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The Living Head Illusion
by Supreme-Magic-Company

#2 Magazines & Journals author

(1 review, 3 customer ratings) ★★★

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The Living Head Illusion by Supreme-Magic-Company

The magician displays a medium-sized fancy box, saying that it is the home of a young lady who has no body. The box is placed on a slender type of table. The door of the box is opened, disclosing a head that is very much alive. A dialogue is carried on between the magician and the head etc. There does not seem to be any possibility of concealing the body anywhere, as the audience has an unobstructed view under the table at all times.

Simple workshop plans and instructions.

1st edition 1958, PDF 3 pages.
word count: 704 which is equivalent to 2 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Fred Ledo (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Monday 01 May, 2023

Angles are definiely wrong!