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Trade Show Work
by Brian T. Lees

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Trade Show Work by Brian T. Lees

Trade and themed shows take place all year long. If you have been to these types of shows you know people usually just stroll the aisle and only walk in when they want to pick up something free (candy), have an interest in the service/product or have questions. Vendors are turning to entertainment to help bring people into their display area.

The magician's job is to catch people's attention and draw them in. As you work with people, staff members will join the conversation. At one point, you pass them to the staff member. Then you move on and work at bringing more people into the vendor's display area.

This is considered big business. Magicians who work well with sales teams are valuable. This ebook is a basic primer to get you started with trade shows. It takes time and effort to break into this market. But when you do the opportunities are endless.

  • Trade Show Business
  • Business Perspective
  • Magician's Role
  • Working Environment
  • Market yourself
  • Acquire endorsements
  • Build a portfolio
  • Your trade show file
  • Wrapping it up

1st edition 2017, 23 pages.
word count: 8648 which is equivalent to 34 standard pages of text