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The Berland Book of Routines
by Samuel Berland


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★

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The Berland Book of Routines by Samuel Berland

Take your magic to the next level by incorporating one or more of Berland's beautifully choreographed routines into your act. This is magic that makes audiences, booking agents, and club owners sit up and take notice.

Not just one or two, but eight separate routines, using items already owned by most magicians. The performances are well-thought out, clearly described, and with 147 illustrations, easy for most any performer to understand and put to use. Just look at what's included:

  • A Word to My Friends in Magic
  • Routine Impromptu
  • Astrological Forecast
  • Liquor Finish for Cups and Balls
  • Bill Tube Presentation
  • Chinese Rice Bowls Supreme
  • Silks and Soup Plate
  • Novelty Corn Cob Pipe Production
  • Golf Ball Routine
  • Apparatus Used
  • About the Author
While all the routines are superb, we especially like the "Astrological Forecast" card routine, and the "Novelty Corn Cob Pipe Routine". Both of these acts rely on regular, off-the-shelf items and the gimmicks can be made up by even the most inexpert home craftsman. (We'll go so far as to say, if you can't understand how to bend a pipe cleaner or open and close a safety pin, then you have no business being in the magic profession.)

Here's what a noted magic expert has to say about the book:

"Berland has written eight very detailed and understandable routines which are all good. Each is of a different type and one or more will fit in any magician's program. There are effects with a corn cob pipe, paper money, golf balls, silks, etc. Because of the completeness of detail given with each routine, this book is of exceptional value." - John Mulholland, SPHINX magazine

1st edition 1950; PDF 54 pages.
word count: 12679 which is equivalent to 50 standard pages of text
