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Magigram Volume 21 (Sep 1988 - Aug 1989)
by Supreme-Magic-Company


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Magigram Volume 21 (Sep 1988 - Aug 1989) by Supreme-Magic-Company
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The Magigram, Volume 21, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor

909 pages

  1. Volume 21, Number 1, September, 1988, 76 pages, including front & back covers
  2. Supreme at British Ring Convention - Brighton - announcement
  3. advertisements
  4. contents
  5. Lets Face It - editorial by Ian Adair
  6. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Pentops
  7. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • The Thimble and the Sponge Ball
  8. Arthur Carter Column
    • Super Silk Vanish
  9. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • A Chop Cup Finish
  10. Sleight of Hand - Walter Sleight
    • The Television or Stage Version of the 25 Card Trick
  11. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • A Measurement of Success
  12. Magi-Cartoon - Frank Richmond
  13. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Phantom Dice a la Annemann
  14. In the Tea-Leaves - Floyd Shotts
  15. Feed 'em and Fool 'em! - A Series on How to Work the Restaurant Scene as a Table-Hopping Magician - Bruce Amato
    • Chapter 3
      • Tricks of the Trade!
  16. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
  17. My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
    • Chapter 11 - Two (of many) Real Gentlemen of Magic (Part 2) [re: Archie Tear]
      • Archie Tear's Trick
  18. Person to Person - Telephone Telepathy - Lewis Jones
    • New Column
    • Trump Call (Solo)
  19. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Gospel Application for the Afghan Bands
  20. U.S.A. Spotlite On ... - Amy Stevens
    • More About Lynette Chappell
    • Lighthearted Advice for Magician's Assistants
    • Magic Onstage
  21. Gags with Your Rabbit
  22. advertisements
  23. The Ken de Courcy Showcase
    1. Lady Fey
    2. The Kicker
    3. Sorcerer Santa
    4. I'll Match It!
    5. Goodnight with Flowers
    6. The Missing Link
    7. Gellerdemain
    8. Candid Camera - Ken de Courcy
    9. Chain Reaction
    10. The Last Card Trick
    11. Carry Your Own Commercial
    12. Force of Character
    13. A Patter Routine for Arm-Less Surgery
    14. Linklip
    15. You-Tube-As-I-Tube
    16. The Grasshopper That Couldn't Fly
    17. A Plot for "Mental Epic"
    18. An Idea for Table Workers
  24. In This Issue - advertisement
  25. advertisements

  1. Volume 21, Number 2, October, 1988, 76 pages, including front & back covers
  2. Super Day at Lewisham Supreme - announcement
  3. advertisements
  4. contents
  5. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  6. King and Queen "Mr & Mrs Green Cards" - Jack Bridwell
  7. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • 2 Cards and 3 Coins
  8. Arthur Carter Column
    • Black Art Box
  9. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • Six Selection
  10. Magic Square - puzzle
  11. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Richard Gill
  12. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • A Catching Match Trick
  13. Zany Prediction - Clown Jacqui
  14. Feed 'em and Fool 'em! - A Series on How to Work the Restaurant Scene as a Table-Hopping Magician - Bruce Amato
    • Chapter 4
      • Promotional Tactics and People!
  15. Magi-Cartoons - Frank Richmond
  16. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  17. Pippity-Pip - Johnny Cooper
  18. Sleight of Hand - Walter Sleight
    • In Isolation
  19. Person to Person - Telephone Telepathy - Lewis Jones
    • Out of Sight (Solo)
  20. Laff Lines! - jokes
  21. This and That - Henrique
    • Routine for Blind Date
  22. Giant Sausage Wand - Ian Adair
    • Gags with this Wand
  23. advertisements
  24. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Xanadu
  25. Matched Fiver - Ken de Courcy
  26. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • He That Has No Ears to Hear - Peter Hodge
  27. Annemann the Unforgettable - Cedric Richardson & Ian Adair
  28. My Magic Tie - Elwyn Harries
  29. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Puppet Wand
  30. Book Review - Ken de Courcy
    • Stranger than Fiction - Derek Lever
  31. My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
    • Chapter 12 - Sara [Fortnam]
  32. My Presentation of the Centre Tear - Ted Lesley
  33. A Square Circle - Variation - Duraty
  34. Colour-Card Prediction - Arthur Setterington
  35. Clockwork Lemonade and Dancing Grapes - Alan Ward
  36. Bed Eyes (Another Big Glasses Gag) - Mo Howarth
  37. Name that Balloon - Brian Marr
  38. Silk Transposition - Wolfgang Riebe
  39. Spot the Court Card - Roy Baker
  40. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
  41. Cartoon Corner - Harry Leat
  42. In This Issue - advertisement
  43. advertisements

  1. Volume 21, Number 3, November, 1988, 76 pages, including front & back covers
  2. Supreme - Winner of the Mystic Craig Dealers' 1988 Trophy - announcement
  3. advertisements
  4. contents
  5. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  6. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • Razor Blades Once Again
  7. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • Coins in the Air
  8. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Illusions - Donald B. Chambers
  9. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  10. Sleight of Hand - Walter Sleight
    • It's on the Cards
  11. Arthur Carter Column
    • A Word of Three Letters
  12. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • John Booth
  13. Magisquare - puzzle
  14. My Long and Happy Journey Through the Land of Close-Up - series by Tommy Rowe
    • Chapter 13 - Lewis Ganson
      • The Kiss Trick
  15. Person to Person - Telephone Telepathy - Lewis Jones
    • Hasterix (Solo)
  16. Feed 'em and Fool 'em! - A Series on How to Work the Restaurant Scene as a Table-Hopping Magician - Bruce Amato
    • Chapter 5
      • Making the Grade!
  17. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • Cutting M'Lady in Two
  18. A Flash in the Pan - Ian Adair
  19. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Predicta Fruit
  20. Magic Subtraction - Alan Ward
  21. Silly Sausages - Norman Lee
  22. advertisements
  23. Here Comes Santa - Tips on Your Santa Claus Presentation - Harry Reeve
  24. A Christmas Prayer - Harry Reeve
  25. A Sock for Santa - Norman Lee
  26. Burnt Love - Marvoyan
  27. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Incompletely Yours
  28. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
    • No. 1 - Hamlet's Advice to the Players
  29. The Follow-Up Column
    • Ken de Courcy Vanishing Well
  30. All Change - Arthur Setterington
  31. Fabian's An Easy Crimp - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
  32. Morning Breakfast Cereal - Ray Cooper
  33. Unlucky Lucretia - Mat Roelofs
  34. The R.C. Buff All Rope Magic Showcase
    1. introduction & profile
    2. Alvin Gentil - profile
    3. The Dizzy Rope - Alvin Gentil
    4. Ralph White - profile
    5. Patter for Dizzy Rope
    6. Robert Clark (Bozo Bob) - profile
    7. The "Moustache" Rope Cut - Robert Clark
    8. Conrad Bush - profile
    9. The "Pretzel" Knot - Conrad Bush
    10. A Knot That is Not a Knot (Jack Miller Knot) - Conrad Bush
    11. On the Knee - R.C. Buff
    12. Hunter Knot Variations
      • Slip Knot - Joe Schmidt
      • Three Knots - R.C. Buff
      • The Lazy Magician - R.C. Buff
    13. Ronald J. Dayton - profile
    14. The Magnified Knot - Ronald J. Dayton
    15. Joseph K. Schmidt - profile
    16. The Male/Female Knot - Joseph K. Schmidt
      • Male Knot
      • Female Knot
  35. In This Issue - advertisement
  36. Magi-Cartoons - Frank Richmond
  37. advertisements

  1. Volume 21, Number 4, December, 1988, 76 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. contents
  4. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  5. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • Bang-Flop Paper Tear
  6. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  7. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
  8. Arthur Carter Column
    • The Ten Card Trick
  9. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • Sucker Tumbler Vanish
  10. Quik Rubber Cover
  11. Sleight of Hand - Walter Sleight
    • The Visible Die Through Hat
  12. The Retinal Rabbit - optical illusion
  13. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Noah's Ark Rainbow Production - Henry Smith
  14. Feed 'em and Fool 'em! - A Series on How to Work the Restaurant Scene as a Table-Hopping Magician - Bruce Amato
    • Chapter 6
      • Blankety Blank - effect
  15. A Variation on Ian Adair's Productivity - Mat Roelofs
  16. Fabian's Somersault - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
  17. Through the Window of Your Mind - Alan Ward
  18. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Who's Best
  19. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • The Gallivanting Coin
  20. Clip It
  21. Picking Pockets - Alfred Gabriel
  22. Gags with a Poly-Wand - Malcolm Yaffe
  23. Future Fungus Plus - Magician Shyamal Kumar (India)
  24. advertisements
  25. Person to Person - Telephone Telepathy - Lewis Jones
    • All Lies (Solo)
  26. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Card-O-Silk
  27. This and That - Henrique
    • Confusing Wand
  28. Follow-Up Column - Ken de Courcy
    • Werry's Matchbox Illusion
  29. Bonerjee's E.S.Pecial - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
  30. Gags for Watch Workers - Derek Lawrence
  31. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Ravelle and Andrée
  32. Using Names - Terry & Diane Taylor
  33. Magi-Cartoon - Frank Richmond
  34. King Tut's Revelation - Russell Butler
  35. Spaghetti - Diabelli
  36. Coins in Jam-Jar - James L. Stubbs
  37. Mail Box - from Peter Kidd
  38. One Hand Shuffle - Encore - P.K. Ilango
  39. Magisquare - puzzle
  40. Four Bouquet Box - Jack Bridwell
  41. On the Centre (The Appearance of a Silk in the Centre of a Rope) - Ted Heath (Australia)
  42. Other Ideas for Willie Wabbit - John Ould
  43. Points of View - Arthur Setterington
  44. Superabbit - John Strange
  45. Tennis Ball Puppet - Jean de Merry
  46. In This Issue - advertisement
  47. advertisements

  1. Volume 21, Number 5, January, 1989, 76 pages, including front & back covers
  2. We Wish You a Happy New Year
  3. advertisements
  4. contents
  5. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  6. Carrying the Props - Ken de Courcy
  7. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
  8. High-Speed Travel - Arthur Setterington
  9. Ultimate Thought Reading - Brian Marr
  10. Feed 'em and Fool 'em! - A Series on How to Work the Restaurant Scene as a Table-Hopping Magician - Bruce Amato
    • Chapter 7
      • The Thought Thinking Thimble
  11. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Cleansing Through the Blood of Jesus - Henry Smith
  12. Mind Mover - Jack Bridwell
  13. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • The P.D. (Perfect Divination) Card Prediction
  14. Nipper's Natter - The Children's Magic Column
    • Some Extras for "Magic Spells" - Harry Carnegie
  15. Hands - Norman Lee
  16. Arthur Carter Column
    • Red, Chair, Rose
  17. A Rough Joke
  18. Person to Person - Telephone Telepathy - Lewis Jones
    • Bell, Book & Wangle (Solo)
  19. Fabian's To Reverse- Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
  20. Let's Go Fly a Kite - Ian Adair
  21. The Die and Mirror Box - Elwyn Harries
  22. Finger Exercises for Magicians - Kenneth Lang
  23. J + H - Ernie Jones
  24. Yes - Or - No Quiz - Robert V. Meredith
  25. advertisements
  26. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  27. A Glove to Dove
  28. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • Defacing a Coin
  29. Sleight of Hand - Walter Sleight
    • How to Pick Pockets Instantly Without Stooges
  30. Vent Bit
  31. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Card Silk
  32. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • The Multiple French Drop
  33. Roy's Routines - Roy Baker
    • Big Parade of Kings Revisited
  34. Follow-Up Column - Ken de Courcy
    • Fall Thru
  35. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • A Magical Pot-Pourri
  36. This and That - Henrique
  37. A Ribbon Spread Divination - Antonio Ferragut (Spain)
  38. Ideas for Magic Painting - Brian Eden
  39. Embarrassing Matchbox - Justin M. Edwards
  40. All Square - The Amazing Trelba
  41. You Trusted Mr! - Ken de Courcy
  42. Magisquare - puzzle
  43. Predealiction - Phil Goldstein
  44. Predealiction II - Phil Goldstein
  45. A Good Magical Washing Variation - Geoff Angless
  46. Jimmie's "Old Mother Hubbard" Routine - Jimmie Bates
  47. In This Issue - advertisement
  48. Magi-Cartoons - Frank Richmond
  49. advertisements

  1. Volume 21, Number 6, February, 1989, 76 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. contents
  4. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  5. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Car Choice
  6. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Zebra (or Undecided Donkey) - Henry Smith
  7. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • Venetian Blind Revelation
  8. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • Noting Added...Just Chance
  9. Cluck-Cluck Egg Bag
  10. Feed 'em and Fool 'em! - A Series on How to Work the Restaurant Scene as a Table-Hopping Magician - Bruce Amato
    • Chapter 8
      • The Pencil Puzzler
  11. Arthur Carter Column
    • Dutch Designs
  12. Person to Person - Telephone Telepathy - Lewis Jones
    • Remote Control (Duo)
  13. Suckeroo Sorcery - Ian Adair
  14. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • "Easy Signed" Card to Wallet
  15. Follow-Up Column - Ken de Courcy
    • The Master Banknote in Nest of Boxes
  16. Sleight of Hand - Walter Sleight
    • "Situation Comedy" Prompting Deck
  17. Color-Magic - Ian Adair
  18. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Orson Welles
  19. The Joke's on You - jokes
  20. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  21. Puzzling Web - puzzle - Alan Ward
  22. advertisements
  23. The Devon Magic Circle Showcase
    1. introduction
    2. Dennis H. Vickery - profile
    3. Arthur Ulbrich - profile
    4. Crystal Clear Card Trick - Arthur Ulbrich
    5. Edward Pearce - profile
    6. Author Unknown - Unravelled from a Hand-Written Manuscript by Eddie Pearce
    7. The Amazing Trelba - profile
    8. Gift Slate - The Amazing Trelba
    9. John Edward Saxby - profile
    10. Spot the Ball Odds of 5 to 1 You Don't - John Edward Saxby
    11. Michael J. Shute - profile
    12. Twentieth Century Chicken - Michael J. Shute
    13. Ted (Edward) Cummins - profile
    14. Chain Letter - Ted (Edward) Cummins
    15. Robert Downing - profile
    16. My Routine with the "Twindy Glass" - Bob Downing
    17. Beacon Confus'n Revisited - Dennis H. Vickery
    18. The Horse Race (and Variations) - Dennis H. Vickery
    19. It's in the Bag - A Routine Given to D.M.C. by the late Claude Manley
    20. The Saga of Gerty Gold - Or the True Tale of "Roger the Lodger" - Dennis H. Vickery
    21. Magician's Ten Commandments - Received from Jack Jewell
  24. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
    • Pace, Pitch & Volume
  25. This and That - Henrique
    • Colour Caught Out
  26. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Wide-Open Prediction
  27. Card in (Miracle X) Wallet - Simon Ossitt
  28. An Easy Reverse - Aldo Colombini
  29. In This Issue - advertisement
  30. Magi-Cartoons - Frank Richmond
  31. advertisements

  1. Volume 21, Number 7, March, 1989, 76 pages, including front & back covers
  2. Blackpool Magician's Club Convention - announcement
  3. advertisements
  4. contents
  5. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
    • An Editorial by Terry Seabrooke
  6. Silk Changing Box - Jack Bridwell
  7. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • The Tear Apart Box Vanish and the Card Castle
  8. This and That - Henrique
  9. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • A Different Card in the Wallet Trick
  10. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Silk Thru' Bag
  11. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Sleight of Mind
  12. Fag Gag - joke
  13. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • Holiday Time
  14. Arthur Carter Column
    • Blue Intruder
  15. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Bruce Posgate
  16. Ten Gags Using Whirlygig Balloons - Ian Adair
  17. Sleight of Hand - Walter Sleight
    • The Ghost Tube
  18. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
  19. The Great Escape - Ernie Jones
  20. Houdini - A Legend - Arthur E. Ayres
  21. Just an Idea (or Two) - Simon Jay
  22. advertisements
  23. The Davis Match Again - Luis M. Gavilondo (Cuba)
  24. The Wife's Mother - humor - Val Andrews
  25. Originality - article - Wolfgang Riebe
  26. Person to Person - Telephone Telepathy - Lewis Jones
    • A Game of Murder (Duo)
  27. Nipper's Natter - The Children's Magic Column
    • Magi-Go-Round - Bill Lainsbury
  28. Bill Shewan's Dice Stacking Routine
  29. A Four Star Trick - Joe Hustler
  30. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Substitutes - Donald Chambers
  31. Follow-Up Column - Ken de Courcy
    • The Corner-Cut Bag
  32. Feed 'em and Fool 'em! - A Series on How to Work the Restaurant Scene as a Table-Hopping Magician - Bruce Amato
    • Chapter 9
      • A Flash in the Hand
  33. The Price is Right - Allan Karasavas
  34. Their Magic - My Handling - Digitally Yours! - Arun Bonerjee (Calcultta)
  35. Hi-Jinks - Arthur Setterington
  36. Dial-A-Sign - Ken de Courcy
  37. Magisquare - puzzle
  38. Jacks in a Puzzle - Norman Lee
  39. Solid Delight - John Yeager
  40. In This Issue - advertisement
  41. Magi-Cartoons - Frank Richmond
  42. advertisements

  1. Volume 21, Number 8, April, 1989, 76 pages, including front & back covers and three missing pages
  2. Happy Easter
  3. advertisements
  4. contents
  5. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  6. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Bruce Posgate
  7. Feed 'em and Fool 'em! - A Series on How to Work the Restaurant Scene as a Table-Hopping Magician - Bruce Amato
    • Chapter 10
      • Blank-Image Ambitious Card
  8. Follow-Up Column - Ken de Courcy
    • The Cabinet of Canton
  9. Form a Square - puzzle - Alan Ward
  10. Nipper's Natter - The Children's Magic Column
    • Gerald the Guardsman - Ernie Jones
  11. With Magic in Mind - Stanton Carlisle
    • Quicksilver Supreme
  12. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • The Illusion Shuffle Force
  13. Person to Person - Telephone Telepathy - Lewis Jones
    • Televoyance(Duo)
  14. The New 'Mind Out of Time' - Peter Warlock
  15. Abrac-Adair - The Magic of Ian Adair
    • A Tip for 'Center Tear'
  16. Hustler Showcase - Joe Hustler
    1. Fortune Fun at the Party
    2. Pinned Down
    3. The Potato and the Stooge
    4. Coloured Moons and Stars
    5. Delayed Action Magic
    6. The Psychic Spectator
    7. Card Through Tea Towel
    8. E.S.P. Vs Magic
    9. Sud It!
    10. Triple Pack Threat
  17. Club-Liners - encore bits
  18. advertisements
  19. Pop-Away Egg - Arthur Setterington
  20. My Dream-Land Square and Circle - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
  21. A New Angle on the Reversed Lady - B.N. Ray
  22. Arthur Carter Column
    • Pin It
  23. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • All Change - Alan Price
  24. Jokingly Yours - jokes
  25. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • M.A.G.I.C.
  26. Another Chop Cup Climax
  27. Sleight of Hand - Walter Sleight
    • What Time Is It?
  28. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Dove Kage
  29. Fabian's W-hole - Aldo Colombini & Will Ayling
  30. Pop Away Wand Plus - Neville Wiltshire
  31. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
  32. N.S.O.H. [No Sleight of Hand] Card in Wallet - Vanni Pule
  33. Twice Through and Growing - Ken de Courcy
  34. Jokes of the Future
  35. Poison Potion - Ravelle and Andrée
  36. Ring and String (Noticed Whilst Playing About) - Michael Sondermeyer
  37. advertisements

  1. Volume 21, Number 9, May, 1989, 76 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. contents
  4. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  5. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • Paper Bingo
  6. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
  7. Mental Ropes - Jack Bridwell
  8. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • Any Pene-tration
  9. Who Will be the Magician? - puzzle - Alan Ward
  10. Feed 'em and Fool 'em! - A Series on How to Work the Restaurant Scene as a Table-Hopping Magician - Bruce Amato
    • Chapter 11
      • Transpo-Ace
  11. Sleight of Hand - Walter Sleight
    • Please Yourself
  12. Nipper's Natter - The Children's Magic Column
    • Funny Duck/Popaway Wand Routine Brian Eden
  13. Gags Using the Thumb Tie - Ian Adair
  14. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
  15. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  16. The Way I See It - article - Sid Lorraine
  17. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • My Turnover Move for the Okito Box
  18. Person to Person - Telephone Telepathy - Lewis Jones
    • Dialogic (Duo)
  19. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • Imitation - Elwyn Harries
  20. No Comparison - humor
  21. The Job of Joking - article & jokes - Derek Lawrence
  22. A New Approach to an Old Idea - Michael Jorden
  23. A Royal Separation - Francis Haxton
  24. advertisements
  25. The Ilford Magical Society Showcase
    1. Fountain of Silks from a Bowl of Flames - Len Bonfield
    2. My Version of Max Andrew's Sliding Knot - John Penrose
    3. Picturesque 20th Century Newspaper - Scott Penrose
    4. Chain Magic - Any Fairbairn
    5. The Faceless One - Bob Morris
    6. Hugard One Hand Top Card Palm
    7. Pre-Ordained - Harvey Benny
    8. My Routine for Nick Trost's Hot Dog Trick - Brian Phillips
    9. A Tip for the Jackpot Coins - Alan Dilgert
    10. Ken Ward - profile
    11. How About a Drink - A Card Trick - Ken Ward
    12. Barry Hicks - profile
    13. The Kings and I - Barry Hicks
  26. The Bertram File - edited by Neville Wiltshire
    • Comedy Opening for Children's Entertainer
  27. Magi-Cartoon - Frank Richmond
  28. The Spinning Coin - Alain Gesbert
  29. The Quadrature of the Circle - Mat Roelofs
  30. Roy's Routines - Roy Baker
    • Auto Milko Transpo
  31. Magisquare - puzzle
  32. Three from Dave Rawson
    • Chip Off the Old Block
    • Buzby
    • The Bouncing Cheque
  33. A Figure Bet for Ken - Bob Brown
  34. An Odd Article - Will Ayling
  35. Figumental - Arthur Setterington
  36. Selection...? - quotation
  37. In This Issue - advertisement
  38. advertisements

  1. Volume 21, Number 10, June, 1989, 76 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. contents
  4. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  5. Whispers in the Wings - Harold Long
  6. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Trevor Lewis
  7. Person to Person - Telephone Telepathy - Lewis Jones
    • Ring Master (Duo)
  8. The Bertram File - edited by Neville Wiltshire
    • The Lollipop Machine
  9. Letter-Box - Kenneth Lang re: "Finger Exercises for Magicians"
  10. Feed 'em and Fool 'em! - A Series on How to Work the Restaurant Scene as a Table-Hopping Magician - Bruce Amato
    • Chapter 12
      • The Coin-Key Surprise
  11. Gags for the 'Rising Card Effect'
  12. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  13. cartoon
  14. Clip Switch Burnt & Restored - Brian Eden
  15. Bunny Bell - Ian [Adair]
  16. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • This Side-That Side Production Box
  17. The Hunter Knot - Magigram, November 1988 - Ken de Courcy
  18. Nipper's Natter - The Children's Magic Column
    • Elwyn's Dice Kit - Elwyn Harries
      • Find the Dice
      • Red and White Colour Transpo
      • Red and White Sucker Change
      • The Rising Dice
  19. Fantastic Fiver - Ravelle & Andree
  20. Instrumental 2 - Vanni Pule
  21. The Strange Story of Mary Toft - Francis Haveron
  22. Red Faces - puzzle - Alan Ward
  23. Stunning Sponges - Mat Roelofs
  24. Tops in Table Tops - Graham S. Clarke
  25. advertisements
  26. Peter Warlock Looks Back
    • Early [Stanley Martin] Collins
      • The Flying Sum and Divining Cards
      • A Knotty Problem
  27. Jimmie's Patter for the Magic Washing - Jimmie Bates
  28. Late-Comers! - humor
  29. The Magic of Shaun Lee
    • A One Hand Multiple Top Palm
  30. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • The Bobbing Boy
  31. Hands Up - Ian [Adair]
  32. Performing for the Elderly - Brekk the Magician
  33. Note-Pad 1-2-3 Prediction - Robert Angell
  34. More On and Off - Fabian [Aldo Colombini]
    • The Throw-On Penetration
    • Misdirectional Off
    • Twirl Penetration
  35. Oriental Production - Walter Prati
  36. Patter for the Chinese Sticks - Wolfgang Riebe
  37. Magic in Your Hands - Ron Mann
  38. More on the Manipulato Ball - Floyd SHotts
  39. Ten Gags Using the Whirling Bow Tie - Ian Adair
  40. Mini-Bee - Phil Goldstein
  41. A Patter Routine for "Game and Match" - Ken de Courcy
  42. In This Issue - advertisement
  43. Magi-Cartoons - Frank Richmond
  44. advertisements

  1. Volume 21, Number 11, July, 1989, 76 pages, including front & back covers
  2. Special Trick Issue 52 Articles - announcement
  3. advertisements
  4. contents
  5. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  6. Welcome, It's Magic - John Teo
  7. Space Invaders - Ron Escott
  8. The Jatty Joker - Graham Parker
  9. Ed Dunhill on Supreme's "Baffling Billfold"
  10. Producing the Giant Wand - Bob Ormesher
  11. Calling Card Capers - Solyl Kundu (India)
  12. Girls on a Sword Plus - Arun Bonerjee
  13. Colour Poker Caprice - Mat Roelofs
  14. Felt-Marker Prediction - Wolfgang Riebe
  15. Brainstorm - Rizini
  16. Lie-Detector - Harry Meier
  17. Mirror Tumbler Blendo - Gary Sogat
  18. Duarte's Quiz - Luis M. Gavilondo (Cuba)
  19. Testing Time for Milady - Alan Ward
  20. Bubbles - Fabian [Aldo Colombini]
  21. Cash in Your Chips - Armandi
  22. E.S.P. Identity - Paul Hallas
  23. Painting with the Versatile Tele-Frame - John Savill
  24. The Impossible Moving Card - Mk. 2 - James L. Stubbs
  25. Billy Blockhead - Uncle Charlie (G.W. Stockton)
  26. Joey the Clown - Russell Butler
  27. Out of Sight - Ron Mann
  28. Big Sunglasses Gag - Val Andrews
  29. Production Tetrahedra - Geoff Ogram
  30. De-Humping a Camel - Ken de Courcy
  31. The Swindle - Herb Rungay (USA)
  32. Ace Oil and Water - Simon Jay
  33. The Coin in the Cake - Rick Mather
  34. Epic Flight Routine - H.L. Hambling
  35. Perfecto Prediction Card Effect - John M. Jarvis
  36. Second Dealing - Edward Stokes
  37. Circus Cage Production - Charles Temple
  38. My Rabbit - Marvoyan
  39. Getting Older - humor
  40. A Coin Finds Its Way - P.K. Ilango
  41. advertisements
  42. Magic of the Sponges - Ravelle and Andree
  43. The Sheepdog and the Sheep - Joe Hustler
  44. Flash Cigarette to Evening Cane - Ian Adair
  45. The Detective - Claude van Wymeersch
  46. Those Heavenly Creatures - jokes
  47. A Different Egg - Norman Lee
  48. New Num-Thumb - Justin M. Edwards
  49. Steve Briscoe's Routine for "Smash, Crash Coin"
  50. More than Three Words - Geoffrey Whiting
  51. Painting Plus - Neville Wiltshire
  52. The Star of David - Jean Baillard
  53. Silk in the Middle - A New Approach - Jaybee the Magician (John Bourne)
  54. Another "221 Rope Trick" - Jan Duitman
  55. Match-Magic - John Yeager
  56. Magisquare - puzzle
  57. Off to Mars - Ernie Jones
  58. The "Trigger" Move
  59. Always Use an Ash-Tray - Graham S. Clarke
    • Ashes to Ashes Coins to Coins
  60. Routine for "Baffling Bunnies" - Ray Cooper
  61. The Spelling Lesson - Brian Eden
  62. Dollar in the Lighter - Kevin Menard
  63. Cop-Out - Arthur Setterington
  64. In This Issue - advertisement
  65. advertisements

  1. Volume 21, Number 12, August, 1989, 76 pages, including front & back covers
  2. advertisements
  3. contents
  4. Lets Face It - editorial by Ken de Courcy
  5. My Goodness - It's Geddes - The Magic of Johnny - Johnny Geddes
    • The Lost Orb
  6. Whispers in the Wings No. 9 - Harold Long
  7. News and Views from the Colonies - George Johnstone
  8. Nipper's Natter - The Children's Magic Column
    • Play-Time Teddy - Arthur Setterington
  9. The P...D (Paul & Debbie) Trick Column - Paul Daniels
    • Clear-Cut Cigarette Through Coin
  10. The Gospel Column - edited by Henry Smith
    • William's Lost Temper - Duncan Withall
  11. Old Gag - Different Presentation - Norman Norris
  12. Kennaugh's Kaleidoscope - Alan Kennaugh
    • Trevor Lewis
  13. Peter Warlock Looks Back
    • Early Collins
      • The Travelling Ivory Marbles
  14. Dum-Dum Pack - Ian Adair
  15. Flash Century Silks - Scott Penrose
  16. Gags with my "Garden Sticks" - Norman Lee
  17. Magisquare - puzzle
  18. Broken and Restored Match-Stick - P.K. Ilango
  19. Building Up Your Own Personality - Wolfgang Riebe
  20. Shifty Money - John Yeager
  21. Take Two - Graham S, Clarke
  22. A Tale of Two Fish - Ken de Courcy
  23. Gag with Flash Paper
  24. Advertisements
  25. Tan Choon Tee Showcase
    1. Signed Card in Wallet
    2. Lady Spell
    3. Silk N Rope
    4. Voodoo Egg
    5. Chinese Chance-It
    6. Three Little Pigs II
    7. Hoo Two
    8. Soo Two
  26. Do It Yourself Tips - Geoff Ogram
    • Silicone Spray
    • Plastic Tape
  27. Person to Person - Telephone Telepathy - Lewis Jones
    • Transmission Impossible (Duo)
      • The Birthday
      • The Drawing
      • The Medium
  28. Their Magic - My Handling - Gypsy Divination - Arun Bonerjee (Calcutta)
  29. Red or Green
  30. The Bertram File - edited by Neville Wiltshire
    • Crackers - vent routine
  31. Pussy Galore - puzzle - Alan Ward
  32. Feed 'em and Fool 'em! - A Series on How to Work the Restaurant Scene as a Table-Hopping Magician - Bruce Amato
    • Chapter 13
      • Promotional Psychology
  33. The Pin Force - Peter Warlock
  34. The Mystery of the Writing Pad - John Brearley in The Sphinx, May 1943
    • Switch of Ribbon
    • Force of Word
    • Envanishment of Paper Strips
  35. Dove on Hat - Jack Bridwell
  36. In This Issue - advertisement
  37. Magi-Cartoons - Frank Richmond
  38. advertisements

word count: 383025 which is equivalent to 1532 standard pages of text