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Magigram Volume 20 (Sep 1987 - Aug 1988)
by Supreme-Magic-Company

#2 Magazines & Journals author

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Magigram Volume 20 (Sep 1987 - Aug 1988) by Supreme-Magic-Company
This product is also part of:

The Magigram, Volume 20, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

878 pages

  1. Volume 20, Number 1, September, 1987, 73 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Contents
  5. The Wanderful Card - Ken de Courcy
  6. Transpo Plus - Arthur Setterington
  7. String of Fish - Jack Bridwell
  8. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Streamlined Premonition
  9. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  10. cartoon
  11. My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
    • Part 2
  12. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • Bottle Baffoonery
  13. Funny Fill-Ins - joke
  14. Go As You Please - Prediction - J. Demaline
  15. Teleportation Coin Assembly - P.K. Ilango
  16. Colour Changing Business Cards - Wolfgang Riebe
  17. Ten Gags with the Linking Rings - Ian Adair
  18. Fun Producing Productions - Edwin [Hooper]
    • Moth-Eaten Magic
    • Getting the Bird
    • The Missing Link
  19. The Four Seasons - Tom Hooper & Michael Symes
  20. A Tale for Two - jokes
  21. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  22. cartoon
  23. Compliments from Canada - testimonial
  24. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Liberty - R. Phillips
  25. Beknighted Brian Lead
  26. There's Some Beer Here! - Roman Sander
  27. Tic Toc Cut - C.F. James
  28. The Sliding Hole - Topsi
  29. Elementary? Can You Believe It! - Old Doc Young
  30. Ten Cents Interest - Floyd Shots
  31. "Magic Wand Magic" Tricks with Magic Wands - Jack Bridwell
    • Silk on Wand
    • Ball Wand
    • Wand Through Hat
    • Noisy Wand
    • Card on Wand
    • Tricky Wand
    • Ribbon Wand
    • Wand Thru
  32. Magic in the 19th Century - article by Ken de Courcy
  33. Instant Cake-Bake Johnny Geddes
  34. Afterthoughts on the Clatter Box - Dr. Peter Faesi
  35. From Ted Annemann's Pen - quotations
  36. Telephone Divination - Kinos
  37. Best, Sneaky, Superb - Smash Hits All! - testimonial
  38. advertisements

  1. Volume 20, Number 2, October, 1987, 73 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Contents
  5. The Three Dice Trick - Updated - Professor Dr. F. Meyer
  6. cartoon - Wolfgang Riebe
  7. Frankly Speaking - article - Henrique
  8. Linking Rubber Bands - Tommy Wood
  9. Coloured Water Production - Philéas
  10. A Method for the Telephone Test
  11. Shiver Me Timbers - David Holden
  12. Liquid Vanish - Ralph L. White (USA)
  13. Duplication - A Mental Slate Effect - U.F. Grant
  14. Ultimate Twisting the Aces - Jean-Jacques Sanvent [sic]
  15. Tip-Tops - Ian Adair
    • Shoe Care
  16. Measles Horst M. Paffen
  17. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  18. Gone Fishing - Jack Bridwell
  19. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Animal Flag - Johnny Geddes
  20. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • Symbol-matic
  21. Arthur Carter Column
    • Three Coin Trick
  22. My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
    • Chapter 3 - The Devil, The Parrot and the Return of the Penny
  23. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Borreti's Improved Balloon Penetration - A Routine by Joe Ridgely
  24. Farmyard Frolics Fan - testimonial
  25. Martian Mystical John Savill
  26. The Kellini File
    1. Transposing Pens
    2. 20th Century Rope-Rings
    3. Balloons to Silks
    4. Original Tables for Magicians
    5. Stretching Rope Surprise
    6. Number Blocks Prediction
    7. Revolving Light Bulb Inside a Cylinder
    8. The Binders Force
  27. My Candy Andy Routine - Henrique
  28. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  29. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Coins, Cards and a Query
  30. Chicken! - Brian Lead
  31. advertisements

  1. Volume 20, Number 3, November, 1987, 73 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Contents
  5. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Pika Picture
  6. My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
    • Chapter 4 - Down the Chindwin Without a Paddle-(Trick)
  7. Val's Varieties - Val Andrews
  8. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • Double Thot
  9. A Quick Jimmy Riddle - A>S. Wright
  10. Arthur Carter Column
    • Wines and Spirits
  11. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  12. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  13. Miracles All! - testimonials
  14. My Dearest Darling - humor - Harry Reeve
  15. Continuity Compere Idea - Val [Andrews]
  16. A Straw to Break the Conjurer's Back - Brian Lead
  17. Colour E.S.P. - John Yeager
  18. Card in Cigarette Packet - Alpha
  19. Tarbell's Principles - quotation
  20. A Cool Move - Pierre Switon
  21. A Session with Numbers - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
  22. Take a Tip from the Parrot - advice
  23. Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
    • Harold Long
  24. Pitter-Patter - jokes
  25. Christmas and All that Jazz - Lee Stainer
    • The Sleigh Table
    • Merry Xmas Paper Tear
  26. The Obstinate Rabbit - Eric Widger
  27. Arrow Through Head - Val Andrews
  28. Clippo the A-Team - Malcolm Yaffe
  29. A Simple & Effective Card Control - Henry Ducou
  30. Surprise Prediction - Wolfgang Riebe
  31. Coincidence Cut - Arthur Setterington
  32. Impossible Penetration - Chris Zeppa
  33. The Bases of Study - quotation
  34. You Can't Have Both - Mat Roelofs
  35. A Gag with a Glass - Norman Lee
  36. Supersonic Blendo - Ken de Courcy
  37. Put Some 'Bounce' into your Show! - Ian Adair
  38. Suzanne's Christmas Gift Production - Ken de Courcy
  39. advertisements

  1. Volume 20, Number 4, December, 1987, 73 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Contents
  5. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • The Peek-Force Card
  6. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Eggs to Sausages
  7. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • A Card for Every Day
  8. "An Oldie but Goodie" - "King Size Cigarette" - U.F. Grant
  9. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  10. My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
    • Part 5
  11. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Rev. Ryder Rogers
  12. Nipper's Natter - Performing Magic for Children - Wolfgang Riebe & D.F. Parker
    1. Understanding Children - Wolfgang Riebe
    2. The Magic Birthday Card - D.F. Parker
  13. Book Review
    • Al Koran's Professional Presentations
  14. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  15. Add-A-Laff! - humor
  16. Arthur Carter Column
    • Message Box
  17. Harry Stanley Reminisces
  18. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  19. A Novel Repeat Liquid Colour Change - Ralf Wichmann-Braco
  20. Medway Magical Society Showcase
    1. introduction - Harry Reeve
    2. President Robin Carr and his Lady Caroline - John Palfreyman
    3. From the Carr Collection - Robin Carr
      1. Chop Cup
      2. Flash Flourish
      3. Sure-Shot Dove Holdout
    4. Psycho Card Trick - Phil Brissenden
    5. My Routine for Supreme's Die Through Silk - Robin Day
    6. Tony Hanscombe who is Tony Chestnut - show example
    7. Patter for Rabbit Return - Harry Reeve
    8. Silver Sceptre for Play Groups - Harry Reeve
    9. Myro's Method for Headline Hunter - Sid Mills
    10. Smurf to You - John Palfreyman
    11. Hypnolucination - Roy Baker
    12. Right Number - Gordon R. Thomas
    13. The Red Light Die Trick - Nigel Roberts
    14. Isn't It Remarkable - George Hatton
    15. Tibetan Beads Tip - Dick Richardson
    16. My Offering (or The Junk and Jade Section) - Harold Taylor
  21. Chick Pan and Zippered Wallet Combination - Terze Olav (Norway)
  22. advertisements

  1. Volume 20, Number 5, January, 1988, 74 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. Contents
  5. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    1. Crafty Credit Cards
    2. Credit Card Change!
    3. Topsy Turvy Credit Cards
    4. Long Credit Card Revelation
  6. Patter for Supreme's "Blind-Date" - Val Andrews
  7. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  8. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Matching Cards
  9. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • Jumbo Card in Dove Pan
  10. Book Review
    • Baker's Bonanza - Hugh Miller
  11. Service - Second to None - testimonials
  12. A Floral Fan - Norman Lee
  13. Nipper's Natter - Jack Bridwell
    1. Chinaman
    2. Watchdog
    3. The Great Fako
    4. Throw Ball
    5. Tommy Hawk
    6. Mr. Cotton Tail
    7. Balloon Bust
  14. Magic as Entertainment - Harold Taylor
  15. My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
    • Part 6 - Crystal, Coins and an Invisible Hole
  16. The Follow-Up Column
    • Easy Transit - Ken de Courcy
  17. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • Another Vanishing Pot of Flowers
  18. Ridiculous Lyrics - Val Andrews
  19. Signed Card in Wallet - John Yeager
  20. Overcoming those Unexpected Things in the Show - Ian Adair
  21. The Vicious Table - revised and improved - Mirko
  22. An Amazing Ball Suspension - John Yeager
  23. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Memories are Made of This
  24. A Magical Mixture - Harry Carnegie
  25. Take a Tip from the Parrot - advice
  26. Traffic Light Trickery - Horst M. Paffen
  27. two pages are missing
  28. Eugene Maingam's Cigarette Surprise - Guy Van Mergel
  29. Henrique's Playtimne - Henrique
    • Alan Goodall
  30. Fish to Candy - Jack Bridwell
  31. Tell My Word! (II) - Arun Bonerjee 9Calcutta)
  32. Bi-Colour Squares
  33. A Goldin Classic Revisited - John Yeager
    • Goldin Colour Changing Handkerchiefs
  34. Two Colours - quotation
  35. Match-Up - Ron Betteridge
  36. advertisements

  1. Volume 20, Number 6, February, 1988, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. advertisement
  5. contents
  6. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • Vanish of Four Lit Candles
  7. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  8. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • A Gift
  9. The Follow-Up Column
    • A Card Exits - Plus - Fabian (Aldo Colombini)
  10. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • The Diminishing 24" Silk
  11. Arthur Carter Column
    • E.S.P. Die
  12. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • Personalised Cards
  13. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
  14. Jokes with Scissors
  15. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Predicta-Card Plus
  16. A Vanish Up the Sleeve - Herve
  17. The Magic Page Three Girls - Eric & Margaret Hawkesworth
  18. Assistants - article - Norman Lee
  19. The Echo Guitar - Maurice Phillips
  20. An Ode to Magigram - poem - Brian Lead
  21. cartoon
  22. Kid-Show-Korner - Val Andrews
  23. An Alternative Handling for 'The Chinese Bit' - Mat Roelofs
  24. Escape of a threaded tube from a Ribbon - Fred Morro
  25. Showcase - Luis Gavilondo
    1. The Abracadabra Show - introduction
    2. The Generosity Game
    3. Clever Strip!
    4. Hooping a Girl
    5. Don Quixote Rides Again
    6. Dancing Lesson
  26. Putting My Cards on the Table! - Val Andrews
  27. Tricks from the Past e-Visited - Edwin [Hooper]
    • The Jazz Ray
  28. The Rising Ring - Reinmar Peppmoller
  29. Double Coincidence - Sinclair
  30. The Magic of Slydini - praise from Stanton Carlisle
  31. My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
    • Part 7
  32. Thimble Time - Ian [Adair]
  33. advertisements

  1. Volume 20, Number 7, March, 1988, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. advertisement
  5. contents
  6. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • The Atomic Stamps
  7. Gag for Egg Bag
  8. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • Flip-Flap Frame
  9. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • A Clean-Cut Prediction
  10. Arthur Carter Column
    • Henry Christ & E.S.P.
  11. This and That - article - Henrique
  12. Gags for Cards Across - Ian [Adair]
  13. The Follow-Up Column - Ken de Courcy
    • A New (?) Use for the Thought Explosion Wallet (or the One in the Middle Wallet)
  14. Nipper's Natter - The Children's Magic Column
    • The "Mr Men" Party - Martin Key
  15. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • salt or pepper
  16. Torn & Restored Calendar Sheet - Ian [Adair]
  17. My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
    • My Horses and Carriages
  18. Rubber Bands for Your Folding Coins - hint
  19. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  20. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Rovi
  21. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • A Routine for Kleen A Silk - Peter Hodge
  22. Tricks from the Past e-Visited - Edwin [Hooper]
    • table with a black art well
    • a thimble routine using the above table
  23. More Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
    • What! Stanislavski Again
  24. Card Through Table - Andreas Edmuller
  25. Relaxation - article - Harold Long
  26. Al! - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
  27. Another Ring and Rope - Willi Wessel
  28. Fish Wand - Jack Bridwell
  29. My Way with Supreme Magic - Supreme - David Holden
    • Headline Hunter
    • All-Clear Force Bag
    • All Clear Changing Bag
    • Two Wongs Make a White
    • Dodgy
    • Out of this World
    • Vanishing Cane
    • Driving Test and Round the Bend
    • A Wood Pigeon
    • 3-1 Ropes
    • Addition to the Linking Rings
    • Silks from Wand
    • Cigarette to Flower
    • Super Duper Scoop
  30. Book Review - Bobby Bernard
    • Showmanship Out of the Hat - by The Great Masoni
  31. advertisements

  1. Volume 20, Number 8, April, 1988, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. advertisement
  5. contents
  6. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • Match That!
  7. It's Magic - idea for a change bag
  8. Arthur Carter Column
    • Predictabadge
  9. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • Trust Change
  10. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • A Supreme Combination
  11. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  12. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Another Routine For-Kleen-A-Silk - Peter Hodge
  13. Nipper's Natter - The Children's Magic Column
    • Sidney the Scarecrow - Arthur Settrerington
  14. Tack-It - Ian [Adair]
  15. Our New Columnist ... Walter Sleight
  16. Sleight of Hand - Walter Sleight
    • Examined Diminishing Cards
  17. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Cat and Mouse
  18. Book Review - Royston
    • Best of Belcher
  19. Henrique Speaking - article - Henrique
  20. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Harry Reeve
  21. Russell Butler Showcase
    1. About Russell Butler - profile
    2. Dart Expert
    3. Caretaker's Delight, or, Desert Snowstorm
    4. A Useful [silk] Gimmick
    5. Penetra
    6. Ten Little Rabbits
    7. Lovely Ices
    8. Ice of 'earts
    9. Two Wongs Don't Make a White
    10. Just Chance Again
    11. Coloured Box Mystery
    12. Pop Up Instruction Book
  22. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Thanks to Al Koran
  23. The Light Brigade - Harold Long
  24. Cutting the Cards - Stefan Senf & Richard Turner
  25. My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
    • A Very Special Key (Part 1)
      • I Am Magic - Willard S. Smith
  26. advertisements

  1. Volume 20, Number 9, May, 1988, 74 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  4. contents
  5. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • Comedy Snake Box Vanish
  6. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • Some-Sum!
  7. The Supreme Rules for Young Magicians - Tony Russell
  8. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • It's a Tie Up
  9. Arthur Carter Column
    • The "Was" Book Test
  10. Erratum - Predictabadge (April, 1988)
  11. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • All One - Basil E. Bennett
    • Three In One
    • Multi-Coloured Ropes
  12. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  13. Sleight of Hand - Walter Sleight
    • How I Swallow Razor Blades Without the Cotton Reel Move
  14. Two Thumb Tip Tips
  15. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • The Spider Coin Production
  16. The Follow-Up Column - Ken de Courcy
  17. My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
    • A Very Special Key (Part Two)
  18. Book Review - Ken de Courcy
    • The Art of Body Loading by Eddie Joseph
  19. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Jack Avis
  20. Nipper's Natter - The Children's Magic Column
    • The Tale of Two Rabbits - Brian Eden
  21. It's Plain to See - Ken de Courcy
  22. advertisement - Magigram back issues
  23. An Idea for 'Bang Gone' - Tommy Thomas
  24. Patter to Rhyme - Bill West
    • Noughts and Crosses
  25. Sequel to Cards and Numbers (March 1987) - Bill West
  26. Flash Lemon to Silk - Norman Lee
  27. Lend Me Your Cigarette - I'm Going to Make Tobacco! - Philippe Socrate
  28. Abracadabra Means Magic - Ken de Courcy
  29. New Faces - Harold Long
  30. A Magical Observation Test - A Routine for the Colour Changing Ball to Jumbo Square - Bob Christensen
  31. Wise Words from Wise Men - quotations
  32. The Disappearing Wand - Arthur Setterington
  33. The One-Ahead Disguised - Harry Carnegie
  34. Silk Serenade, An Extension - Oran B. Dent
  35. Christmas Parcels - Ray Cooper
  36. 10 Gags Using Cups & Balls - Ian Adair
  37. Trivial Prediction - Allan Karasavas (Western Australia)
  38. Professional Tips - Ted Lesley
    • Cigarettes with Hidden Depths!
  39. Fish to Egg - Jack Bridwell
  40. Antitwist - for color changing knives - Dr. Carlos Casavalle (Argentina)
  41. U.S.A. Spotlite On ... - Amy Stevens
    • Joe Stevens Among Some of His Friends in Magic
  42. Magi-Cartoon - Frank Richmond
  43. advertisements

  1. Volume 20, Number 10, June, 1988, 73 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. contents
  4. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  5. Another New Column
  6. Feed 'em and Fool 'em! - A Series on How to Work the Restaurant Scene as a Table-Hopping Magician - Bruce Amato
    • Chapter 1
      • How to Get the Work as a Table-Hopping Magician!!!
  7. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • Frisky Whisky
  8. Ad News Snip
  9. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Gimmicks to be Used
  10. Arthur Carter Column
    • Centre Force
  11. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • A Different Sort of Coins in Glass
  12. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Do Not Read This
      • The Games Game
      • Buttons and Nails
      • Potatoes and Pins
      • Paper Squares
  13. Liquid Gags
  14. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Seeing and Believing - Donald B. Chambers
  15. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Will Ayling
  16. Henrique Speaking Frankly - Henrique
  17. Book Review - Stanton Carlisle
    • Psychic Magic by Ormond McGill
  18. Sleight of Hand - Walter Sleight
    • Cheeky but Foolproof Book Test
  19. cartoon
  20. The Ten Most Common Comments Made by the Layman when Speaking to a Magician - Wolfgang Riebe
  21. U.S.A. Spotlite On ... - Amy Stevens
  22. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • Card Kung-Fu
  23. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  24. Button Bag - Ian Adair
  25. Jimmie's Rabbit Opener for Children - Jimmie Bates
  26. Button, Button - John Yeager
  27. advertisements
  28. Nipper's Natter - The Children's Magic Column
    • Supreme's Four Smart Girls with Panda Puppet - Geoff Angless (Uncle Geoff)
  29. A Flash Wallet - hint
  30. An Injection of Fun - Norman Lee
  31. Whispers from the Wings - Harold Long
  32. I Say, I Say, I Say - humor
  33. Vanish of Six Coins - Zeppa
  34. A Fire Without Damage - P.K. Ilango
  35. Elwood Rabbit's Magic Patter (for His Carrot Trick) - Ken de Courcy
  36. Continuous Flower Production - Klingsor
  37. Where's My Dove - Jack Bridwell
  38. Loop-O - Arthur Setterington
  39. In This Issue
  40. cartoon - Frank Richmond
  41. advertisements

  1. Volume 20, Number 11, July, 1988, 74 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. contents
  4. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  5. Trick Issue - announcement
  6. Multiplication of Giant Balls - Allain Gaillard
  7. A Tip for Assistants' Diplomas - Brian Eden
  8. Big Results from Small Ads - Ian Adair
  9. The Absolute End - Eric (Max) Wood
  10. Clubs are Trumps! - Ravelle & Andree
  11. Silly "Bits" - Val Andrews
  12. The Magic Dice - George Joyce
  13. Jimmie's Patter for Chinese Sticks - Jimmie Bates
  14. Ballantics - Jack Bridwell
    • The Ball Paddle
    • Bowling Pin Ball
    • Chameleon Ball
    • Toss-Up Ball Vanish
    • Tie Ball
    • Ball Antic
    • High Kick
  15. Escorial 76 - Pablo Doménech (Spain)
  16. Here Kitty, Kitty - Elwyn Harries
  17. Dice Choice Extended - Mat Roelofs
  18. Last Will and Testament - Ken de Courcy
  19. Not a Lot of People Know This! - Will Ayling
    • The Birth of a Butterfly
    • The Hidden Message
    • The Enchanted Die
  20. The Mouse Trap - Cyril Copp
  21. The Engineered Escape - Brian Thompson (Asutralia)
  22. A Musical Prediction (One) - Charles Temple
  23. A Musical Prediction (Two) - Charles Temple
  24. Silver Prediction - Arthur Setterington
  25. Two, Four, One - Mat Roelofs
  26. Fabian's Three Ball Juggling Comedy Act - Aldo Colombini
  27. The Hopeless Pack of Cards - Norman Lee
  28. A Mystery of the Ocean (A Goldfish Transforms into a Pearl Necklace) - A Genuine Oriental Mystery
  29. This Way Up - Lewis Jones
  30. Hannibal, The Egg Laying Hen - Marvillo
  31. Gold and Silver - Horst Lacroix
  32. Same Number? - advice
  33. advertisements

  1. Volume 20, Number 12, August, 1988, 73 pages, including front cover
  2. advertisements
  3. contents
  4. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
    • As I See It - John Wade
  5. Tips Galore
    • Flash Paper
    • Feather Flowers
    • Silks
  6. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • A Crazy Cardboard Concoction
  7. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Will Ayling
  8. Money Bag Production
  9. Arthur Carter Column
    • Klip
  10. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Visual Gags and Bits of Business
  11. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • The Vanishing-Appearing Cigarette
  12. Sleight of Hand - Walter Sleight
    • The Guillotine Cabaret Routine - Ideal for Your Cabaret Spot
  13. At Homb with McComb - Billy McComb
  14. Wizard's Hat Egg Bag
  15. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • Spotty Bag Mystery
  16. Feed 'em and Fool 'em! - A Series on How to Work the Restaurant Scene as a Table-Hopping Magician - Bruce Amato
    • Chapter 2
      • The Money Aspect of Restaurant Work
      • The Brandy Snifter Technique
  17. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  18. A Gag for Card to Matchbox
  19. U.S.A. Spotlite On ... - Amy Stevens
    • Lynette Chappell, Miracles Off-Stage
  20. My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
    • Two (of many) Real Gentlemen of Magic - Part One
  21. Magi-Cartoons - Frank Richmond
  22. advertisements
  23. The Home Counties Showcase - Keith Churcher, compiler
    1. History and Junior Day
    2. A Lesson in Telepathy - Neil Somerville
    3. Presenting Flying Colour Cards - George Supper
    4. Simplex Card to Packet - Andrew Stone
    5. Why am I a Magician? - John Hart
    6. The Magic David Workout - David Gilchrist (Magic David)
    7. Bird Seed - Ernie Jones
    8. Higher Fees - Ray Trinder
    9. Baking A Cake - Terry & Diane Taylor
    10. Magical Quiz - David Hawkins
    11. The Forceful Calculator - John Cooper
    12. My Magic Life - Fu-Ling-Yu (John Wheeler)
    13. closing notes & photos
  24. advertisements

word count: 393652 which is equivalent to 1574 standard pages of text