$3(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★
This product is also part of: The Magigram, Volume 18, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
Including an Index to Volume 18, 920 pages
- front and back cover pages and 35 page index to Volume 18 (page 4 is blank or missing)
- Volume 18, Number 1, September, 1985, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- King's Triangle - Ravelle & Andree
- A Fishy Business - Harold Long
- Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- The Magic of John Yeager
- Colour-Changing Balls to Silks
- A Die and Paddle Trick
- A Phantom Tube Routine
- Slate 'O Dots
- The Boston Deception
- Case for ESP
- Five Boxes Off Mystery
- Sydney Spider
- Evolution of a Trick
- Zebra Plaque
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- A Simple Card Stand
- Arthur Carter Column - Arthur Carter
- Dressing-Room Interlude - Bruce Posgate
- Use of Glove-Puppets in Magic - Val Andrews
- Hand-in-Glove Card-Location - Val Andrews
- Norman Lee's Varieties
- Reflections on Values
- Part 2! - Reflections on Children's Magic
- The Pirates Chest?
- Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- A Mind-Boggling Experiment - Ian Adair
- Circus Days - a Series - Tommy Rowe
- Chapter 5 - On Matters Square, Technical and D.I.Y.
- Take a Tip from the Parrot - advice
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Titters - jokes - Val Andrews
- Performing Miracles at Sea - Leslie Melville
- The One-Armed Bandit Caper
- Laugh-Lines - jokes - Val Andrews
- Fabian's Is This the Case? - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
- In Their Opinion - quotations
- Bottle Production - Remo Inzani
- 'Twindy Glass' Routine - Sinclair
- Cleaning Liquid Fakes - Ian Adair
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- The Ceebee Ring Off Rope - Cyro
- Nuts! - Vanni Pule (Malta)
- Talking of "Silks Between" - Ravelle and Andree
- Tissue Trick
- Colour Thought
- Winding Up - Ian Adair
- Enchantments - testimonial
- advertisements
- Volume 18, Number 2, October, 1985, 73 pages, including front cover
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Circus Days - a Series - Tommy Rowe
- Chapter 6 - The Grand Finale
- But Don't Do Any Magic - Leslie Melville
- A Quick Thimble Colour Change - Wolfgang Riebe
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- Diminishing Aces - John Yeager
- Ian Adair Showcase
- Fireproof Paperback Test
- Twin Cut Coloured Restoration
- Rising Damp
- Repeat Production - Using Two Panel Box
- Perplexing Penetration
- A Directory Enquiry
- Pasteurised Milk
- Baffling Balancing Card Illusion
- At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
- Fabian's 'Come Along' - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Styles with Punch - John Styles - The Punch & July Man
- Specific Answer
- Best Books
- Punch & Judy Produce a Silk
- Some Ideas for Punch & Judy - Neville Wiltshire
- Gentle Introduction
- Punch & Toby
- Punch & Judy
- Punch & Baby
- Punch & The Clown
- Punch & Crocodile
- Punch & Doctor
- Present for the Birthday Child
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- A Serious Look at Comedy - Ken Noyle
- Sucker Effects
- Comedy Patter
- Comedy Situations
- Assistants
- Childrens Magic
- Adult Comedy
- Two Man Bits
- Silent Comedy
- Store Bought Comedy
- Tear 'em Up - Johnny Geddes
- The Irish Elephant - Jack Sharp
- Off-Beat Uses of Standard Props - Vanni Pule
- Producing Goldfish
- A Foxy Lesson
- Keep It Up! - testimonial
- He Did It! - testimonial
- Norman Lee's Varieties
- advertisements
- Volume 18, Number 3, November, 1985, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- Norman Lee's Varieties
- Production Goldfish Bowl (Easy to Make)
- Production Goldfish Bowl (Easy and Cheap to Make)
- Taking the Rise - poem - Norman Lee
- The Prisoner - poem - Norman Lee
- The Gospel Column
- Introduction - Edwin [Hooper]
- Peter Hodge - Magic with a Message!
- Forgetful Freddie - routine - Peter Hodge
- Two Good 'uns - testimonials
- Arthur Carter Column - Arthur Carter
- Ideas Unlimited - Val Andrews
- Mephisto Handkerchief
- For Lousey-Magicians
- Tamborine Dove-Production
- Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- Crazy Silks - Wolfgang Riebe
- Wallet Wonder - Roy Baker
- Gag Gloves - Ian Adair
- Three Surprises - Mukul Banerjee
- cartoon
- Dotto - 20th Century Silks - John Yeager
- Ideas Unlimited - Val Andrews
- Another "Dove-Comedy" Idea
- Yet Another Dove Idea!
- Bits and Quips
- Carnival Cone
- Nice! - testimonials
- More to Rhyme - Bill West
- Three Routines for Clock-Off
- Lines for Stretching a Rope - Val Andrews
- The Mind Key - Tony Griffith
- Patter for Silent-Acts!
- Miss-Understood - joke
- For Tape-Recorder-Owners
- Go West - joke
- Seaside Magic - Wilfred Tyler
- The Mark of the Beast - Tony Shiels
- Wife-Talk - joke
- The "Odd" Card - Jay Francis
- Me-Get Four-Knot Rope Routine - G. Upham
- Card Crazy - Ron Mann
- Jumps! - joke
- Thoughts on Nesting Watches - Ravelle and Andree
- Watch!
- Cigarette to Watch
- Cigar to Watch
- Watch from Cards
- Watch to Flowers
- Grandad's Watch
- Time for Cards
- Time for ...
- Maxims for Magicians - Fred Robinson from Magicana
- Chain Escape - Eddie Taytelbaum
- Sindy Magic - Brian Marr
- Cards on Umbrella - Neville Wiltshire
- My Version of Robert Parrish's 'Invisibility' - Ralph L. White
- Speed and Sorcery - testimonials
- Silver Weld - Ken de Courcy
- Catch-a-Silk with Rainbow Finish - Ian Adair
- The (W)hole Truth - testimonial
- advertisements
- Volume 18, Number 4, December, 1985, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Experiment in Surprise - W. Cory Coker
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- Supreme Reassurance - testimonial
- Coin Waves - P.K. Ilango
- Patter in Rhyme - Bill West
- Four Routines for Tulips in Amsterdam
- The Gospel Column
- The Justice and Love of God - Henry Smith
- Closing Mono - Val Andrews
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- My Friend - comedy gag
- Fabian's Bold Change - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
- "COD" Substitution-Trunk - For the Magical Comedian - Val Andrews
- Did You Hear? - joke
- Ideas for Your Show - Lee Alex
- Bigga Confus'n Carnival Wand
- Popsy Pegs Washing Day
- Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- Norman Lee's Varieties
- The Pillar Table - Making a Cake? ... My Version
- Lots and Lots of Smarties - Brian Marr
- A Quicky Bicky Tricky - Graham Boylan (Professor Shell)
- Why Do We Do The Business! - testimonial
- Gone to Gretna Green - Gerry Findler
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- Colour Changing Cigarette - Wolfgang Rietze
- My Routine with Crystal Mint - Geoff Lawrence
- Master Routine for Clairvoyance - Roy Baker
- Fun with Edwin's New Idea Drawer Box - Ian Adair
- A Lotta Bottle - Bill Shewan
- Where Will He BE Next? - advice
- With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
- Audiences, and More Applause
- Triple Match! - Arun Bonerjee
- Wise Words - quotations
- Magicocktail - Pierre Roulaski
- The Houdini Card Trick Plus - Graham S. Clarke
- A Question of Cards - Terwyn Tomos
- Painting Plus - testimonial
- Rabbit-Rabbit-Rabbit - Ian Adair
- Fast - testimonials
- Some Silly Balloon Gags - Ian Adair
- "Living-Marionettes" with Magic - Val Andrews
- The Birthday Present - Jay Francis
- Giggles and Guffaws - jokes
- Hustler's Shoot-A-Card - Joe Hustler
- advertisements
- Volume 18, Number 5, January, 1986, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Ideas for Your Show - Lee Alex
- A Gag for the Illusionist
- Rainbow Twentieth Century Repeat
- Ugly Duckling Circus Plumes
- The Idiot Strikes Again - humorous bit
- Arthur Carter Column - Arthur Carter
- Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- A Standing Ovation for Cabaret Card Divination - Brian Marr
- Flash Colour Changing Silk - Wolfgang Riebe
- Four Rings Routine for Kids' Show - Ian Adair
- Punch and Judy - testimonial
- Mind Blow!!! - Ron Mann
- Coin Go - Coin Come Back - Joe Hustler
- Take a Tip from the Parrot - advice
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- A Few Lines for Mental Magic - Val [Andrews]
- Bits! - humor
- Hypno-tisn't - Horace Bennett
- cartoon
- More Magic of John Yeager
- The Magic Business Card
- Die-Ception
- A Magic Circle
- My Nest of Boxes
- Twin Revelation
- The Push Thru Change
- Restless Kings and Aces
- Thanks to Alan Shaxon
- Jack-Pack
- Auto Matrix
- Norman Lee's Varieties
- Rabbit Fired From A Cannon - And Caught In A Very Small Net
- The Magic Wand - poem - Norman Lee
- The Gospel Column
- A Routine for 'Mr & Mrs Noah' - Henry Smith
- Mail-Box - re: Pasteboard Prowler - Mat Roelofs
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- With 'Evaporated Milk' or Wonder Glass - humorous bit
- Fabian's Back And & Forth Aces - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
- Ideas for ... The Phone Interuption [sic] - Val Andrews
- J.E. Ring and Rope Routine - Ken de Courcy
- A New Slant on 'Wandering Willie' - Ken de Courcy
- An Incredible Prediction - Wolfgang Riebe
- advertisements
- Volume 18, Number 6, February, 1986, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Lucky Bag - Gerry Findler
- An Impressionable Image - Ian Adair
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- Ideas for Your Show - Lee Alex
- Randy Handy Miracle
- Hydrostatic Glass the Easy Way
- One for the Manipulator
- Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Knot Trick - Robert Kaldy-Karo
- Once Again - Voodoo - Jochen Zmeck
- Vaal's Routines for Ian Adair's Hands-Off - Val Andrews
- Up The Pole - A Television Frame Routine - Ken de Courcy
- With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
- Mentalism with Flying Cards
- Still More Compere-Gags & Bits - Val [Andrews]
- a glass of beer for the pianist
- Supreme's Growing Tie
- End of the Rope
- The Pickpocket
- Norman Lee's Varieties
- The Agent - poem - Norman Lee
- Copy-Cat Silks - A Routine for Young Children for Sympathetic Silks - Charles
- The Emperor's Chopsticks - A Routine for the Chinese Sticks - P. Julie
- An Office Quickie - Wolfgang Riebe
- cartoon
- Being Slated - Henrique
- Oddball Corner - Or, Predictions that Didn't Come-Off, Remarks That Did!
- Die-gression - Ken de Courcy
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- Spirit Seance - For Kiddies? - Full-Light Spirit Seance from Supreme Magic - Val Andrews
- Oddball Corner - Or, Predictions that Didn't Come-Off, Remarks That Did!
- Sympathetic Aces - John Yeager
- Ringlock Revised - M.A. Roelofs
- cartoon
- Colour Prediction - Bill Gladman
- An Hour in the Life of a Workingmen's Club Magician - A Short Story - Leslie Melville
- Happy Tele-Message - Malcolm Yaffe
- The Ghostly Matchboxes - Wolfgang Riebe
- The Gospel Column
- A Compliment, and an Idea - testimonial
- The Holo-Mint Factory - Two Presentations of Pavel's Rings n' Rope - Malcolm Yaffe
- Compere-Capers - Val Andrews
- Switchover
- Making an Entrance
- Continuity Flower Production
- Double Production Tubes - Bill Gladman
- Hobson's Choice - Charles Smith
- The Magic Knives - Joe Hustler
- advertisements
- Volume 18, Number 7, March, 1986, 73 pages, including front cover
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- Ideas for Your Show - Lee Alex
- Stuck Up Nonsense
- Dog is a 3-Letter Word
- Kiss Me Quick
- Blendo Jewels
- Take a Tip from the Parrot - advice
- Norman Lee's Varieties
- Table Talk
- Cabbalistic Candles
- Group Therapy - poem - Norman Lee
- two cartoons - Wolfgang Riebe
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- Home Sweet What? - jokes
- Coin Cards - Sinclair
- Passe Passe Coke Bottles - Wolfgang Riebe
- "E.S.P. Coincidence" Once More! - Arun Bonerjee
- The Compere - Val Andrews
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Continuity Business for the Magical Compere
- Curious Currency - Ian Adair
- Every Line a Titter - funny definitions - Joe Hustler
- Singular Silks - Len Belcher
- Watch Out! - Ravelle and Andree
- Impromptu Vase of Aladdin - Ian Adair
- Colour Confusion - Wolfgang Riebe
- The I's Have It - Maurice Deighton
- A Winner - testimonial
- Still! - testimonial
- Split-Second Divination - M.A. Roelofs
- Penetrating Silk - Joe Stuthard
- The Holo-Mint Factory - Part 2 - Two Presentations of Pavel's Rings n' Rope - Malcolm Yaffe
- Triple Threat - Ron Mann
- With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
- My Wife - Patterlogue - Val Andrews
- Oddball Corner - Or, Predictions that Didn't Come-Off, Remarks That Did!
- Rings and Saw in Silence - Arun Bonerjee
- DOP - Lewis Jones
- For the Compere - Introductions - Val Andrews
- The Hand of Fortune - Joe Hustler
- Kermit the Magician - Jean de Merry
- Flippant Fours - John Yeager
- Rabbit Pie Routine - Ian Adair
- advertisements
- Volume 18, Number 8, April, 1986, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Fabian's With a Snap! - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
- End of the Rope - Fun for the Compere
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- Flash! - Ideas with a 'Multi-Flash' electric Hand-Flasher - Val Andrews
- A Rope Routine - Sinclair
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- Superings - An Exclusive Humber Ring Routine - Ken de Courcy
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Pipe-Dream-Cleaner Gag!
- Further Thoughts on Nested Watches - Ravelle & Andree
- Watch Dog!
- Egg-Timer!
- Watch Vanish
- Watch the Budgie!
- Half-Time
- Tea Time!
- The Gospel Column
- My Routine for Little Chapel - Elwyn Harries
- Green Cross Code Prediction - Ray Cooper
- The Charles H. Temple Jnr Showcase
- Charles H. Temple, Jr. - profile
- Padlocked Prediction
- The Magic Smartie Tube
- Miracle
- Temple's Newspaper Prediction
- Mind Breaks
- photos
- Charles Temple's Book Test Plus
- Vanishing Cube Surprise
- Give Away Magic Painting
- Ideas for Your Show - Lee Alex
- Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- Adair's Tip Tops - Ian Adair
- Be My Valentine - Nigel Swycher & D. Stone
- Children's Routine for Jumbo Rainbow Cards - Neville Wiltshire
- Time Travel - Little George
- A Thimble Colour Change with a Difference - Wolfgang Reibe
- Take a Tip from the Parrot - advice
- With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
- Think of a Number - Think of a Card- or, Your Thoughts Revealed - Eric Boncey
- Take a Tip from the Parrot - advice
- Another Mental Marvel - Douglas Francis
- Five Funnies
- Norman Lee's Varieties
- An Easy and Cheap Way to Make a 'Magic Caddy'
- The Die Box - poem - Norman Lee
- advertisements
- Volume 18, Number 9, May, 1986, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- A Pack of Lies - Ian Adair
- Vis-Ability
- joke
- The Flying Coin - Sinclair
- The Fountain of Spoof - Gags that were good for our Grandparents
- Fabian's Tin-Mark - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
- Rope and Lock
- Wisdom - quotations
- An Idea for Crazy-Rabbit Vanish
- Prelude to the Rising Cards - Avara
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- Mousey Mousey - Roy Baker
- Patter for "Pig in a Poke"
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
- Cake-Bake - Adrian Hodge
- Black-Out - gag
- joke
- Three Further Words ... Another Ring & Rope Routine - Rory Coker
- Canary Copy Cat! - Terwyn Tomas
- Supreme's Canary Cats
- Robin Hood and the Sheriff's Men
- Fox and Hounds
- Doctor Who and the Daleks
- The Seal Escapes
- Deep Sea Diver
- Song Parodies - Val [Andrews]
- Lines - jokes
- Arthur Carter Column - Arthur Carter
- Quintuplicate Coincidence
- The Rule of Nine - Len Edwards
- Red and White Ropes - Rink
- Take a Tip from the Parrot - advice
- Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- The Spirits Are with Us - Val [Andrews]
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- The Houdini File - Frank Koval
- Number One - Houdini to Harry Price
- The Gospel Column
- A Routine for Squaring the Circle - Henry Smith
- The Open (Deck) Switch - Rory Coker
- Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
- Norman Lee's Varieties
- More Table Talk - The Pillar Table
- The Vanishing Pot of Flowers
- Mark of Fortune - Arthur Setterington
- A 'Sucker Table'
- Wise Words in Print - quotations
- A Gift of the Magi - Mark II - Len Edwards
- Ten Laughs with Anti-Gravity Glasses - Ian Adair
- Coin Loading - Waldimir
- Bottle, Liquid & Cone - Ralf Wichmann-Bracs
- advertisements
- Volume 18, Number 10, June, 1986, 73 pages, including front cover
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Something Fishy - puzzle - Alan Ward
- Val's Gags - humorous bits
- Boston Box On-Stage - Sinclair
- Two Compere Gags
- Norman Lee's Varieties
- Further Table Talk - The 'Sucker' Table
- Sydney ... The Snowman - poem - Norman Lee
- Bare Hand Dove Production - Mr. Hart
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Game with a Top Hat - Christoph J. Schroder
- With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
- Mystery in Print - things hidden in Jinx
- Chamber's 20th Century Dictionary (Original Edition, 1901: Latest Reprint, 1980) - presented a definition of Pepper's Ghost
- The Gospel Column
- Some Classic Kid's Magic - compiled by Wilfred Tyler
- I've Got It Taped! - Henrique
- Thumb Tip Technique - Salvano
- Seller's Duo - Tom Sellers
- Thoughts Can Fly
- A Fancy Card Sleight
- Food for Thought - jokes
- The Magic Wand of India - Trevini
- Mind Boggler - Wolfgang Riebe
- More Val's Varieties
- Flower Card - Wolfgang Riebe
- Cheeky Dialogue for a Cheeky Boy Routine - Ian Adair
- Balluna Probe - Len Belcher
- Ri-Ro-Ri
- Magic with a Small Rope - Rink
- A Tip for the Flash Silk Vanisher - Ron Thursby
- Fishy Tales - humor
- Gypsy Counting - Arun Bonerjee
- The Houdini File - Frank Koval
- Number Two - Houdini to Harry Price
- A Tip for a Trick from Fabian - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
- The Express Torn Card - Alpha
- Smith's Guide to Better Performing - J. Stewart Smith
- Dia-Matic - Ian Adair
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- Quote from Two Wise Men - quotations
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- advertisements
- Volume 18, Number 11, July, 1986, 74 pages, including front & back covers
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- Wand-O-Knot - Flip
- Reed's A Good Read! - testimonial
- With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
- [J. Stewart] Smith's Sensible Sayings - quotations
- The Gospel Column
- Wordless Book Variations - Henry Smith
- "Cardology" No. 1 - Sinclair
- Just a Thought - Gerald White
- The Sliding and Vanishing Knot - Eddie Taytelbaum
- Vanishing Pen - Ian Lessels
- Triplex Supreme!!! (Or 'Extra Mental') - Ron Mann
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- Quotable Quotes - quotations
- The Houdini File - Frank Koval
- Number Three - Houdini to Harry Price
- The Card Moth - Ken de Courcy
- Len an Ear - quotations
- Don't Drink and Drive - Roy Cooper
- Annemanesque Comment - quotations
- More Praise for that Rainbow House - testimonial
- Escape from the Grave - Ken de Courcy
- The Name of the Game - Ian Adair
- The Jumping Arrows - Patter - Herb Rungay
- Does Your Wife Like Magic? - article - Johnny Cooper
- The Feminie Fingers - article - Morcane
- Spaghetti-it is - Old Doc Young
- Three Cubes - Arun Bonerjee
- Ten gags with Bags - Ian Adair
- Fabian on Three Supreme Tricks (Maybe Four) - Aldo Colombini
- Imagination - quotation
- Arthur Carter Column - Arthur Carter
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- Like Lightning - Ken de Courcy
- A Real Fourteen of Spades - Herb Rungay
- Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
- Well I Never! - jokes
- Quad-Cut Mentalism - Arun Bonerjee
- Milk Moo Moo - Ravelle & Andree
- Circus Change - Ray Cooper
- joke
- Val's Routine for ... Coin in a Bottle - Val Andrews
- News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
- Great Men Think Alike - quotations
- 10 Gags Using Block Tricks (Including Dice) - Ian Adair
- Tribute to Troublewit - testimonial
- advertisements
- Volume 18, Number 12, August, 1986, 73 pages, including front cover
- advertisements
- Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
- The Vanished Bus - Johnny Geddes
- Triple Card Prediction - Ian Adair
- Try Outs Number 2 - Sinclair
- Chinese Take-Away Fold-Away Box - Line for the Chinese Folding Box - Val Andrews
- Well I Never! - jokes
- Variations on Some Card Effects from Magigram - Luis M. Gavilondo (Cuba)
- Ken de Courcy's Brainwave Presentation
- R.W. Harland's Miracle Mix-Up Extra
- R. B. Ferguson's Card Rise
- David Davis' Coincidence Double and Treble
- Gag-Time - jokes
- Green X Paddle Trick - Roy Cooper
- Yock - joke
- Insurance or On My Life - Val Andrews
- Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
- With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
- Bizarre Magic, or Mentalism
- The Loc-Ace-Un - Duncan Withall
- Okito Box Routine - Bernard Bilis
- The Gospel Column
- My Routine for Sixth Finger - Elwyn Harries
- The Houdini File - Frank Koval
- Number Four - Houdini to Harry Price
- Simple Triple Prediction - Gerald White
- Jumbo Chinese Coin & Ribbon - Ravelle & Andree
- Silk to Rose - Ravelle & Andree
- Silk Surprise - Little George
- Double-Up Extra - Sinclair
- A Quickie from Stanton Carlisle
- Hirem! - joke
- Three Cards in a Crystal - A Version of Murray's Card Crystal - Frank Richmond
- Three Ring Melody - Rink
- The Great Clanger - jokes
- Organisms - jokes
- Cigarettes to Coins - Alain Gaillard
- Blendo Do As I Do - Johnny Geddes
- Harry Stanley Reminisces
- Hands Up! - Ian Adair
- 'Nuts' Over Your 'Brass Nut Release' - testimonial
- Arthur Carter Column - Arthur Carter
- The Card in the Glass - Lee
- "Disc"integrate - Douglas Francis
- advertisements
word count: 342627 which is equivalent to 1370 standard pages of text