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The Magic of Credentials
by Brian T. Lees

#1 Patter, Plots & Scripts author
#2 Theory, Articles & Reviews author
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The Magic of Credentials by Brian T. Lees

Professionals lead with their credentials, achievements and endorsements. All stand on their skills and talent. But when the decision balances between several magicians the one who gets hired is the one with the strongest credentials. These endorsements validate the magician's performance, and reinforce the strength of their skills profile.

No one wakes up in the morning with a strong file of endorsements. They must be earned, one at a time. And, they will not fall on your doorstep by themselves. This text helps you get started with your credentials file. It will give you a solid foundation from which to build on.

  • A Legend in his own mind
  • Where to begin
  • Interrupt this book for business tip
  • Endorsement formats
  • Asking for endorsements
  • Your credential/endorsement file
  • Sprinkles on proposals
  • Wrapping it up

1st edition 2017, 22 pages.
word count: 6960 which is equivalent to 27 standard pages of text