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New Applause Winning Tricks
by Samuel Berland & T. A. Whitney


(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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New Applause Winning Tricks by Samuel Berland & T. A. Whitney

Here are more beautifully routined professional effects to add to your act, from the minds of Berland and Whitney. The experts agree that the effects in this book are applause-getters. We concur, as well. Not just one or two, but seven separate routines that you'll want to put to use right away. The crystal-clear illustrations by Herb Borin and Mickey O'Malley make it easy to follow every move.

Just look at what's included:

Super Card Impalement - A card stab effect using two knives that reveal the selected cards from a pair of spectators.

Triple Magical Surprise - Three lit cigarettes are placed in the center of a handkerchief, where they turn into beautiful silks. From the bundle of silks, a glass of wine is produced.

Signature Card Restoration - A selected card is signed, then cut into four quarters. Upon a command from the performer, the card is restored and the card handed to the spectator, who verifies it is his card and signature.

BONUS #1: Snake Oil Variation - T. A. Whitney's medicine pitch presentation for the above.

Terrific Silk Production - A magazine is shown front and back, rolled into a cylinder, then a terrific quantity of silks are removed from it. T. A. Whitney suggests an amusing variation for adult performances.

Wrist Watch Amazement - Berland sold this as a stand-alone effect, and now reveals the method and routine here. After an egg bag routine, a spectator's watch is borrowed and placed in the bag. The performer vanishes the watch, but apparently fails to bring it back. He offers to exchange the lost watch for the one on his wrist. The spectator looks at this watch and - you guessed it - it's the watch he originally loaned the performer.

BONUS #2: Okito's Ring and Ribbon - A beautiful routine where a solid ring is removed from a length of ribbon, even though the ends of the ribbon are held.

While all the routines are superb, we especially like T. A. Whitney's medicine pitch presentation for Berland's Signature Card Restoration effect. We've even included a camera-ready master label to make your own bottle of "Doc Whitney's genuine imitation Snake Oil Liniment." Especially nice, too, is the Okito Ring and Ribbon effect, which was added as a bonus to this edition.

But don't take our word for it. Read what these well-informed magic experts have to say about the book:

"The 'Wristwatch Surprise' is well worth the price, yet you get several other, equally excellent, ideas, in addition. If you are after good, practical magic, get this." - Sid Lorraine

"If you saw him work on his West coast trip, you'll want this. My favorites are the production from a magazine or paper folder and the silk routine, which is pretty magic to watch." - Lloyd E. Jones

1st edition 1956, PDF 30 pages.
word count: 8544 which is equivalent to 34 standard pages of text
