness - Henry Smith
- Presentation-Paramount! - testimonials
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Big Words from Ricky - testimonial
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- The Sun & The Cloud - Alain Gesbert
- Colour Separation (for the lightweight trick) - Manfred Bacia
- Prakash's Perpetual Coin Production - Dr. L. Prakash
- What the Doctor Ordered! - testimonial
- advertisements
- Volume 19, Number 3, November, 1986, 73 pages, including front cover
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- The Magician Reveals a Secret (Or Does He?) - L.C. Beattie
- The Coin Star - Alarik
- The Really Magic Cups and Balls - Brian Marr
- Divinastro - Mat Roelofs
- Retour Aux Sources - Zeppa
- Truth is Stranger than Fiction - article - Henrique
- Divination of a Card - Georges Poullean (Diavd)
- Tips on Liquid Tricks - Ian Adair
- Service! - testimonials
- Paravent - Illusion Improved - Volker Dittmar-Marvol
- Flash Flush! - Ron Mann
- Sincere Appreciation - testimonials
- Brown(ies) Magic - Brian Marr
- Two Minds with Two Thoughts - Ralph White
- The Gospel Column
- The Equality of Man - Barbie Cowburn Levante
- Could be a Miracle - Jay Francis
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Tarbell on Course - quotation
- No Twist Twister - Herb Rungay (USA)
- Straight from the Magicians' Mouths - testimonials
- Five Keys - Ken de Courcy
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- My Way with The Dunce's Cap and Obedient Rainbow Cards - Lee Alex
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- cartoon
- A Letter from Alfred Gabriel - re: Giovanni
- With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
- When I Say 'New', I Mean New!
- What an Effect?!? by Marthwaite Lodcross - humor - Rory Coker
- Love Test - Arun Bonerjee
- Triple Hit! - Ron Mann
- Tom Seller's Mental Magic
- Pseudo Memory Test
- A Card Prediction
- An Idea for the Marked Slate
- A Good Card Gag - Gerald Kosky
- Did You Ever! - humor
- Blank Card Mystery - Corvelo
- publicity artwork from Aston of Norway
- advertisements
- Volume 19, Number 4, December, 1986, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- Odds & Gags - Val [Andrews]
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- The Way I Do It - Joe Hustler
- Experience Has Proved - quotation
- A Fishy Tale - Arthur Setterington
- Variation for 'Drink in the News' - Deb Geo
- 'Lead In' Patter for Supreme 'Transpo-Knives' - Val Andrews
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- The Houdini File - Frank Koval
- Number Seven - Houdini to Harry Price
- The Gospel Column
- The Frame of Life - Gordon Short
- Double Divination - Gaetan Bloom
- The Royal Flush Riffle - Herman Van Den Berg
- Here Comes Father Christmas - Harry Reeve
- A Christmas Prayer - Harry Reeve
- Santa's Christmas Tree - Ray Cooper
- Fuzzy Santa - John Savill
- The Disappearing and Reappearing Father Christmas - Martin Passmore
- Clever Card and Book Test - Ian Adair
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- An Apple - Ravelle and Andree
- This One's a Scream! - Joe Hustler
- Through the Thumb - Rink
- Ring and Endless Chain - Rink
- Arthur Carter Column
- Impromptu Objective Prediction
- My Way with The Missing Spot - Lee Alex
- An Introduction for 'Impromptu' Tricks - Val Andrews
- Economical Spot - Ken de Courcy
- This Little Piggy Went - Dave Rawson
- Fabian's On and Off - Aldo Colombini
- Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- The Cutting Card - P.K. Ilango
- An Exercise in Imagination - Ken de Courcy
- advertisements
- Volume 19, Number 5, January, 1987, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- 'S' Card Gimmick - Sinclair
- Mail Box - re: repair of epoxy sealed gaff coins
- The Chameleon Jack - Jay Francis
- Seal of Approval - Ian Adair
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- The Liquid Drumhead Tube - Ken de Courcy
- Squared Circle Parasol Production - Marc Antheor
- Their Magic My Handling - Birthsign - Arun Bonerjee
- Colorcation - John Howie
- Chameleon Cocktail - Don Credo
- Rainbow Pips - Bernard Shaw
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- 'Link-Up' from Close-Up to Floor Show - Val Andrews
- Rope and Chinese Coin - Ravelle & Andree
- Quick Change Compere - Val [Andrwews]
- More Book Reviews - Prof. Eddie Dawes
- Feats of Memory - Don Carroll
- Playing Shopping Centers - Jim Mahoney
- Baker's Capers - The Magic of Roy Baker
- Cards in Action - Shaun Yee
- The Magic Gardener - Johnny Geddes
- Real Drawer Box Rabbit Production - Ian Adair
- The Gospel Column
- The Widow's Curse - Duncan Withall
- Chapi's Rope Trick - Jean de Merry
- Something to Shout About - testimonial
- My Conjuring with Copper & Silver Coins - P.K. Ilango
- Si-Van-Ga-Li - John Teo
- On Body Suspension - Dr. Heinz Niedermeyer
- Mental Droppings - W. Rory Coker
- Lucky Day - testimonial
- Silken Thoughts - article - Henrique
- Roll-Up - Ian Adair
- Missing Kin - Floyd Shotts
- Think of a Miracle - Arthur Setterington
- Die-Duction! - John Teo
- Vanishing a Lit Cigarette - John Cornelius
- Singular from Plural - Luis M. Gavilondo (Cuba)
- Three Methods of Magic Painting - Lee Alex (Lee Steiner)
- Ten Gags Using The Multiplying Billiard Balls - Ian Adair
- Balloon Breakthrough - Gerhard Rottler
- Best in the World - testimonial
- advertisements
- Volume 19, Number 6, February, 1987, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements - A Tribute to Karrell
- photo of the Foxy One
- advertisements
- photos of Karrell Fox
- advertisements
- photo of Karrell Fox as W.C. Fields
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- It's All a Gamble They Say - Will Ayling
- Chateau Lego - Jerry Khan
- Coin-O-Mat - Arun Bonerjee
- Bits and Pieces - article - Henrique
- Joker Reveals - Jay Francis
- The 1,001st. Seven Key Trick - Ralf Götze
- Ideas Using the All Clear Forcing Bag - Ian Adair
- Magic and Showmanship - quotation
- With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
- Ghostly Encounter with the Dagger Through Miracle Production Box - Anthony Wilson
- Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
- The Kellini File
- Dice Production
- Improved Version
- A Novel Way to Use Your Disappearing Cane
- Cards on Silk
- Mysterious Blocks
- Confusing Spot Cards
- Six Magazine Repeat
- Blendo Plates
- Card in Glass
- Some Ice Cream Productions
- Spiritism
- cartoon
- The Gospel Column
- Routines for Odd Ropes - Peter Hodge
- More Money - testimonial
- Rootin' Tootin' Wand - Ian Adair
- The Suspended Table - Dr. Heinz Niedermeyer
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- A Large Gentleman's Handkerchief - A.S. Wright
- Cardology No. 2 - Sinclair
- Ring-A-Ding - Ravelle & Andree
- Egg Bag Routine for Children - Ian Adair
- Check-Out - Ken de Courcy
- Hardbound Book Test - Ian Adair
- Syd's Simplified Speller
- advertisements
- photos of Karrell Fox
- advertisements
- photo - The Five Faces of Karrell Fox
- advertisements
- Volume 19, Number 7, March, 1987, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- Cut Throat Column - John Holland - reprinted from 'The Magic Circular'
- A Review of The Ganson Book
- Accu-Voo-Doo! - A Routine for De-Val's Voodoo Dolls - Rory Coker
- No Mess, Glueless Adaptable Close-Up Board - Michael Factor
- Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- Hit It - Sinclair
- "Insurance" or "On My Life" - Val Andrews
- The Mouse Paddle - Eddie Taytelbaum
- Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
- Modelling [sic] Balloon Tips
- A Tip on Tumblers
- With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
- More Tricks for Travelling Tricksters
- Black and White
- Mathematical Genius
- The Master Match
- On Yer Bike - article - A.S. Wright
- Arthur Carter Column
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Quality Without Question - testimonial
- Flower Production - Milton
- The Invisibility Screen - Ken de Courcy
- The Joker Jack - The Amazing Trelba
- Routines in Rhyme - Bill West
- Chop Cup (1)
- Chop Cup (2)
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- Instant Fish Vanish - Jack Bridwell
- Puppets - Godfrey Levy
- Circus Clown Paper Tear - Ian Adair
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- What Tom Zoss Wrote - re: Scalbert's Selected Secrets by Geoffrey Scalbert
- Crystal Penetration - Ken de Courcy
- Double Clock Deception - John Yeager
- All Words are Pegs to Hang Ideas on - Henry Ward Beecher
- Backsight - Len Belcher
- Cards and Numbers - Rolf Andra
- Case Solved - Michael Rubenstein
- Thrilled to Bits - testimonial
- Dove to a Tub of Flowers - Levecton
- Une Oeuf is Enough! - Patrice Bérnard
- A Wizard-Way - Val Andrews
- Patter for "Unique Rope Routine" - Barrie Perkins
- advertisements
- Volume 19, Number 8, April, 1987, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Very Marked ESP - Rory Coker
- Ring Vanish a Different Way - Jochen Zmeck
- The Total Is! - Gerald Kosky
- Cello-Pick - Magini
- Lines for Supreme High-Ball-Cup - Val Andrews
- Jumbo Chinese Coin Phantasy - Ravelle and Andrée
- Another Cut and Restored Rope - Claude Kapp
- Christ Aces - Manfred Bacia
- Quotes from ... Maskelyne - The Master
- The Consumer Moth - Bob Christensen
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Kellini File
- Blendo Cane
- Blendo Cane - Again!
- Blendo Wand
- Zig-Zag Dice
- Fun with a Nail
- More Fun with Two Nails
- Predealiction I - Phil Goldstein
- Predealiction I - Phil Goldstein
- The Ghost in the Bottle - Helmut Born & Werry
- The Calculator and The Lie Computer - Herb Rungay & Ali Bongo
- The Calculator - Herb Rungay
- The Herb Rungay Model
- The Lie Computer - Ali Bongo
- Calling All Rabbits! - Ken de Courcy
- Routines in Rhyme - Bill West
- Three for Fantasio's Aces
- Sucker Exposure Matchstick Suspension - Ian Adair
- A Hit Down Under - testimonial
- Incredibly Clever Colour Changing Knife - Ian Adair
- With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- A Dye Tube Tip - testimonial
- A Tribute to Nelson Downs - P.K. Ilango
- Tricks with Eggs - Jack Bridwell
- Colour Changing Egg
- Egg-It
- Eggs from Ribbon
- Bottled Egg
- Crazy Egg Vanish
- Flat Egg
- Silk to Egg
- advertisements
- Volume 19, Number 9, May, 1987, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
- A Name in a Flash - Ian Adair
- Flash Silk on Rod/Silk to Cane Routine - Ray Cooper
- The Magic Post Box - Sam Dalal
- How to Create a Spelling Set-Up - Ernie Jones
- Feeling Fingers - Mat Roelofs
- Burnt and Restored Banknote - Steve Gotson
- A Ball Vanishes from a Glass - Ronaldo
- Believe Me or Not - Arun Bonerjee
- Henrique Calling - article
- Our Crowning Glory - Harold Long
- Perfect Close-Up Case - Ian Adair
- Ladies Vs Card Tricks - article - Joe Hustler
- Presentation Points - Close-Up Magic - Val Andrews
- Chicken and Egg Paddle - John Leiba
- Supreme Selecta-Sphere - as Presented by Alan Ward
- The Kellini File
- A Novel Die Penetration
- Easy Card Stab
- The Red and Yellow Balls
- The Genii of the Lamp Effect
- Alladin's Magic Lamp
- Flower Production Rings
- More ESP Experiments
- 10 Gags for News-Papers - Ian Adair
- All Hot & Bothered - Harold Long
- See??? - J.B. Findlay
- Coins on Fingers - Frederica
- Tissue Vanish - Robert Hamilton
- A Top Change - Robert Hamilton
- Huechoose - Len Belcher
- Turkish Delight - Len Belcher
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- Die-Duction - Johnny Teo
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Vanishing A Card - Ken de Courcy
- Ten Gags Using the Chinese Sticks - Ian Adair
- Born Under - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
- The Saga of Silly Sammy - Graham Boylen
- The Gospel Column
- Multichoice - Ken de Courcy
- advertisements
- Volume 19, Number 10, June, 1987, 72 pages, including front cover
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- Malcolm Yaffe Finds The Rabbit
- Think About It - Dave Holden
- Their Magic - My Handling "Psychic Die" - A Routine for "Die-A-Bolic" Die Trick - Arun Bonerjee
- Boxed Watch - A Routine with Supreme's Nesting Watches - Ravelle & Andree
- The Double Cut - and- The Case of the Querulous Queen - H.E. Bennett
- Funatics - vent routine
- A Practical Routine for Cabaret - John Yeager
- Supernatural Showcase - Richard Mather
- A Brief History of Myself
- Foreword
- Creating the Atmosphere
- Gone But Not Forgotten
- The Ghost Machine
- The Dream
- Visions of Things to Come
- Poltergeist?
- The Crystals
- The Shroud
- Gift from the Gods
- Jack's Knife
- The Curse
- The Kellini File
- The Balloon Box
- Light of the Third Dimension
- Goldfish Production
- Fantastic Cigarette Vanish
- The Adventures of a Walking Stick Knob
- Flags of All Nations
- cartoon - Max Sutch
- The Cheque that Bounced! - Wolfgang Riebe
- All Bottled Up - Ian Adair
- Some Thoughts on Just Chance - Brian Eden
- The Magic Umbrella Machine - Ian Adair
- The Substitution Card Trunk - Ken de Courcy
- The Naughty Antics of the Knot-Knots - Nigel Harbour
- The Rabbit Magician - Jean de Merry
- The Gospel Column
- Chinese Washing Variation - John Baxter-Brown
- 51 Laughs, Gags and Ideas with the Chattering Teeth - Ian Adair
- Remembering Fred Kaps - Aleix Badet
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Presentation Points for Comperes - Val Andrews
- advertisements
- advertisement page is missing
- Volume 19, Number 11, July, 1987, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Further Variation on a Theme - Brainwave presentation - Kenneth Lang
- The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
- Lets Think About - Lee Alex
- Another Blooming Card Trick - Arthur Setterington
- Psychokinesis - Wolfgang Riebe
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- The Magic Toy Box - Arthur Setterington
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- Socks and Gloves - Ken de Courcy
- Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard - Ian Adair
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Absolutely Delighted - testimonial
- With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
- More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- No Gimmick Tosharoon - Jay Francis
- Snipped - John Teo
- The Magic Hand - Ken de Courcy
- Rope Just Change - Fabian (Aldo Colombini)
- Rhyming Closer - Mick Godden
- Henrique Again - article - Henrique
- My Personal 4 Ace Routine - Erik Arfeuille
- Joker Jack - Again - errata for March Magigram
- Flash Silk - Wolfgang Riebe
- Bits of Patter and Business for Kids Shows - Neville Wiltshire
- Two "Sellers" - Tom Sellers
- Chosen Rope Restoration
- The Upside Down Glasses
- It Figures! - testimonial
- Advice from Abraham [Cowley]
- A Gambler's Bet - Antonio Ferragut
- Cards on the Beach - Jo Jacobs
- Cartoon Time
- Minds in Harmony - Sinclair
- The Close-Up TV Magician
- Words on Work - quotation
- advertisements
- Volume 19, Number 12, August, 1987, 67 pages, including front cover
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Some Magical Views on Telephone Answering Machines - Ian Adair
- Arthur Carter Column
- Well Dunn! - testimonial
- Stay Alive - Ernie Jones
- The Kellini File
- The Floating Witch
- The Ring Cabinet
- Silks on Wand Box
- Six Card Repeat in Reverse
- The Arrows of Cupid
- Nu-Style Alternating Spots
- Colouring In By Magic - A Trick for the Very Young - Geoff Lawrence
- Take the Tube!!! - Norman Lee
- Mental Magic - Tricks for the Mentalist - Jack Bridwell
- Ribbon Chance
- Mind Snap
- Thought of Colour
- Card in my Mind
- Mind Buster
- Mental Banana
- Mental Ball
- My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
- Introduction
- Chapter 1 - In the Beginning There was a Penny
- The Invisible Moving Card - James Stubbs
- An Idea for Vin Carey's Easy Paper Tear - Fred Campbell
- Coin in the Middle Shaker - A Routine for Edwin's Coin in the Middle and Bill Tube Shaker - Roy Baker
- Ahhhh! It's a Real One! - Professor Shell
- Superb Supreme! - testimonials
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- Tricky Bits - A.S. Wright
- It's Me - Solyl Kundu
- The Human Computer (On Sleight of Stomach!) - A Novel Routine - Prof Shell (Graham Boylan)
- A Lady's Touch - Mat Roelofs
- Clowning Around - testimonial
- Crazy Thoughts from Benny my Maniac Rabbit - Harry Reeve
- No Name Mental Effect - Robert V. Meredith
- Lucky Card - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Individually Yours - advice - Ken de Courcy
- Two by Two - Arthur Setterinton
- Crazy Cubes - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- The Gastric Ulcer Syndrome
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Those Super-Duper Magic Days - testimonials
- Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- page is missing from Kennaugh's Kolumn
- Spotted - Henry Smith - page is missing
- A Bit on Bouquet Dye - Brian Eden - page is missing
- No Memory Work Monte - Tom Sellers - page is missing
- advertisements - two pages missing
- advertisements
word count: 411778 which is equivalent to 1647 standard pages of text