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Magigram Volume 18 (Sep 1985 - Aug 1986)
by Supreme-Magic-Company


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Magigram Volume 18 (Sep 1985 - Aug 1986) by Supreme-Magic-Company
This product is also part of:

The Magigram, Volume 18, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

Including an Index to Volume 18, 920 pages

  • front and back cover pages and 35 page index to Volume 18 (page 4 is blank or missing)

  1. Volume 18, Number 1, September, 1985, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. King's Triangle - Ravelle & Andree
  5. A Fishy Business - Harold Long
  6. Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  7. The Magic of John Yeager
    1. Colour-Changing Balls to Silks
    2. A Die and Paddle Trick
    3. A Phantom Tube Routine
    4. Slate 'O Dots
    5. The Boston Deception
    6. Case for ESP
    7. Five Boxes Off Mystery
    8. Sydney Spider
    9. Evolution of a Trick
    10. Zebra Plaque
  8. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  9. A Simple Card Stand
  10. Arthur Carter Column - Arthur Carter
    • Psychological Projection
  11. Dressing-Room Interlude - Bruce Posgate
  12. Use of Glove-Puppets in Magic - Val Andrews
  13. Hand-in-Glove Card-Location - Val Andrews
  14. Norman Lee's Varieties
    • Reflections on Values
    • Part 2! - Reflections on Children's Magic
    • The Pirates Chest?
  15. Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
  16. A Mind-Boggling Experiment - Ian Adair
  17. Circus Days - a Series - Tommy Rowe
    • Chapter 5 - On Matters Square, Technical and D.I.Y.
  18. Take a Tip from the Parrot - advice
  19. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  20. Titters - jokes - Val Andrews
  21. Performing Miracles at Sea - Leslie Melville
    • The One-Armed Bandit Caper
  22. Laugh-Lines - jokes - Val Andrews
  23. Fabian's Is This the Case? - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
  24. In Their Opinion - quotations
  25. Bottle Production - Remo Inzani
  26. 'Twindy Glass' Routine - Sinclair
  27. Cleaning Liquid Fakes - Ian Adair
  28. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  29. Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
  30. The Ceebee Ring Off Rope - Cyro
  31. Nuts! - Vanni Pule (Malta)
  32. Talking of "Silks Between" - Ravelle and Andree
    • Tissue Trick
    • Colour Thought
  33. Winding Up - Ian Adair
    • Drinks Time
    • Ridiculous!
  34. Enchantments - testimonial
  35. advertisements

  1. Volume 18, Number 2, October, 1985, 73 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Circus Days - a Series - Tommy Rowe
    • Chapter 6 - The Grand Finale
  5. But Don't Do Any Magic - Leslie Melville
  6. A Quick Thimble Colour Change - Wolfgang Riebe
  7. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  8. Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
  9. Diminishing Aces - John Yeager
  10. Ian Adair Showcase
    1. Fireproof Paperback Test
    2. Twin Cut Coloured Restoration
    3. Rising Damp
    4. Repeat Production - Using Two Panel Box
    5. Perplexing Penetration
    6. A Directory Enquiry
    7. Pasteurised Milk
    8. Baffling Balancing Card Illusion
  11. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  12. Fabian's 'Come Along' - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
  13. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  14. Styles with Punch - John Styles - The Punch & July Man
    • Specific Answer
    • Best Books
    • Punch & Judy Produce a Silk
  15. Some Ideas for Punch & Judy - Neville Wiltshire
    • Gentle Introduction
    • Punch & Toby
    • Punch & Judy
    • Punch & Baby
    • Punch & The Clown
    • Punch & Crocodile
    • Punch & Doctor
    • Present for the Birthday Child
  16. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  17. A Serious Look at Comedy - Ken Noyle
    • Sucker Effects
    • Comedy Patter
    • Comedy Situations
    • Assistants
    • Childrens Magic
    • Adult Comedy
    • Two Man Bits
    • Silent Comedy
    • Store Bought Comedy
  18. Tear 'em Up - Johnny Geddes
  19. The Irish Elephant - Jack Sharp
  20. Off-Beat Uses of Standard Props - Vanni Pule
    • Producing Goldfish
    • A Foxy Lesson
  21. Keep It Up! - testimonial
  22. He Did It! - testimonial
  23. Norman Lee's Varieties
    • Two Tin Twist
  24. advertisements

  1. Volume 18, Number 3, November, 1985, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
  5. Norman Lee's Varieties
    • Production Goldfish Bowl (Easy to Make)
    • Production Goldfish Bowl (Easy and Cheap to Make)
  6. Taking the Rise - poem - Norman Lee
  7. The Prisoner - poem - Norman Lee
  8. The Gospel Column
    • Introduction - Edwin [Hooper]
    • Peter Hodge - Magic with a Message!
    • Forgetful Freddie - routine - Peter Hodge
  9. Two Good 'uns - testimonials
  10. Arthur Carter Column - Arthur Carter
    • Harbin's Book Test
  11. Ideas Unlimited - Val Andrews
    • Mephisto Handkerchief
    • For Lousey-Magicians
    • Tamborine Dove-Production
  12. Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  13. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  14. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  15. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  16. Crazy Silks - Wolfgang Riebe
  17. Wallet Wonder - Roy Baker
  18. Gag Gloves - Ian Adair
  19. Three Surprises - Mukul Banerjee
  20. cartoon
  21. Dotto - 20th Century Silks - John Yeager
  22. Ideas Unlimited - Val Andrews
    • Another "Dove-Comedy" Idea
    • Yet Another Dove Idea!
    • Bits and Quips
    • Carnival Cone
  23. Nice! - testimonials
  24. More to Rhyme - Bill West
    • Three Routines for Clock-Off
  25. Lines for Stretching a Rope - Val Andrews
  26. The Mind Key - Tony Griffith
  27. Patter for Silent-Acts!
  28. Miss-Understood - joke
  29. For Tape-Recorder-Owners
  30. Go West - joke
  31. Seaside Magic - Wilfred Tyler
  32. The Mark of the Beast - Tony Shiels
  33. Wife-Talk - joke
  34. The "Odd" Card - Jay Francis
  35. Me-Get Four-Knot Rope Routine - G. Upham
  36. Card Crazy - Ron Mann
  37. Jumps! - joke
  38. Thoughts on Nesting Watches - Ravelle and Andree
    • Watch!
    • Cigarette to Watch
    • Cigar to Watch
    • Watch from Cards
    • Watch to Flowers
    • Grandad's Watch
    • Time for Cards
    • Time for ...
  39. Maxims for Magicians - Fred Robinson from Magicana
  40. Chain Escape - Eddie Taytelbaum
  41. Sindy Magic - Brian Marr
  42. Cards on Umbrella - Neville Wiltshire
  43. My Version of Robert Parrish's 'Invisibility' - Ralph L. White
  44. Speed and Sorcery - testimonials
  45. Silver Weld - Ken de Courcy
  46. Catch-a-Silk with Rainbow Finish - Ian Adair
  47. The (W)hole Truth - testimonial
  48. advertisements

  1. Volume 18, Number 4, December, 1985, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Experiment in Surprise - W. Cory Coker
  5. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  6. Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
  7. Supreme Reassurance - testimonial
  8. Coin Waves - P.K. Ilango
  9. Patter in Rhyme - Bill West
    • Four Routines for Tulips in Amsterdam
  10. The Gospel Column
    • The Justice and Love of God - Henry Smith
  11. Closing Mono - Val Andrews
  12. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  13. My Friend - comedy gag
  14. Fabian's Bold Change - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
  15. "COD" Substitution-Trunk - For the Magical Comedian - Val Andrews
  16. Did You Hear? - joke
  17. Ideas for Your Show - Lee Alex
    • Bigga Confus'n Carnival Wand
    • Popsy Pegs Washing Day
  18. Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
  19. Norman Lee's Varieties
    • The Pillar Table - Making a Cake? ... My Version
  20. Lots and Lots of Smarties - Brian Marr
  21. A Quicky Bicky Tricky - Graham Boylan (Professor Shell)
  22. Why Do We Do The Business! - testimonial
  23. Gone to Gretna Green - Gerry Findler
  24. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  25. Colour Changing Cigarette - Wolfgang Rietze
  26. My Routine with Crystal Mint - Geoff Lawrence
  27. Master Routine for Clairvoyance - Roy Baker
  28. Fun with Edwin's New Idea Drawer Box - Ian Adair
  29. A Lotta Bottle - Bill Shewan
  30. Where Will He BE Next? - advice
  31. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Audiences, and More Applause
  32. Triple Match! - Arun Bonerjee
  33. Wise Words - quotations
  34. Magicocktail - Pierre Roulaski
  35. The Houdini Card Trick Plus - Graham S. Clarke
  36. A Question of Cards - Terwyn Tomos
  37. Painting Plus - testimonial
  38. Rabbit-Rabbit-Rabbit - Ian Adair
  39. Fast - testimonials
  40. Some Silly Balloon Gags - Ian Adair
  41. "Living-Marionettes" with Magic - Val Andrews
  42. The Birthday Present - Jay Francis
  43. Giggles and Guffaws - jokes
  44. Hustler's Shoot-A-Card - Joe Hustler
  45. advertisements

  1. Volume 18, Number 5, January, 1986, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Ideas for Your Show - Lee Alex
    • A Gag for the Illusionist
    • Rainbow Twentieth Century Repeat
    • Ugly Duckling Circus Plumes
  5. The Idiot Strikes Again - humorous bit
  6. Arthur Carter Column - Arthur Carter
    • 'The Dean' Deals Again
  7. Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
  8. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  9. A Standing Ovation for Cabaret Card Divination - Brian Marr
  10. Flash Colour Changing Silk - Wolfgang Riebe
  11. Four Rings Routine for Kids' Show - Ian Adair
  12. Punch and Judy - testimonial
  13. Mind Blow!!! - Ron Mann
  14. Coin Go - Coin Come Back - Joe Hustler
  15. Take a Tip from the Parrot - advice
  16. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  17. A Few Lines for Mental Magic - Val [Andrews]
  18. Bits! - humor
  19. Hypno-tisn't - Horace Bennett
  20. cartoon
  21. More Magic of John Yeager
    1. The Magic Business Card
    2. Die-Ception
    3. A Magic Circle
    4. My Nest of Boxes
    5. Twin Revelation
    6. The Push Thru Change
    7. Restless Kings and Aces
    8. Thanks to Alan Shaxon
    9. Jack-Pack
    10. Auto Matrix
  22. Norman Lee's Varieties
    • Rabbit Fired From A Cannon - And Caught In A Very Small Net
  23. The Magic Wand - poem - Norman Lee
  24. The Gospel Column
    • A Routine for 'Mr & Mrs Noah' - Henry Smith
  25. Mail-Box - re: Pasteboard Prowler - Mat Roelofs
  26. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  27. With 'Evaporated Milk' or Wonder Glass - humorous bit
  28. Fabian's Back And & Forth Aces - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
  29. Ideas for ... The Phone Interuption [sic] - Val Andrews
  30. J.E. Ring and Rope Routine - Ken de Courcy
  31. A New Slant on 'Wandering Willie' - Ken de Courcy
  32. An Incredible Prediction - Wolfgang Riebe
  33. advertisements

  1. Volume 18, Number 6, February, 1986, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Lucky Bag - Gerry Findler
  5. An Impressionable Image - Ian Adair
  6. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  7. Ideas for Your Show - Lee Alex
    • Randy Handy Miracle
    • Hydrostatic Glass the Easy Way
    • One for the Manipulator
  8. Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
  9. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  10. Knot Trick - Robert Kaldy-Karo
  11. Once Again - Voodoo - Jochen Zmeck
  12. Vaal's Routines for Ian Adair's Hands-Off - Val Andrews
  13. Up The Pole - A Television Frame Routine - Ken de Courcy
  14. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Mentalism with Flying Cards
  15. Still More Compere-Gags & Bits - Val [Andrews]
    • a glass of beer for the pianist
    • Supreme's Growing Tie
    • End of the Rope
    • The Pickpocket
  16. Norman Lee's Varieties
    • A "Wand-A-Full' Meal!
  17. The Agent - poem - Norman Lee
  18. Copy-Cat Silks - A Routine for Young Children for Sympathetic Silks - Charles
  19. The Emperor's Chopsticks - A Routine for the Chinese Sticks - P. Julie
  20. An Office Quickie - Wolfgang Riebe
  21. cartoon
  22. Being Slated - Henrique
  23. Oddball Corner - Or, Predictions that Didn't Come-Off, Remarks That Did!
  24. Die-gression - Ken de Courcy
  25. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  26. Spirit Seance - For Kiddies? - Full-Light Spirit Seance from Supreme Magic - Val Andrews
  27. Oddball Corner - Or, Predictions that Didn't Come-Off, Remarks That Did!
  28. Sympathetic Aces - John Yeager
  29. Ringlock Revised - M.A. Roelofs
  30. cartoon
  31. Colour Prediction - Bill Gladman
  32. An Hour in the Life of a Workingmen's Club Magician - A Short Story - Leslie Melville
  33. Happy Tele-Message - Malcolm Yaffe
  34. The Ghostly Matchboxes - Wolfgang Riebe
  35. The Gospel Column
    • Choices - Henry Smith
  36. A Compliment, and an Idea - testimonial
  37. The Holo-Mint Factory - Two Presentations of Pavel's Rings n' Rope - Malcolm Yaffe
  38. Compere-Capers - Val Andrews
    • Switchover
    • Making an Entrance
    • Continuity Flower Production
  39. Double Production Tubes - Bill Gladman
  40. Hobson's Choice - Charles Smith
  41. The Magic Knives - Joe Hustler
  42. advertisements

  1. Volume 18, Number 7, March, 1986, 73 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
  5. Ideas for Your Show - Lee Alex
    • Stuck Up Nonsense
    • Dog is a 3-Letter Word
    • Kiss Me Quick
    • Blendo Jewels
  6. Take a Tip from the Parrot - advice
  7. Norman Lee's Varieties
    • Table Talk
    • Cabbalistic Candles
  8. Group Therapy - poem - Norman Lee
  9. two cartoons - Wolfgang Riebe
  10. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  11. Home Sweet What? - jokes
  12. Coin Cards - Sinclair
  13. Passe Passe Coke Bottles - Wolfgang Riebe
  14. "E.S.P. Coincidence" Once More! - Arun Bonerjee
  15. The Compere - Val Andrews
  16. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  17. Continuity Business for the Magical Compere
  18. Curious Currency - Ian Adair
  19. Every Line a Titter - funny definitions - Joe Hustler
  20. Singular Silks - Len Belcher
  21. Watch Out! - Ravelle and Andree
  22. Impromptu Vase of Aladdin - Ian Adair
  23. Colour Confusion - Wolfgang Riebe
  24. The I's Have It - Maurice Deighton
  25. A Winner - testimonial
  26. Still! - testimonial
  27. Split-Second Divination - M.A. Roelofs
  28. Penetrating Silk - Joe Stuthard
  29. The Holo-Mint Factory - Part 2 - Two Presentations of Pavel's Rings n' Rope - Malcolm Yaffe
  30. Triple Threat - Ron Mann
  31. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
  32. My Wife - Patterlogue - Val Andrews
  33. Oddball Corner - Or, Predictions that Didn't Come-Off, Remarks That Did!
  34. Rings and Saw in Silence - Arun Bonerjee
  35. DOP - Lewis Jones
  36. For the Compere - Introductions - Val Andrews
  37. The Hand of Fortune - Joe Hustler
  38. Kermit the Magician - Jean de Merry
  39. Flippant Fours - John Yeager
  40. Rabbit Pie Routine - Ian Adair
  41. advertisements

  1. Volume 18, Number 8, April, 1986, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Fabian's With a Snap! - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
  5. End of the Rope - Fun for the Compere
  6. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  7. Flash! - Ideas with a 'Multi-Flash' electric Hand-Flasher - Val Andrews
  8. A Rope Routine - Sinclair
  9. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  10. Superings - An Exclusive Humber Ring Routine - Ken de Courcy
  11. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  12. Pipe-Dream-Cleaner Gag!
  13. Further Thoughts on Nested Watches - Ravelle & Andree
    • Watch Dog!
    • Egg-Timer!
    • Watch Vanish
    • Watch the Budgie!
    • Half-Time
    • Tea Time!
  14. The Gospel Column
    • My Routine for Little Chapel - Elwyn Harries
  15. Green Cross Code Prediction - Ray Cooper
  16. The Charles H. Temple Jnr Showcase
    1. Charles H. Temple, Jr. - profile
    2. Padlocked Prediction
    3. The Magic Smartie Tube
    4. Miracle
    5. Temple's Newspaper Prediction
    6. Mind Breaks
    7. photos
    8. Charles Temple's Book Test Plus
    9. Vanishing Cube Surprise
    10. Give Away Magic Painting
  17. Ideas for Your Show - Lee Alex
    • Ice-Cream Special
  18. Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
  19. Adair's Tip Tops - Ian Adair
    • Saving on Notepaper
  20. Be My Valentine - Nigel Swycher & D. Stone
  21. Children's Routine for Jumbo Rainbow Cards - Neville Wiltshire
  22. Time Travel - Little George
  23. A Thimble Colour Change with a Difference - Wolfgang Reibe
  24. Take a Tip from the Parrot - advice
  25. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Chicanery with Coins
  26. Think of a Number - Think of a Card- or, Your Thoughts Revealed - Eric Boncey
  27. Take a Tip from the Parrot - advice
  28. Another Mental Marvel - Douglas Francis
  29. Five Funnies
  30. Norman Lee's Varieties
    • An Easy and Cheap Way to Make a 'Magic Caddy'
  31. The Die Box - poem - Norman Lee
  32. advertisements

  1. Volume 18, Number 9, May, 1986, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. A Pack of Lies - Ian Adair
  5. Vis-Ability
  6. joke
  7. The Flying Coin - Sinclair
  8. The Fountain of Spoof - Gags that were good for our Grandparents
  9. Fabian's Tin-Mark - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
  10. Rope and Lock
  11. Wisdom - quotations
  12. An Idea for Crazy-Rabbit Vanish
  13. Prelude to the Rising Cards - Avara
  14. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  15. Mousey Mousey - Roy Baker
  16. Patter for "Pig in a Poke"
  17. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  18. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Variations on a Theme
  19. Cake-Bake - Adrian Hodge
  20. Black-Out - gag
  21. joke
  22. Three Further Words ... Another Ring & Rope Routine - Rory Coker
  23. Canary Copy Cat! - Terwyn Tomas
    • Supreme's Canary Cats
    • Robin Hood and the Sheriff's Men
    • Fox and Hounds
    • Doctor Who and the Daleks
    • The Seal Escapes
    • Deep Sea Diver
  24. Song Parodies - Val [Andrews]
  25. Lines - jokes
  26. Arthur Carter Column - Arthur Carter
    • Quintuplicate Coincidence
  27. The Rule of Nine - Len Edwards
  28. Red and White Ropes - Rink
  29. Take a Tip from the Parrot - advice
  30. Even More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
  31. The Spirits Are with Us - Val [Andrews]
  32. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  33. The Houdini File - Frank Koval
    • Number One - Houdini to Harry Price
  34. The Gospel Column
    • A Routine for Squaring the Circle - Henry Smith
  35. The Open (Deck) Switch - Rory Coker
  36. Kennaugh's Kolumn - Alan Kennaugh on the Show Business Scene
  37. Norman Lee's Varieties
    • More Table Talk - The Pillar Table
    • The Vanishing Pot of Flowers
  38. Mark of Fortune - Arthur Setterington
  39. A 'Sucker Table'
  40. Wise Words in Print - quotations
  41. A Gift of the Magi - Mark II - Len Edwards
  42. Ten Laughs with Anti-Gravity Glasses - Ian Adair
  43. Coin Loading - Waldimir
  44. Bottle, Liquid & Cone - Ralf Wichmann-Bracs
  45. advertisements

  1. Volume 18, Number 10, June, 1986, 73 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Something Fishy - puzzle - Alan Ward
  5. Val's Gags - humorous bits
  6. Boston Box On-Stage - Sinclair
  7. Two Compere Gags
  8. Norman Lee's Varieties
    • Further Table Talk - The 'Sucker' Table
  9. Sydney ... The Snowman - poem - Norman Lee
  10. Bare Hand Dove Production - Mr. Hart
  11. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  12. Game with a Top Hat - Christoph J. Schroder
  13. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Cardworks and Coinworks
  14. Mystery in Print - things hidden in Jinx
  15. Chamber's 20th Century Dictionary (Original Edition, 1901: Latest Reprint, 1980) - presented a definition of Pepper's Ghost
  16. The Gospel Column
    • Donald Chambers
  17. Some Classic Kid's Magic - compiled by Wilfred Tyler
    • The Well of Wealth
  18. I've Got It Taped! - Henrique
  19. Thumb Tip Technique - Salvano
  20. Seller's Duo - Tom Sellers
    • Thoughts Can Fly
    • A Fancy Card Sleight
  21. Food for Thought - jokes
  22. The Magic Wand of India - Trevini
  23. Mind Boggler - Wolfgang Riebe
  24. More Val's Varieties
    • Supreme "Bird Book"
    • Kids
  25. Flower Card - Wolfgang Riebe
  26. Cheeky Dialogue for a Cheeky Boy Routine - Ian Adair
  27. Balluna Probe - Len Belcher
  28. Ri-Ro-Ri
  29. Magic with a Small Rope - Rink
  30. A Tip for the Flash Silk Vanisher - Ron Thursby
  31. Fishy Tales - humor
  32. Gypsy Counting - Arun Bonerjee
  33. The Houdini File - Frank Koval
    • Number Two - Houdini to Harry Price
  34. A Tip for a Trick from Fabian - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
  35. The Express Torn Card - Alpha
  36. Smith's Guide to Better Performing - J. Stewart Smith
  37. Dia-Matic - Ian Adair
  38. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  39. Quote from Two Wise Men - quotations
  40. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  41. advertisements

  1. Volume 18, Number 11, July, 1986, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Wand-O-Knot - Flip
  5. Reed's A Good Read! - testimonial
  6. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Non-Smoking Ruins Magic
  7. [J. Stewart] Smith's Sensible Sayings - quotations
  8. The Gospel Column
    • Wordless Book Variations - Henry Smith
  9. "Cardology" No. 1 - Sinclair
  10. Just a Thought - Gerald White
  11. The Sliding and Vanishing Knot - Eddie Taytelbaum
  12. Vanishing Pen - Ian Lessels
  13. Triplex Supreme!!! (Or 'Extra Mental') - Ron Mann
  14. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  15. Quotable Quotes - quotations
  16. The Houdini File - Frank Koval
    • Number Three - Houdini to Harry Price
  17. The Card Moth - Ken de Courcy
  18. Len an Ear - quotations
  19. Don't Drink and Drive - Roy Cooper
  20. Annemanesque Comment - quotations
  21. More Praise for that Rainbow House - testimonial
  22. Escape from the Grave - Ken de Courcy
  23. The Name of the Game - Ian Adair
  24. The Jumping Arrows - Patter - Herb Rungay
  25. Does Your Wife Like Magic? - article - Johnny Cooper
  26. The Feminie Fingers - article - Morcane
  27. Spaghetti-it is - Old Doc Young
  28. Three Cubes - Arun Bonerjee
  29. Ten gags with Bags - Ian Adair
  30. Fabian on Three Supreme Tricks (Maybe Four) - Aldo Colombini
  31. Imagination - quotation
  32. Arthur Carter Column - Arthur Carter
    • silk production device
  33. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  34. Like Lightning - Ken de Courcy
  35. A Real Fourteen of Spades - Herb Rungay
  36. Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
  37. Well I Never! - jokes
  38. Quad-Cut Mentalism - Arun Bonerjee
  39. Milk Moo Moo - Ravelle & Andree
  40. Circus Change - Ray Cooper
  41. joke
  42. Val's Routine for ... Coin in a Bottle - Val Andrews
  43. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  44. Great Men Think Alike - quotations
  45. 10 Gags Using Block Tricks (Including Dice) - Ian Adair
  46. Tribute to Troublewit - testimonial
  47. advertisements

  1. Volume 18, Number 12, August, 1986, 73 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. The Vanished Bus - Johnny Geddes
  5. Triple Card Prediction - Ian Adair
  6. Try Outs Number 2 - Sinclair
  7. Chinese Take-Away Fold-Away Box - Line for the Chinese Folding Box - Val Andrews
  8. Well I Never! - jokes
  9. Variations on Some Card Effects from Magigram - Luis M. Gavilondo (Cuba)
    • Ken de Courcy's Brainwave Presentation
    • R.W. Harland's Miracle Mix-Up Extra
    • R. B. Ferguson's Card Rise
    • David Davis' Coincidence Double and Treble
  10. Gag-Time - jokes
  11. Green X Paddle Trick - Roy Cooper
  12. Yock - joke
  13. Insurance or On My Life - Val Andrews
  14. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  15. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Bizarre Magic, or Mentalism
  16. The Loc-Ace-Un - Duncan Withall
  17. Okito Box Routine - Bernard Bilis
  18. The Gospel Column
    • My Routine for Sixth Finger - Elwyn Harries
  19. The Houdini File - Frank Koval
    • Number Four - Houdini to Harry Price
  20. Simple Triple Prediction - Gerald White
  21. Jumbo Chinese Coin & Ribbon - Ravelle & Andree
  22. Silk to Rose - Ravelle & Andree
  23. Silk Surprise - Little George
  24. Double-Up Extra - Sinclair
  25. A Quickie from Stanton Carlisle
  26. Hirem! - joke
  27. Three Cards in a Crystal - A Version of Murray's Card Crystal - Frank Richmond
  28. Three Ring Melody - Rink
  29. The Great Clanger - jokes
  30. Organisms - jokes
  31. Cigarettes to Coins - Alain Gaillard
  32. Blendo Do As I Do - Johnny Geddes
  33. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  34. Hands Up! - Ian Adair
  35. 'Nuts' Over Your 'Brass Nut Release' - testimonial
  36. Arthur Carter Column - Arthur Carter
    • a pencil effect
  37. The Card in the Glass - Lee
  38. "Disc"integrate - Douglas Francis
  39. advertisements

word count: 342627 which is equivalent to 1370 standard pages of text