"I wish this had been available 70 years ago. It would have saved me a lot of unnecessary side trips on my journey to performing the cups and balls. Everyone who performs the cups and balls or intends to perform the cups and balls needs to read and understand the material in this book ... the lessons learned in performing the "world's oldest deception" will transfer to everything else the performer does. The book reflects the knowledge gained from decades of performing in front of live audiences. Excellent work! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with the rest of us." - Bill Palmer
"... your ideas of how to use "frames" to enhance the various elements of the routine are brilliant! I immediately applied the concept to a couple, non-cup and ball, routines and improved them ... your cups and balls routine itself is superior! ... Every nuance is provided and explained. The big plus to your routine is that it is entertaining! Reading this book will enhance the performance of any magician's performance." - Harry Murphy
"This is one of the most intelligent, interesting and thought-provoking magic books I've read in a long time ... I highly recommend anyone who is considering performing the cups & ball to read Gerald's book 'Wisdom of the Cups and Balls.'" - Mike Rose
"Gerald offers solutions to common performance problems. Specifically, timing and avoiding confusion stood out to me. His "frames of attention" lends ideas to all aspects of your magic, not just the cups and balls. The idea of using a metronome to pace your movements is brilliant! Gerald shares his own routine which is solid, mystifying and most importantly, entertaining!" - Joe Mansfield
"I think your work should be required reading, as I really believe you've continued thinking beyond the Vernon routine ... And truly, it IS the most sound advice regarding the C&B I've read in one volume." - Christopher D Koopman
Gerald explores many of the well-accepted procedures which he believes need rethinking. Even ancient practices and centuries-old practices may be flawed and need analytical thought. By following axioms and traditions of the craft, Gerald offers alternative approaches to questionable standard practices. He also addresses common performance problems and offers practical solutions.
Wisdom of the Cups and Balls explains the sometimes hidden wisdom inherent in this classic trick. Using this knowledge, Gerald suggests ways to make a performance creative, mystifying, and entertaining. He gives detailed descriptions of his Cups & Balls and Balls & Basket routines. These routines offer examples of the principles explored in the writing.
- Acknowledgements
- Forward
- Introduction
- Chapter One: Wisdom of the Past
- Chapter Two: Departures from the Mainstream
- Chapter Three: Essentials: Common Problem Solutions
- Chapter Four: Frames of Attention
- Chapter Five: Gerald's Cups and Balls Routine
- Chapter Six: Balls in the Basket
- Chapter Seven: Closing Thoughts
- Bibliography
- About the Author
1st edition 2019, 1st digital edition 2024, PDF 91 pages.
word count: 27537 which is equivalent to 110 standard pages of text