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Sensational Effects
by Robert A. Nelson


(1 review, 4 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Sensational Effects by Robert A. Nelson

The most sensational release of the mentalist's closest guarded secrets. A choice collection of ultra-sensational effects that will not only puzzle the layman, but will baffle the mindreading profession as well.

Nelson has released a number of these closely guarded effects under one cover. Countless numbers of professional crystal gazers have been completely mystified by the effect known as "Answering questions that have not been written down," and on witnessing this effect, asked Nelson for the solution. Just one of many effects described in this work.

The contents of Sensational Effects consists of a complete explanation and routine of how to accomplish the following effects, all of which are unbelievable, and yet easily accomplished.

  • Answering questions that have not been written down, but merely thought of, with no plants or confederates.
  • Answering questions that have been written, but not collected. No plant or confederate.
  • Answering questions that have been written, collected by another member of the audience, deposited in a fair glass bowl that never leaves the audience's sight, and spectators removing their questions as they are answered. No plant or confederates.
  • Answering questions held by the writer, this question having never left their possession. No plant or confederates.
  • Locating and answering questions merely thought of by spectators in the audience. No plant or confederates.
  • Giving the birth date, address, phone number, etc., of spectators who retain their question and never allow it to pass out of their possession. No plant or confederates.
  • Telling the birth date of spectators while they concentrate on same. No plants or confederates.
  • Dozens of other equally good effects explained in detail, and with which you can build a gigantic reputation as a mentalist.
Also includes detailed and extremely valuable information on the use of plants, strong and sensational questions, gags and wrinkles. Nelson also explains in detail one of the best stage crystal gazing routines ever devised, which does not employ apparatus, and is absolutely indetectable. This feature alone is worth many times the price of this ebook.
Joe Kemp writes: "I consider your 'Sensational Effects' to be the greatest work in the written message field."
Are you a Nelson collector? This was Item Number 72 in the Nelson Enterprises catalog. Now you can fill that missing spot in your collection.

1st edition 1928, PDF 63 pages.
word count: 18088 which is equivalent to 72 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Brett McCarron
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 26 November, 2018

Partial review by John Braun

Sensational Effects (Nelson)

"Bob Nelson knows how to impress the spectators with the fact that mental telepathy is a fact, and he explains exactly how to do it. In these effects he shows you how to MAKE PEOPLE BELIEVE exactly what you wish them to believe, and the impact of the tests and experiments is terrific.

"Invaluable to all who do, or aspire to do, this type of work, for it is a digest of the knowledge gathered over a period of many years by a specialist in this field. Recommended."

See full review in the March 1958 "Linking Ring".
