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My Favorite Card Magic
by Gerald Edmundson

#2 Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups author
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My Favorite Card Magic by Gerald Edmundson

My Favorite Card Magic explains tricks with straight-forward plots, classic methods and direct handlings. Gerald prefers uncomplicated tricks and routines which can be performed under the most demanding conditions. The tricks do require practice and skillful handling. But you'll not find "knuckle busting" sleights or complex procedures.

Gerald divides the PDF into two sections. Part One is for "in-the-hands" tricks. These routines work well for strolling situations or any time you have no tabletop available. At times, it becomes awkward or not possible for the spectators to take or sign a card. Part One offers solutions to the problem.

You'll find "layout" tabletop tricks in Part Two. These routines are for informal events with friends and family or for a formal professional engagement when you have a tabletop available.

Part Two highlights the Robson Poker Deal, first published in 1945. Many of the good poker deals (Marlo Gardner Poker Deal, the Lorayne Poker Deal, etc.) involve re-deal stacking (dealing the cards out twice to stack the deck for the desired result). Some require highly skilled card handling. The Robson Poker Deal does not employ re-deal stacking or advanced skills.

The actions of the Robson Poker Deal simulate accurately a real-life game of five-card draw poker. From a shuffled and cut deck, spectators choose how many five-card draw hands to deal. After the first deal, spectators can switch hands around and can even choose which hand the performer receives. Cards may be discarded and drawn by the spectators for their hands, just as in a real-life five-card draw poker game. The performer gets the four aces to win! You end "clean" after you gather the cards.

Because of its accuracy of simulating a real-life five card draw poker, Stuart Robson's Poker Deal has become Gerald's favorite poker routine. Gerald explains his handling that makes the routine simulate a real game of five card draw poker. His handling will deceive anyone who is not familiar with Stuart's poker deal. Gerald explains how to setup for the deal while performing. There's no need for deck switches or prearranged stacked decks. The routine uses an ordinary deck which can be borrowed. It is easy to perform with no complicated sleights.

Some readers may be new to card magic. So for completeness, Gerald explains many of the standard sleights used in his routines. Or he recommends sources to find accurate descriptions of the methods. He has original ways of handling some of the standard sleights.

A few of Gerald's favorite tricks have been published in previous works. But the tricks in this PDF are his favorites too. Many have been in Gerald's professional repertoire for forty years or more. He hopes that you will perform some of these tricks, especially when the conditions are not perfect and the "chips are down".


  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • Part One: In-the-Hands Card Magic
    • Card in the Hat
    • A Hand for Harry
    • Knockout Two
    • Card to Pocket to Wallet
    • Numero Dos
    • Pickpocket
  • Part Two: Tabletop Card Magic
    • Quadruple Coincidence
    • The Card Under
    • Vibes
    • Elevator Aces
    • Jabberwockey Aces
    • Robson Poker Deal
  • Closing Thoughts
  • Bibliography
  • About the Author

1st edition 2024, PDF 69 pages.
word count: 17503 which is equivalent to 70 standard pages of text