NO. 1: MARCH 1907 | 1 |
Kansas City, Mo., March 15, 1907 | 2 |
Handkerchief And Billiard Ball Illusion By Lewis R. Hilliar | 2 |
Biographical Chevalier Ernest Thorne | 3 |
Vanishing Glass By C. Merrelo Mahood | 3 |
Cane Levitation By James A. Hart | 3 |
Magician's Doings | 4 |
The Passing Show | 4 |
S.A.M. Notes Oscar S. Teale | 5 |
A Floating Ball Illusion By Robert Madison | 5 |
Extracts From My Own Program By David P. Abbott | 6 |
- "Extracts" (Continued) | 7 |
- "Extracts" (Continued | 8 |
- "Extracts" (Continued | |
NO. 2: APRIL 1907 | 13 |
Kansas City, Mo., April 15, 1907 | 14 |
In Memoriam Of Harry N. Stork By John N. Hilliard | 14 |
Flowers From Finger Tips By L.W. Blanchard, M.D. | 14 |
Biographical Charles Bertram | 15 |
L. Cohen's Magic Table | 15 |
The Great Thurston By Prof. Nathu Manchachand | 15 |
From An Old Book By Harry Hatton | 16 |
Zancig's Occult Review | 16 |
S.A.M. Notes Oscar S. Teale | 17 |
Literature | 17 |
Locks The Thumbs Together "Thumb Cuffs" | 18 |
Half Hours With Mediums - I By David P. Abbott | 18 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | 19 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | 20 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | 21 |
The Passing Show | 22 |
New Method Of Cigarette Paper Trick By B.G. Hall | 22 |
NO. 3: MAY 1907 | 25 |
Kansas City, Mo., May 15, 1907 | 26 |
The Moving Picture Cards By Lewis R. Hilliar | 26 |
Prof. Wyman's Inexhaustible Bottle By Prof. W.H. Pugh | 26 |
Biographical Theophrastus Paracelus | 27 |
From Howard Thurston | 27 |
-Bombay Magicians Picture | 27 |
Magician's Doings | 28 |
S.A.M. Notes Oscar S. Teale | 28 |
The Matchless Match Trick By Chas. S. Weller | 29 |
The Flying Cards By Ed. "Kardell | 29 |
New Way To Do The Soup Plates And Handkerchiefs By George A. Coleman | 29 |
Half Hours With Mediums - IV By David P. Abbott | 30 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | 31 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | 32 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | 33 |
Too Many Eggs (Joke) From Judge | 34 |
NO. 4: JUNE 1907 | 37 |
Kansas City, Mo., June 15, 1907 | 38 |
Biographical Karl Germaine | 39 |
Items From New Zealand | 39 |
The Flags Of All Nations By Ellsworth Lyman | 39 |
Magician's Doings | 40 |
English Notes By Henry Whiteley | 40 |
The Gambler's Ace Trick By Ed. "Kardell" | 41 |
Literature | 41 |
S.A.M. Notes Oscar S. Teale | 42 |
Half Hours with Mediums - VII By David P. Abbott | 43 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | 44 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | 45 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | 46 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | 47 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | |
NO. 5: JULY 1907 | 53 |
Kansas City, Mo., July 15, 1907 | 54 |
Marked Card Passed Into An Envelope By Ed. "Kardell" | 54 |
Biographical Henry Hatton | 55 |
A New One For Coin Manipulators By Robert Madison | 55 |
Magician's Doings | 56 |
English Notes By Henry Whiteley | 56 |
The Magic Little Bell By Max Cadet | 57 |
A Levitation For $150 By Theodore L. DeLand Jr. | 58 |
Half Hours With Mediums By David P. Abbott | 59 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | 60 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | 61 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | 62 |
NO. 6: AUGUST 1907 | 65 |
Kansas City, Mo., August 15, 1907 | 66 |
Box To Produce Ducks By C.A. Lorenz | 66 |
A Unique Second Sight By Henry Hatton | 67 |
A New Card Force By E.M. Morey | 67 |
Improved Coffee And Milk Trick By "Mayo" | 67 |
Magicians's Doings | 68 |
Cincinnati, O., Notes | 68 |
Cleveland Notes | 69 |
A Chat About Magic And Magicians By Charles Medrington | 69 |
Ring Or Wheel Coin Dropper Feke By L. Cohen | 69 |
S.A.M. Notes Oscar S. Teale | 70 |
Half Hours With Mediums By David P. Abbott | 71 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | 72 |
- "Half Hours" (Continued) | 73 |
Literature | 74 |
NO. 7: SEPTEMBER 1907 | 77 |
Kansas City, Mo., September 15, 1907 | 78 |
Biographical | 79 |
- Vernelo's Death | 79 |
- Alfred Silvester's Death | 79 |
The Magician Who Lost (Poem) | 79 |
Card Reading Extraordinary By S. Bradford Sherman | 79 |
Magician's Doings | 80 |
S.A.M. Notes Oscar S. Teale | 80 |
The "Hide And Seek" Card Trick By Prof. Magicus | 81 |
Literature | 81 |
Improved Handkerchief Tube By L.W. Blanchard | 82 |
Card Rising Trick By James A. Hart | 82 |
Anna Eva Fay And Her Familiar "Spirits" By Henry Hatton | 82 |
- "Anna" (Continued) | 83 |
- "Anna" (Continued) | 84 |
NO. 8: OCTOBER 1907 | 89 |
Kansas City, Mo., October 15, 1907 | 90 |
A New Finish For The Dyeing Handkerchief Trick By Surgeon Rell M. Woodward | 90 |
Biographical W.J. Hilliar | 91 |
Liquids And Spirits A Combination By Knaus | 91 |
Free-Hand, Tubeless Color Change By Russell, "The Magician" | 91 |
Magician's Doings | 92 |
Literature | 93 |
The Mystical Aces And Kings By George Fairclough | 93 |
The Escape Or How The Bet Was Won By Benedict | 94 |
A Few Suggestions And Improvements By Charles Trickey | 95 |
An Effective Coin Sleight By Leonzo | 95 |
The Plug Puzzle | 96 |
Notes from Berlin By Eugen Harkewitz | 96 |
NO. 9: NOVEMBER 1907 | 101 |
Kansas City, Mo., November 15, 1907 | 102 |
Biographical Keller & Thurston | 103 |
Gustavo Testa Picture | 103 |
A New Stunt On the Rising Ball Shaft By Russell | 103 |
Relics Of Signor Blitz Cask & Box Picture | 103 |
The Flying Hen | 103 |
Magician's Doings | 104 |
The Twelve Card Tricks Combined With Billiard-Ball Production By Surgeon Rell M. Woodward | 104 |
Chevalier Ernest Thorn Programme | 105 |
Spontaneous Combustion Of A Card By H.F. Suhr | 105 |
S.A.M. Notes Oscar S. Teale | 106 |
Hindoo Stocks And Pillory By K. M. Brandu | 106 |
An Original Goblet Vanish By Bushing G. Hull | 107 |
The Plug Puzzle Answer | 107 |
A Color Changing Trick By Ellsworth Lyman | 107 |
How to Make A Wand Float In The Air By George A. Coleman | 108 |
NO. 10: DECEMBER 1907 | 113 |
Kansas City, Mo., December 15, 1907 | 114 |
Biographical Marie Herrmann | 115 |
Magical Flight Of The Coins | 115 |
Okito & Family Pictures | 115 |
Magician's Doings | 116 |
Extracts From My Own Program By David P. Abbott | 117 |
- "Extracts" (Continued) | 118 |
Eugene Laurant Picture | 119 |
S.A.M. Notes Oscar S. Teale | 119 |
Patter For Prestidigitators | 120 |
Literature | 120 |
Magical Aphorisms | 120 |
NO. 11: JANUARY 1908 | 125 |
Kansas City, Mo., January 15, 1908 | 126 |
Egyptian Magicians Picture | 126 |
An Ode to The Sphinx (Poem) By Will Edwards | 127 |
Extracts From My Own Program By David P. Abbott | 127 |
Magician's Doings | 128 |
Australian Notes By C. Howard Irving | 128 |
S.A.M. Notes Oscar S. Teale | 129 |
Combination Of Pocket To Pocket Handkerchief And Egg Or Billiard Ball Production By C.J. Stilwell | 129 |
The Sphinx Flag Trick By Charles Medrington | 130 |
Maro's Country Home | 130 |
Alternation By Chas. G. Shepherd | 130 |
An Old Coin Trick Improved By L.G. Farber | 131 |
Literature | 131 |
Patter For Prestidigitators | 132 |
The Balanced Billiard Ball | 132 |
NO. 12: FEBRUARY 1908 | 137 |
Kansas City, Mo., February 15, 1908 | 138 |
One Handed Color Change By Reg H. Bennett | 138 |
Geo. W. Stock Front Page Picture | 139 |
Two Valuable Books | 139 |
Magician's Doings | 140 |
Addenda To "Behind The Scenes With The Mediums By Davis P. Abbott | 140 |
- "Addenda" (Continued) | 141 |
S.A.M. Notes Oscar S. Teale | 142 |
An Annual On Magic | 142 |
The Magnetized Cigar By L.G. Farber | 142 |
Aga Aga'ast By Will Edwards | 143 |
Cabinet For Handcuff Act Russell | 143 |
Change Cards By Snap Of Fingers By W.H. Dilger | 144 |
Lecture On Thoughts By Maxime Cadet | 144 |
Extracts from My Own Program By David p. Abbott | 145 |
Magical Aphorisms by Geo H. Stripp | 146 |
They All Knew Her | 147 |